When should I wear a mask?

默认标题_自定义px_2021-02-23-0.pngAs of 14 April 2020, you are required to wear a mask if you need to leave your house. The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has decided to make it mandatory for all persons to wear a mask when leaving their home. 

When should I wear a mask?

When should I wear a mask?

  • When outside of your home
  • On public transport, taxis, and private hire cars
  • Walking to or at markets
  • For esssential workers at all workplace premises

When can I remove my mask?
Only while engaging in strenuous exercise outdoors such as running and jogging, but you must put it back on once you have completed your exercise

When should I wear a mask?

Can my child wear a mask?Mask-wearing is not recommended for young children below the age of 2 for child safety reasons.NOTE: Enforcement will be flexible for groups with difficulty wearing a mask, eg. children with special needs. Is it an offence if I don’t wear a mask outside my home?Yes. First-time offenders will be issued composition offers of $300, and repeat offenders will face higher fines or prosecution in court for egregious cases. 

When should I wear a mask?

The mask-wearing requirement will be in effect during the circuit breaker period from 7 April till 5 May 2020.For more English News, please click Here.Related Links:

  • What you can and cannot do during the circuit breaker period
  • Enjoy Sushi Tei Party Pack and Islandwide delivery today
  • Krisshop Fabulous Deals up to 60% off


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