小坡岛留学 校长通知:NUS 2020届毕业典礼将继续延期






小坡岛留学 校长通知:NUS 2020届毕业典礼将继续延期











小坡岛留学 校长通知:NUS 2020届毕业典礼将继续延期

2.自行领取:在Registrar’s Office注册办公室领取(需预约)。你可以亲自或委派代理人到注册办公室领取你的学位证和成绩单。



登录名为新加坡国立大学电子邮件地址([email protected])。

如果无法登陆该网站或者有关于预约的任何问题,可以发邮件垂询:[email protected]


如果想与家人和朋友一起购买或租借学位服拍照,可以通过Academic Dress Online Ordering System网站在线订购系统进行。



注意:如果忘记了登录订购系统所需的典礼代码,可以从myEduRec的毕业典礼注册页面获取。从现在到2021年1月10日,国大学生都可以在该网站订购或租赁毕业礼服。对于订购或租赁学位服有任何疑问,可以发邮件垂询[email protected]。


27 November 2020

To: All Class of 2020 and Special Term AY2019/2020 Graduates

We hope that you are doing well.

While Singapore has been seeing relatively low or nil COVID-19 infection and community transmission numbers in the past weeks, the Government is taking a cautious approach and has allowed the resumption of selected activities in a safe and calibrated manner, to avoid a resurgence of COVID-19. Along with Singapore’s gradual reopening, various safe management measures are still in place, and event capacities are limited.

As it will be challenging and impracticable to organise physical commencement ceremonies, the University has thus made the difficult decision to reschedule the upcoming Commencement 2020 ceremonies, slated for January 2021, to a later date. We will continue to keep you apprised on the ceremonies once the new dates are confirmed, through your NUS lifelong email account and the Commencement website.

I am grateful for your understanding of the situation, and we will do our best to achieve the plans for the Commencement ceremonies at a later date, which will allow you to commemorate your special moment.

In the meantime, please note the following:

1. Degree Scroll and Transcript

If you have not collected your hard copy degree scroll and transcript, you may do so through any of the following means:

By Post

You may request for the degree scroll and transcript to be mailed to you at a fee. Please refer to the Degree Scrolls website for more details.

Collection at Registrar’s Office (By appointment only)

You may collect your degree scroll and transcript personally, or authorize a proxy to collect them on your behalf at the Registrar’s Office, by appointment only. Please click here to proceed to make an appointment. The login name is your NUS email address ([email protected] or [email protected]). The details on how to make an appointment is attached for your reference.

2. Academic Dress

Should you wish to purchase or rent an Academic Dress for photo-taking with your family and friends, you may do so via the Academic Dress Online Ordering System. (Note: If you have forgotten your Ceremony Code to be used to log into the ordering system, you can obtain it from myEduRec’s Commencement Registration page.) The Academic Dress can be collected from Serangoon Broadway from now till 10 January 2021.

Please send an email to [email protected] for further enquiries on ordering an Academic Dress.

Please continue to check the Commencement website for further updates. We would appreciate if you could also share this information with your friends if you know that they are eligible to participate in Commencement 2020 ceremonies.

Thank you and stay safe!

With best wishes,

R Rajaram


On behalf of the Commencement Working Committee


小坡岛留学 校长通知:NUS 2020届毕业典礼将继续延期


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