Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉


On 31 March, the 2022 Black Pearl Restaurant Guide was released on the Meituan and Dianping apps. Now entering its fifth year, the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide is a specialist dining guide created by Meituan-Dianping in 2018. The restaurants in the guide are selected by a group of professional directors and anonymous critics with a focus on highlighting restaurants that represent three key characteristics: “inheritance,” “diversity,” and “confidence.”

Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉


“Black Pearl Restaurant Guide” has been released for the fifth year. It also witnessed the intersection of eastern and Western food civilizations. This year, a total of 283 diamond class restaurants stood out among the 736 shortlisted restaurants in the world, The restaurants are spread across 22 cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macao, Hong Kong, Taipei, Chengdu and Chongqing, as well as four overseas cities such as New York, Bangkok, Singapore and Paris (Tokyo suspended the release this year due to the epidemic).



Opera BOMBANA is delighted to have been selected as a One diamond restaurant.

Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉

今年的Opera BOMBANA喜报连连,在2022黑珍珠餐厅指南中,荣获一钻奖项,这是Opera BOMBANA第五次获得黑珍珠餐厅荣誉。

2022 has been a very good year for Opera BOMBANA. The restaurant awarded one Diamond in the 2022 Black Pearl Restaurant Guide. This is the fifth year that Opera BOMBANA has featured in the guide.

Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉

Opera BOMBANA 行政总厨 · Executive Chef

Andrea Susto

九年前,北京第一家拥有名厨血统的顶级意大利餐厅Opera BOMBANA在侨福芳草地购物中心悄然启幕。作为美食家体验经典意大利菜肴的朝圣之地,在Chef Andrea的带领下,餐厅高标准的品质饕餮, 呈现出餐盘之中的意式风情。

Opera BOMBANA opened in Parkview Green nine years ago, becoming the first Italian restaurant to open in Beijing with a renowned chef attached. Under the leadership of young chef Andrea Susto, Opera BOMBANA has become a popular destination for diners looking for top-quality Italian cuisine.

Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉

未来,Opera BOMBANA团队将持续用美好的事物为京城食客带来丰富的飨宴,为您带来最好的餐饮体验。

In the future, the Opera BOMBANA team will continue to work hard to offer diners in Beijing outstanding food and service.

Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉

Opera BOMBANA连续五年获得黑珍珠餐厅指南荣誉


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