新加坡最大的奶昔?Biggest milkshake in Singapore


Rolento’s Singapore Tips

新加坡最大的奶昔?Biggest milkshake in Singapore



Please have faith that Asia’s pandemic (don’t care about North South America and Europe for now) will be over soon!

We will be able to travel internationally then!


Blacktap is a instagrammable shop in Singapore, many singapore influencers will come here to check in, and post photos. Before the covid pandemic, it is a shop that many foreigners love to come.


Although Blacktap’s burgers uses good ingredients and the taste is good, but its biggest selling points is actually its big selection of “Sculptured milkshake”

新加坡最大的奶昔?Biggest milkshake in Singapore新加坡最大的奶昔?Biggest milkshake in Singapore


The size of a “Sculptured milkshake” is usually hard to finished by one person, I personally suggest when the pandemic is over and you travel to singapore, if you decide to experience Blacktap‘s “Sculptured milkshake” , do not come alone, and do not order one “Sculptured milkshake” for each and everyone of you (unless its their regular milkshake), because I can guarantee you cannot finish it eating it.

新加坡最大的奶昔?Biggest milkshake in Singapore


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