首发 | 新加坡公寓与莫斯科的五口之家 「Design首发50期」

设计:darren neo,sergeeva Anna viz:sergeeva Anna


首发 | 新加坡公寓与莫斯科的五口之家 「Design首发50期」首发 | 新加坡公寓与莫斯科的五口之家 「Design首发50期」


Perhaps many people feel the warmth and consideration of feminization through color selection and cloth decoration.

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Famous flowers pour the country and enjoy each other. Kings often laugh at them.


Under the heart satisfied, couldn’t help laughing Yan flower, Ming Yan cannot square things

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How can warm yellow hay compare with your hair? How can green ripples compare with your eyes? Sometimes, when I stare at the photo of you at the bedside, I feel that the whole world is forever immersed in the beautiful spring scenery. Space improves the quality of life.

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Philip Grad Moscow University

五口之家 ·124平方米


A family of five of 124 square meters, customers hope to have a modern, fashionable and comfortable internal environment.

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The main area of the kitchen can be a glass cube, which divides the monotonous room into three areas and does not produce odor.


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Taji has an unusual room designed for two boys. It can learn and play at the same time without interference from friends.


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首发 | 新加坡公寓与莫斯科的五口之家 「Design首发50期」



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