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文:Zeal Care
遵纪守法—————–———–Self-discipline and obey the law
- 不可以拿走任何东西,包括金钱,珠宝,衣服,杂货和/或任何有价值的东西,无论是新的还是使用过的,没有经过我们的允许,即使只借几个小时或几天,这都将被视为偷窃,在新加坡是犯法的。NEVER take anything from the house, including money, jewelries, clothes, groceries and/or anything of value, no matter new or used, even just borrow for a few hours or days without / Madam’s permission. Otherwise this will be treated as stealing and is illegal in Singapore.
- 不可在外做兼职。这是违法的,会被驱逐出境。NEVER take part-time job. This is against the law, you and employer both will be fined and you will be repatriated.
- 在新加坡怀孕会被驱逐出境。If you are pregnent you will be repatriated according to Singapore law.
- 不能抽烟和喝酒。
No smoking or drinking is allowed. - 请勿使用其他家庭成员的物品。
DO NOT use other family members’ personnal belongings.
- 如果做错了事,不要害怕受惩罚,无论如何应立即报告,请做到诚实。
Allowed to make mistake. But must report any mistakes or accidents immediately and ask for instruction.ALWAYS be honest to Sir and Madam.
Cleaning stardard
- 儿童的衣服和大人的衣服需要分开洗,儿童用专门的儿童洗衣液,儿童的内裤需要手洗,可以一起烘干。Adults‘ clothes and children’s clothes need to wash separated in washing machine, use kids’ laundry detergent when washing children’s clothes. Hand wash children’s underpants. Can temper dry together.
- 脚垫、抹布分开手洗,不能进洗衣机,烘干机。Floor mat, cleaning towels must hand wash, can not put in washing machine or drying machine.
- 洗衣服的时候,把口袋全部掏空。Empty all the pockets before washing clothes.
- 擦厨房抹布、擦餐桌抹布、和擦地抹布做好标签,严格分开使用。Label different towels. Kitchen towel, dinning table towel and floor towel. Strictly wash and use seperately.
- 所有的碗盘需要彻底滤干才可以放进橱柜。Make sure all plates are dry before putting back to cabinet.
- 晚餐打扫完厨房需要把厨余垃圾扔掉。Every night, after cleaning up the kitchen, throw away the kitchen garbage.
- 常洗手,请使用洗手液或肥皂洗手,上厕所之后,处理食物之前,陪孩子玩耍之前,打扫完毕,或者从外面回到家,倒垃圾之后都必须要洗手。
MUST be aware of personal hygiene and wash hands frequently.Must wash hand after using toilet,doing house cleaning,before dealing with food, playing with children, coming back from outside or dumping the garbage. - 日常工作时,不可化妆, 不可喷香水。工作时把头发绑起来,保持指甲清洁,不涂指甲油。工作时打扮得体,不穿低胸T恤,不穿紧身衣服裤子。
DO NOT put on make-up,do not use perfume,nail polish while on duty.ALWAYS tie your hair up and keep short and clean nails.DO NOT wear tight jeans, pants, low-cut or tight T-shirt while you are working. - 始终保持厨房,卫生间台面和地面清洁无积水。Always keep the kitchen and toilet table and floor clean and dry.
- 购物袋和手提袋不能放在沙发上或者餐桌上。
No shopping bags, handbags are allowed on table or sofa. - 晾晒清洗的衣物如下雨需及时收回。万一淋湿,麻烦再次清洗。Laundries should be placed OUTSIDE on the balcony, must be taken in-door if it rains. In case they are washed by rain, they must be re-washed again.
- 食物需存放在容器或密闭袋中,以防止昆虫进入。如有必要,将它们放入冰箱。ALWAYS store food in a container or sealed bag to avoid insects. Put them in the fridge if necessary.
- 不能将电器和电饭锅浸泡在水中洗涤。用一块略湿的布清洁擦拭即可。All electrical appliances and rice cookers cannot be dipped into water for washing. Clean with a piece of slightly wet cloth.
居家安全————-Home Safty
- 任何情况下都不可以带别人来家里。
Do not bring any friends/relatives and any other people into the house. - 始终妥善保管您的钥匙和门卡。切勿给其他人。ALWAYS take good possession of your key and access card. Never share them with anyone.
- 除非我们事先通知,不要放陌生人进门。需要得到雇主的许可才可以开门。
NEVER open the door and allow anyone to enter into the house when we are not home unless with our prior permission.
- 切勿向邻居,您的朋友和任何人透露有关我们家庭的任何信息,包括电话号码、家庭成员的地址和个人详细信息。NEVER disclose anything about our home including telephone number, address and personal details of our family (members) to the neighbor, security guards, your friends and anyone.
- 家里的摄像头不能遮挡或者断电。Never block CCTV cameras in house or shut down power supply.
- 除清洁外,请勿随意进入主卧。Never enter into Sir / Madam’s bedroom except for cleaning purpose.
- 如果闻到天然气味道,请打开所有窗户并关闭天然气开关。请勿触摸任何电器或使用电话,任何电火花都可能引起爆炸。立即将孩子带到大厅的安全区域,并尽快告知我们。If you smell any gas, open all the windows and switch off the main gas switch. DO NOT touch any electrical appliance nor use the telephone. Any electrical spark may cause explosion. Bring the children to the security counter at the lobby immediately and use the phone there to call Sir / Madam.
- 请勿用湿手或湿布触摸电源插头,以免触电。NEVER touch the power plug with wet hands or cloth to in case of electric shock.
- 使用刀具,煤气灶等时要小心。Be cautions when using knives, gas stoves etc. NEVER leave the gas stoves on unattended.
- 请勿将熨斗放在无人看管的地方。使用后请立即关闭。NEVER leave the iron on unattended. Switch it off immediately after use.
- 如有任何意外或紧急情况,请立即致电我们。万一找不到我们,请致电999报警或叫救护车。Always call Sir / Madam immediately for any unexpected situations. In case you can’t find us and have serious/urgent problems, call 999 for the police or ambulance.
照料孩子—————-Taking care of kids
Keeping the safety of children is the first priority. The priority must be given to taking care of the children rather than domestic work. Report to me immediately if accident happened on children. Don’t be afraid to tell us.
- 除非发生火灾等灾难性事件,否则未经允许,请勿独自带孩子离开。Never leave the house on your own or with baby without Sir / Madam’s permission, except for disastrous situation such as fire outbreaks.
- 必须让儿童远离危险区域,例如厨房,火炉,窗户,阳台等。MUST keep children away from dangerous areas, e.g. kitchen, stoves, windows, balcony etc.
- 各种药品,清洁剂和切割工具/刀具要放在儿童无法触及的安全地方。MUST keep all kinds of medicine, detergent and cutting tools/knives in a safe place, out of reach of the children.
- 请始终注意儿童安全。如果孩子有任何意外(例如头部撞伤,甚至没有出血),请立即通知。万一发生紧急情况,请立即致电999报警或叫救护车。ALWAYS be careful of children’s safety and inform Sir / Madam immediately if there’s something wrong with the baby, OR if he has any accident (e.g. crash the head, even no bleeding) no matter how mild the problem is. In the event of emergency, call 999 for police or ambulance immediately before calling Sir / Madam!
Children is the top priority of everything. Strictly no phone while taking care of children.
Train children to be discipline, but NO beating is allowed.
NEVER leave children unattended at any time or any place, especially on the sofa or beside the window. Always pay attention to them even when doing household work.
NEVER leave children alone in the bathtub when bathing. Don’t be disturbed by other things like phone calls.
————–Money issue
- 请在日历本上记录家庭开支和日常活动。每次去为家人购物时,都要保留所有收据。ALWAYS register family expenses and your daily activities on the calenda. Keep all receipts whenever you go shopping for the family.
- 不要向任何人或任何金融公司借钱,无论别人对你说什么。这些都是谎言,会让人陷入困境,无法偿还他们的钱。他们有可能是高利贷者。NEVER borrow money from anyone NOR any finance company, no matter how many benefits they said they could offer. Those are all lies and you will end up in trouble and never be able to repay their money. Many of them are loan sharks and run by triads.
- 从不向任何人借钱,也不能作为任何人的担保人。Never lend any money to anyone NOR being a guarantor to anyone.
- 不向雇主借钱,不预支工资。
Never borrow money from employers, no advance payment of salary. - 我们仅负责在您的工作日提供三餐。用自己的钱购买自己的食物/小吃。除了主要餐点以外,如果您还想吃其他的零食(例如糖果,坚果,水果,蛋糕,软饮料等),请事先征得许可。We are only responsible to provide three main meals on your duty day. Buy your own food/snacks using your own money. if you want to eat family’s snack foods (e.g. candy, nuts, fruits, cakes, soft-drink, etc.) besides those main meals, please ask for Sir / Madam’s prior permission.
工作态度—————-Working attitude
- 始终礼貌,愉快和尊重所有家庭成员,尊重亲戚和来访者,尤其是老人。在适当的时候说谢谢。ALWAYS be polite, pleasant and respectful to all family members, relatives and home visitors, especially old people. Don’t forget to say THANK YOU at appropriate times.
- 听从指令且尊重他人。如果您不明白指示,可以尽管问。问清楚比瞎做事更明智。Must be Obedient and Respectful to Sir / Madam. Always follow Sir / Madam’s Instructions. If you do not understand any instruction given to you, ask to repeat by saying “PARDON ME MADAM/SIR” or call Madam immediately. It is better to make sure than just to do something wrong.
- 完成家务后必须记录在日历中。我们将检查工作,如果不满意,您需要再次做。Must record on the canlander after finishing weekly, bi-weekly, monthly housework. Madam will check your work and you need to do again if not satisfied by madam/sir.
- 如厕,淋浴不可故意拖延时间,除非身体不适。如果不舒服,请立即告诉我们。Don’t spend so much time when using toilet or take shower. unless feeling sick and please tell Sir / Madam immediately.
- 对所有家具,地板、墙壁和所有家用物品(包括玻璃器皿,瓷器,相框,电气设备等),得轻拿轻放。如损坏,必须立马告知,不可隐瞒。ALWAYS handle with care and be gentle to all furniture, floor, wall and all household belongings, including glass-wares, porcelain (China), photo frames, electrical devices etc. Must report any damage to Sir and Madam immediately.
- 在工作时间内,不允许使用私人电话,以免疏忽照顾孩子。No personal calls are allowed during your working hours to avoid negligence of your duty and taking care of children.
- 切勿在上班时间女佣朋友聚会或聊天大笑,即使是将孩子带到附近的楼下或去市场的时候。
NEVER gather with your helper friends and chat/laugh for a long time while on duty, even when bringing the kids down downstairs nearby or going to the market. - 家里来客人时,需要端茶、果汁或软饮料等,并且随叫随到。Always serve the home visitors with drink such as tea, juice or soft drink and never hide away after the visitors entering the house.
- 进入他人房间前,请敲门。Always knock the door before entering Sir / Madam’s bedroom or rooms for other family members.
休息日————-Your offday
- 每周的休息日为星期天。但根据要求,时间表可能会有所更改,并且会在相互同意的情况下提前告知。The official weekly day off is every Sunday. However, depending on the requirement, the schedule may be changed and will be made known in advance, subject to mutual agreement.
- 休息日晚上8:30之前回家。如果您需要推迟,麻烦提前通知。Please return home by 8:30PM on your holidays. MUST call Madam in advance if you need to return a bit later.
- 不可在外面过夜。NEVER stay outside overnight.
- 如果你选择在家休息,我们也不会去打扰你。
If you want to spend your offday resting at home, we will leave you undisturbed.
家电的使用—————————Use of utilities and applications
- 不可以浪费水、气、电、食物和所有清洁产品。NEVER waste water, gas, electricity, food, all cleaning product. Must follow the instruction by Madam! (e.g. no running water while washing, recycle water).
- 不要不必要地使用空调,尤其是当我们不在时, 除非事先告知。Don’t use air-conditioner unnecessarily, especially when we are not around, unless allowed in advance.
- 淋浴或使用热水后,请关闭电灯,电器,燃气灶(在厨房和/或浴室中)。Always turn off the light, electrical appliance, gas stove (in Kitchen and/or Bathroom) after use, after taking shower or using hot water.
- 不要随意给孩子看手机、iPad、电视机,如果孩子提出需求,请先问过雇主。Do not let kid watch handphone, Ipad, or TV freely. Ask permission from Sir and Madam first.
生病和体检—————————–Sickness and medical check up
- 如果觉得不舒服,请立即通知我们。If feeling sick, please INFORM Sir / Madam immediately!
- 不可以擅自服药或者讳疾忌医,医疗费用我们将会承担。NEVER take drugs by yourself or to wait as we will be responsible for all medical expenses.
- 如果不舒服,一定要去看医生,并遵从医生的指示服药,必要时戴上口罩,以免病毒传播。YOU HAVE TO VISIT DOCTOR if necessary and taking medicine following Dr’s advice and instruction, and wearing face mask if necessary, as to avoid spreading out virus to kid and family.
- 每6个月你需要去诊所做体检,费用也是雇主负责。
You need to go clinic to do medical check up every 6 month, and we will bear the cost.
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