首发 | 马来西亚 · 绿色港湾秀c套房「Design首发89期」


0932 Design Consultants目前总部设在新加坡,是一家屡获殊荣的设计咨询公司,正式成立于二十一年。在0932,设计方法和流程已应用于私人住宅,零售店,水疗中心,度假村,酒店,服务式公寓,展示套房和公寓……


0932.在二十一年的某个09:32,当一个信仰的飞跃 – 一个由两个朋友之间分享的星云蒸气推动的; 基本上,想象一下制作舒适的空间,既美观又实用。“一个用双手工作的男人是一个实验室……

0932. At a certain 09:32 in twenty-one, when a leap of faith – a nebula vapor shared by two friends; basically, imagine making a comfortable space that is both beautiful and practical. “A man working with both hands is a laboratory…



首发 | 马来西亚 · 绿色港湾秀c套房「Design首发89期」


Design to target multi-generation families, the language of the interior emerges in a simple and modest way to keep the space spacious and breathable. Slim linear lines with black framing portals were introduce to elongate the originally high vertical volume. Timber wall planes are proportioned in clean and simple forms choreographed to serve as a backdrop for over-sized art-pieces and curated Asian ornaments. –

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首发 | 马来西亚 · 绿色港湾秀c套房「Design首发89期」



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