1日,《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)等美媒援引知情人士称,目前该起名校招生舞弊案中最大的一笔“贿款”来自一位名为“Yusi Zhao”(英文名为Molly)的中国学生家庭。其父母通过摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)公司财务顾问Michael Wu引荐,结识了本案核心人物、即升学顾问William Rick Singer,并向其支付了共计650万美元(约合人民币4300万元)的费用,使Yusi Zhao于2017年春季成功被斯坦福大学录取。
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,为确保Yusi Zhao能够进入斯坦福大学就读,Singer为其伪造了帆船特长生资质,尽管Yusi并无相关运动经历。
The family of a Chinese student named Yusi Zhao, also known by her English name Molly, was alleged to have paid 6.5 million U.S. dollars to William Rick Singer, the mastermind of the high-profile U.S. college admission scandal, to secure her a spot at the prestigious Stanford University with a fabricated sailing profile, the Los Angeles Times reported on Wednesday.
同日,斯坦福大学校报《斯坦福日报》(The Stanford Daily)发文称,学校在发现Yusi的入学申请中包含伪造帆船运动员资质后已对其做出开除处理。Yusi也已在3月底搬离学校宿舍。同时,《斯坦福日报》还在报道中披露了Yusi父亲身份——山东步长制药集团董事长及联合创始人赵涛。
Yusi was allegedly expelled from the university and moved out of her campus residence in March after the school discovered her application contained “falsified sailing credentials,” according to the Stanford Daily, which also revealed identity of the Chinese sophomore’s father as Zhao Tao, chairman and co-founder of the Heze-based Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals.
声明还表示,Yusi本身学习成绩优异,课外活动经历突出(has a track record of good academic performance and extra-curricular achievements),通过正常申请渠道也已获得美国几所大学的录取(据某直播平台介绍,Yusi曾在美国高考ACT和托福考试中,分别取得33分[满分36]和111分[满分120]的成绩)。
Yusi’s mother on Thursday released a statement through her attorney, claiming that the family was duped into believing that the money was a donation to help the university with the salaries of its academic staff and fund athletics programs as well as needy students.
“Mrs. Zhao has come to realize that she had been misled” by taking advantage of her generosity, read the statement.
Yusi’s father and the chairman of the Shanghai-listed Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals, Zhao Tao, said through a statement issued on the company’s official website on Friday that his daughter’s studies in the U.S. has nothing to do with the company’s business and will cast no impact on its operations.
除Yusi Zhao外,另一位名为Sherry Guo的中国学生也被曝疑似以舞弊手段获取耶鲁大学入学资格。
据《斯坦福日报》报道,Sherry Guo家庭疑通过向Singer支付巨额资金,使Sherry于2018年以足球特长生身份被耶鲁大学录取。资金数额总计120万美元(约合人民币800万元),仅次于Yusi Zhao家庭支付的650万美元。Sherry已于今年三月被耶鲁大学开除。
对此,Guo家早前回应与Zhao家如出一辙。Guo家律师曾对《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)表示,Sherry的父母以为120万美元是“合法捐赠”(legal donation),该家庭完全是由于不了解美国大学申请流程而被中间人“坑了”。
目前,美国检方尚未对Yusi Zhao及Sherry Guo家庭提起诉讼。两户中国家庭对Singer的舞弊操作是否知情仍有待调查。
This is not the only Chinese family reported to have paid Singer to secure a spot in a top-notch college. The family of Sherry Guo, who was admitted to the Yale University in 2018 as a purported soccer recruit, had also allegedly paid the scam ringleader around 1.2 million U.S. dollars, the second-largest known payment to secure the enrollment, according to the Stanford Daily.
The payment, however, was believed to be a “legal donation,” the New York Times reported citing Guo’s attorney, who also suggested Singer “was preying on the Chinese community” by exploiting the parents’ lack of knowledge of the U.S. university admission process. Sherry was expelled from the Yale University in March.
Both families have not been charged so far, and it is not yet clear whether they were aware of Singer’s conspiracy.
据美国检方介绍,本案主谋为William Rick Singer。2011年至2019年间,Singer利用其成立的非盈利组织Key Worldwide Foundation(KWF)掩人耳目,共收受学生家长总计超过2500万美元(约合人民币1.6亿元),并分别通过找“枪手”代考、伪造ACT或SAT成绩、贿赂高校体育教练以取得体育特长生资质等形式帮助客户子女顺利进入美国知名高校。
据悉,Singer对于诈骗等四项罪名供认不讳。包括斯坦福大学前帆船队教练John Vandemoer在内,曾与Singer合作帮助其客户子女伪造体育特长生身份的部分涉案学校教职员工也已同意认罪,并被学校解除职务。截至当地时间4月8日,包括好莱坞知名女演员Felicity Huffman在内的13名家长同意认罪。5月1日,来自加州的房地产开发商Bruce Isackson夫妇正式向法庭认罪,承认通过行贿和考试作弊等违法手段,帮助他们的子女进入南加大等名校。二人也成为此次美国高校招生舞弊案中第一对认罪的学生家长。
Singer, 58, has pleaded guilty to committing an array of crimes including racketeering and orchestrating a bribery and facing up to 65 years in jail.
Bruce Isackson, former president of a California-based real estate firm, and his wife have become the first parents to plead guilty to the admission scandal, admitting to getting their children into the most selective universities including the University of South California by falsely labeling them as athletes. They are among the 13 parents who had agreed to plead guilty last month.