




任仕达新加坡和马来西亚董事总经理Jaya Dass表示:“许多跨国公司和大型本地公司正在建立或扩展其区域团队,以推动全球创新并增加新加坡的全球市场份额。因此,我们注意到,新加坡在全球和区域一级的角色越来越多,特别是在商业发展、销售和营销、会计和金融,甚至软件开发领域。”




(Nov.6, 2019, /staffingindustry.com/)The majority, or 72%, of employees in Singapore want to work in a job that allows them to travel internationally, according to research from Randstad.

According to Randstad, having overseas exposure is important to workers as they can gain different perspectives, learn new skills from their global counterparts and build a global network of connections.

Randstad’s findings showed that 79% of respondents are open to the idea of moving overseas if they can have both a meaningful career and good work-life balance, while 74% would relocate for work for a substantially higher salary and 66% will do so if it means that they can keep their jobs with their current employers. Meanwhile, 78% of respondents aged between 18 and 34 are willing to relocate to pursue a meaningful career.

The choices for Singapore’s respondents for the top three markets to relocate to are Australia, Japan and the US, respectively.

Managing Director of Randstad Singapore and Malaysia, Jaya Dass commented, “Many multinationals and large local firms are establishing or expanding their regional teams to drive global innovation and increase their global market share from Singapore. As a result, we have observed an increasing number of global and regional-level roles based in Singapore, particularly in the areas of business development, sales and marketing, accounting and finance, and even software development.”

“Employees in regional roles tend to get more opportunities to travel to other markets to spearhead pilots or facilitate operations and campaigns,” Dass said. “These jobs are also particularly attractive to the local talent as they get to manage a larger team, connect with and learn from their global counterparts as well as gain new exposure and experiences.”

Meanwhile Randstad’s data also showed that 22% of respondents in Singapore had changed employers in the past six months and 40% have showed interest in looking for a job. At the same time 40% said that while they are not actively looking for a job, they will be interested if an opportunity comes by.
