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As of December 2026, Singapore’s average market value of $6.3 billion was between $1.9 billion and $1.9 billion. At the same time, the average total return of stocks of the same size in the Asia Pacific region is 8%, with a median total return of 3%. More than 3500 stocks with a market value of S $1 billion to S $5 billion in the Asia Pacific region mainly cover industries, materials and resources, technology and cyclical consumer goods.

As of March 19, 2021, Singapore’s medium cap stocks with the strongest performance were Kangsheng medical, Yifeng group, Shidong rubber, Straits Trading Co., Ltd., Jinguang agricultural resources, Yangzijiang shipbuilding, Hubao enterprise, Hutchison Port Trust, Jinguang land and Haoli. These 10 stocks recorded net institutional inflows in the past 11 weeks, totalling S $280 million.

More than half of the 63 stocks with a market value of S $1 billion to S $5 billion in Singapore come from the real estate sector, and the other five sectors contain at least five stocks. As of March 19, 2021, the healthcare sector led the sector with at least five stocks in terms of the median total return. The median total return of the 63 Singapore mid cap stocks is as follows (by Sector).

Only one mid cap stock, Strait Trading Co., Ltd., comes from the materials and resources sector. In the company’s consolidated report on March 5, Straits Trading Limited stressed that it had achieved a strong and continuous recovery in the second half of fy2020 (as at December 31), with an EBITDA of S $106.2 million, almost four times that of S $27.7 million in the first half of fy2020. Technology (hardware / software) companies include well-known stocks such as Nafeng technology, Yifeng group and Yongke.

In the healthcare sector, Kangsheng medical, Hubao enterprise, Livingston, Raffles Medical and Tianjin ZHONGXIN PHARMACEUTICAL recorded a median total return of 12%, with a total institutional inflow of S $94 million. The total net institutional inflow recorded by the healthcare sector was second only to the seven industrial stocks with a net institutional inflow of S $124 million, which was mainly boosted by the net institutional inflow of S $153 million from Yangzijiang shipbuilding and S $48 million from Shengke maritime. Overall, the total net institutional outflow of these 63 mid cap stocks was s $20 million, while the net institutional outflow of 20 trusts in the REIT sector was s $111 million.

In addition to mid cap stocks, as of March 19, 2021, the performance of the Straits Times index was also higher than that of its peers in the region. The Straits Times Index (STI) is the strongest benchmark among the major indexes in the Asia Pacific region, mainly due to the ideal performance of heavyweight banking stocks. With the rise of long-term interest rates in the United States, the value of global banking stocks has been reshaped and banking stocks have strengthened.



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