赞成还是反对?中国广场舞引发外国网友争论!| 老外看中国




赞成还是反对?中国广场舞引发外国网友争论!| 老外看中国

Then there’s the noise. It’s not as bad as it once was as the chengguan have warned them enough times, so the loudest groups go to the park which isn’t too close to apartment blocks. But there is one group that dances on the pavement nearby their music can be heard until quite late. It’s the same bloody songs as well, so it’s not only loud but tedious. And shit. Yeah, shit. The music they dance too sucks serious fucking balls.



●My father is Chinese and my mother is English


I like to watch them when ever I return to China. But I have to say that the best public space excerises I have seen are in Water Park in Tianjin. You can see many many different types of activities: dancing, ice skating, Taiji, hockey, ball games, calligraphy, gymnastics, swimming, singing, walking….every activity is in the open air. People talk to each other and help each other. they come from different backgrounds, some are rich and some are not so rich. But there is no discrimination in this kinds of sports. If you are up to it, people will admire you. I was very moved by this every time I see them.


When I saw older people at similar age in Britain sitting by a beach staring emptily into the sea in Eastbourne, I feel sad for them even if they might live another 10 years like this. When I saw older people in the parks in London trying so hard to chat up with anybody, I felt sad for them.


4、Michael C. Hilliard

●Made in America, currently living and working in China


In my experience, there are usually two, sometimes three, kinds of dancing that go on in public squares in China:


One is what I like to call Chinese Zumba: it’s ‘aunties’ (usually women aged about 30–50, I would guess, but occasionally there will be a guy or some kids, too). They set up a loudspeaker and hook it up to somebody’s iPhone, then it’s basically a public dance/exercise class to pop songs—like I said, Chinese Zumba. This takes places anywhere where the sidewalk is big enough for all the people who show up.


赞成还是反对?中国广场舞引发外国网友争论!| 老外看中国

Taking exercise is Another advantage ,running or something is too much for them,dancing is suitable for them.


My mother-in-lawdancing in the public park .But somebody dancing in the residential area,i am the sufferer from the square dancing.the speaker is opened everynight loudly.


6、Jimmy Ricardo Keesee

●worked at China


I think its an amazing thing to see happen nightly. It promotes wellness, socializing and also keeps the older generation in touch with the young.As a speculator… how can you think any thing but good things about hearing music and laughter on all the corners, parks and commercial centers at dusk every night?


7、Magnus W. Magnusson

●Living in China for 20 years and counting


Personally I think it is very nice. It seems to be a relaxing and social way to spend an evening, while it is certainly a good exercise. I often stop when I see this and watch the dancers. Often women together for lack of a male partner, some people even doing the steps alone.


Every country and culture has its own small special things. It is something neither to frown upon nor to be ashamed of.The only irritation I sometimes feel is at the loudness of the music. Does it really be so loud, especially as the sound system is usually pretty low quality and if you overly amplify the music it just becomes distorted and tinny. That is something I do not understand – for me dancing is something romantic, not associated with screeching music.



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