
International Trade: A Case study国际贸易:个案研究


Chapter 1 Running a Household 第一章料理家务

Chapter 2 Australia and Japan 第二章澳大利亚和日本

Chapter 3 Exporting and Importing 第三章导出和导入

Chapter 4 Minerals 第四章矿物质

Chapter 5 Agricultural Products 第五章农产品

Chapter 6 Motor Vehicles 第六章机动车辆

Chapter 1 Running a Household第一章料理家务

For a household to run well, it needs to earn more money than it spends. Otherwise, it will run out of money. 一个家庭要想运转良好,就需要挣的钱比花的钱多。否则,它会花光所有的钱。

Countries are the same. Countries sell goods to other countries to earn money. 国家是一样的。国家把商品卖给其他国家来赚钱。

No country can produce everything that its people need and want, so each country spends money buying goods from other Countries. 没有一个国家能生产出它的人民需要和想要的一切,所以每个国家花钱从其他国家购买商品。

Japan and Australia are two countries that buy what they need from each other. 日本和澳大利亚是两个互相购买必需品的国家。

Chapter 2 Australia and Japan第二章澳大利亚和日本

Australia and Japan are very different countries. Australia is very large, while Japan is quite small. Few people live in Australia, while a lot of people live in Japan. 澳大利亚和日本是非常不同的国家。澳大利亚很大,而日本很小。澳大利亚的人很少,而日本的人很多。

Australia is isolated from other countries, while Japan located close to many other countries. 澳大利亚与其他国家隔绝,而日本与许多其他国家近在咫尺。

All of these differences make Australia and Japan suitable trading partners. 所有这些差异使澳大利亚和日本成为合适的贸易伙伴。

Fact File: Japan事实档案:日本

Capital city: Tokyo首都:东京

Population: 127400000人口:127400000

Land area: 374744 square kilometres土地面积:374744平方公里

Highest point: Mount Fuji at 3776 metres最高点:海拔3776米的富士山

Value of exports in 2005: US$550 billion2005年出口总值:5500亿美元

Value of imports in 2005: US$450 billion 2005年进口总值:4500亿美元

Fact File: Australia事实档案:澳大利亚

Capital city: Canberra 首都:堪培拉

Population: 20100000人口:20100000

Land area: 7617930 square kilometres土地面积:7617930平方公里

Highest point: Mount Kosciuszko, at 2229 metres最高点:Kosciuszko山,2229米

Value of exports in 2005: US$103 billion 2005年出口总值:1030亿美元

Value of imports in 2005: US$119 billion2005年进口总值:1190亿美元

Chapter 3 Exporting and Importing第三章出口和进口

Selling goods to another country is called exporting. Australia and Japan export goods to each other, and to many other countries as well. 把货物卖到另一个国家叫做出口。澳大利亚和日本互相出口货物,也向许多其他国家出口货物。

In order, Japan’s five main export destinations are: 依次来看,日本的五个主要出口目的地是:

• the United States of America; •美利坚合众国;

• China; •中国;

• the Republic of Korea; •韩国;

• Thailand; •泰国;

• Singapore. •新加坡。

In order, Australia’s five main export destinations are: 依次来看,澳大利亚的五个主要出口目的地是:

• Japan; •日本;

• China; •中国;

• the Republic of Korea; •韩国;

• the United States of America; •美利坚合众国;

• New Zealand. •新西兰。

Buying goods from another country is called importing. , Australia and Japan import goods from each other and from many other countries as well. 从另一个国家购买商品叫做进口。例如,澳大利亚和日本彼此进口商品,同时也从许多其他国家进口商品。

In order, Japan’s five main import sources are: 依次来看,日本的五个主要进口来源是:

• China; •中国;

• the United States of America; •美利坚合众国;

• the Republic of Korea; •韩国;

• Australia; •澳大利亚;

• Indonesia. •印度尼西亚。

In order, Australia’s five main import sources are: 依次来看,澳大利亚的五个主要进口来源是:

• the United States of America; •美利坚合众国;

• China; •中国;

• Japan; •日本;

• Germany; •德国;

• Singapore. •新加坡。

Every year, Japan buys about AU$25 billion ,worth of goods from Australia. 日本每年从澳大利亚购买价值250亿澳元的商品。

Every year, Australia buys about AU$17 billion worth of goods from Japan. 澳大利亚每年从日本购买价值170亿澳元的商品。

Chapter 4 Minerals第四章矿物质

Australia has a lot of minerals under the ground, and they are quite easy to mine. Japan does not have a mining industry of its own. Japan’s hills and mountains make it too hard to mine the minerals that may be underground. 澳大利亚地下有很多矿产,很容易开采。日本没有自己的采矿业。日本的丘陵和山脉使得开采可能在地下的矿产变得非常困难。

So Australia sells minerals to Japan. 所以澳大利亚向日本出售矿产。

The main minerals and metals Australia sells to Japan are coal, iron ore and aluminium. 澳大利亚卖给日本的主要矿物和金属是煤、铁矿石和铝。

Australia sells more coal to Japan than any other mineral. In fact, coal is Australia’s major export to Japan. In 2004-2005, Australia sold more than AU$7 billion worth of coal to Japan. 澳大利亚卖给日本的煤比其他任何矿产都多。事实上,煤炭是澳大利亚对日本的主要出口。2004-2005年,澳大利亚向日本出售了价值70多亿澳元的煤炭。

Japan uses Australian coal to produce electricity that lights and heats Japanese homes and powers Japanese factories. 日本使用澳大利亚的煤炭发电,为日本家庭和工厂提供照明和供暖。

Chapter 5 Agricultural Products第五章农产品

Australia has a very large agricultural industry. This is because Australia’s land and climate are suitable for producing particular crops and breeding particular animals. Australia produces more than enough agricultural products to feed its population because Australia has a small population. 澳大利亚的农业规模很大。这是因为澳大利亚的土地和气候适合生产特定的作物和饲养特定的动物。因为澳大利亚人口少,所以澳大利亚生产的农产品足以养活它的人口。

Japan has a small agricultural industry. This is because there is not much land suitable for producing crops and breeding animals. But Japan has a large population to feed, so Australia sells agricultural products to Japan. The main agricultural product that Australia sells to Japan is beef. In 2004-2005, Australia sold more than AU$2.6 billion worth of beef to Japan. 日本的农业规模不大。这是因为没有多少土地适合种植庄稼和饲养动物。但是日本有大量的人口需要养活,所以澳大利亚把农产品卖给日本。澳大利亚卖给日本的主要农产品是牛肉。2004-2005年,澳大利亚向日本出售了价值26亿澳元的牛肉。

Chapter 6 Motor Vehicles第六章机动车辆

Australia has a small motor vehicle industry. It is not large enough to supply motor vehicles to all the Australian people and businesses who want one. Japan has a very large motor vehicle industry. It has developed technology and introduced ways of working that enable Japan to produce reliable motor vehicles reasonably cheaply. 澳大利亚有小型的汽车工业。它还不够大,不能为所有需要汽车的澳大利亚人和企业提供汽车。日本有很大的汽车工业。它开发了技术,引进了工作方式,使日本能够以相当低的成本生产可靠的汽车。

Australian companies are unable to produce the same type of motor vehicles as cheaply as the Japanese companies can. So Australia imports motor vehicles from Japan. 澳大利亚公司无法像日本公司那样以低廉的价格生产同类型的汽车。所以澳大利亚从日本进口汽车。

In 2004-2005. Australia bought more than AU$8 billion worth of motor vehicles from Japan. 在2004 – 2005年。澳大利亚从日本购买了价值超过80亿澳元的汽车。

Australia also bought more than AU$1 billion worth of motor vehicle parts from Japan. These parts included motors and rubber tyres. 澳大利亚还从日本购买了价值超过10亿澳元的汽车零部件。这些部件包括发动机和橡胶轮胎。

Australian coal is used to power Japanese motor vehicle factories. Australian iron is used in the bodies and parts of the motor vehicles that Japan manufactures. Australian rubber is used in the tyres Japan manufactures. 澳大利亚的煤被用来为日本的机动车工厂提供动力。澳大利亚的铁用于日本制造的汽车的车身和部件。澳大利亚的橡胶被用于日本制造的轮胎。

Japan could not make motor vehicles without the help of Australia. Australians couldn’t afford to buy motor vehicles if they didn’t make money from the goods they sold to Japan and other countries. 没有澳大利亚的帮助,日本无法生产汽车。如果澳大利亚人不能从他们卖给日本和其他国家的商品中赚钱,他们就买不起汽车。


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