

网友 @Joy_Wong_sg 写了个请求白宫整顿印尼火灾的请愿书。大家如果闲着无聊可以看一下签一下。如果有十万人签名,白宫就会做出回应!



Enforce Indonesia government to accept international aid in putting out the current forest fire within a limited time.


The current annual forest fire in Indonesia is disastrously threatening environment quality and human beings’ life, in not only its local areas but also its neighbours Malaysia and Singapore.


With PSI around 200 in Singapore and over 2000 in Indonesia, haze is leading to great unhealthy living for involved residents.


Respiratory illness and eyesight harm are now common illness. Death cases have already been covered in Indo. In the long run, acid rain and more hidden dangers are to appear.


Indonesia has rejected any other countries’ offer to put out the fire, and takes its time in trying to solve the problem itself. Indonesia authority has also indicated that nothing much can be done except to wait until the rainy season (end of Sep)


We petition that international aid to be enforced.





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