






新中关系也越来越好。这些年来,新中两国之间的合作已经超越了传统的贸易和投资领域,涵盖了“一带一路”倡议、金融、法律和司法等新领域。中国 – 新加坡(重庆)战略联系示范倡议、南方运输走廊等将“一带”与“一路”联系起来,加强中国与东盟之间的连通性。







24 September 2018

His Excellency Xi JP(原文为名字全拼,此处采用缩写形式)


People’s Republic of China

Your Excellency,

On behalf of the people of the Republic of Singapore, I warmly congratulate you on the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

China is entering into a new stage of reform. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the opening up of the country. China’s commitment to the path of economic growth and liberalisation amidst global uncertainties will not only contribute to China’s future progress but also boost global trade and development.  The Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative has also reached a significant five-year milestone this year. By enhancing connectivity and linkages, the B&R Initiative has promoted the spirit of common prosperity and brought countries closer together.

Singapore-China relations are excellent and have evolved over time.  Over the years, the cooperation between our two countries has grown beyond the traditional areas of trade and investment to cover new areas including the B&R Initiative, finance, and legal and judicial issues. The China-Singapore (Chongqing) Connectivity Initiative-Southern Transport Corridor has added further impetus to our B&R cooperation by linking the “Belt” and the “Road” and strengthening connectivity between China and ASEAN.  As beneficiaries of free trade, our two countries are also working towards the completion of a substantive and high standard upgrade of the China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement by the end of the year.

Singapore and China have worked well at regional and multilateral fora. As ASEAN Chair, Singapore will continue to work with our dialogue partners including China and enhance cooperation to build a resilient and innovative ASEAN.  We are working together on a substantive and mutually beneficial Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. Together, we can send a strong signal of our joint commitment to free trade and a rules-based multilateral trading system.

I wish the People’s Republic of China continued peace, stability and prosperity. I also wish you continued good health and success.

Yours Sincerely,






我们在“一带一路”计划下的合作进展顺利,现在涵盖基础设施、金融连接、第三方合作和培训,以及专业服务等。中国 – 新加坡(重庆)战略联系示范倡议,和南方运输走廊将进一步加强这一点,并加强中国与东盟以及世界其他地区之间的连通性。

作为今年的东盟主席和过去三年的东盟-中国协调员,新加坡与中国和其他东盟成员国合作,促进了中国与东盟的关系。我们期待庆祝东盟 – 中国战略伙伴关系15周年,并在今年的新加坡东盟峰会上制定东盟 – 中国2030愿景声明。

新加坡和中国也将继续密切合作,以促进我们在自由贸易方面的共同利益。我们期待着在今年11月阁下正式访问新加坡期间,签订中国 – 新加坡自由贸易协定,早日建立起区域性全面经济伙伴关系。



24 September 2018

Dear Premier Li,

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, I warmly congratulate you on the auspicious occasion of the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

2018 is a significant year for China. It marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reforms and opening up, and the fifth anniversary of the Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative. Amidst an increasingly uncertain global environment and growing protectionism, China’s continued support for trade liberalisation and economic integration will benefit China and the global economy.

Singapore’s strong and multi-faceted relations with China are characterised by our “All Round Cooperative Partnership Progressing with the Times”. Since Mr Deng Xiaoping’s visit to Singapore 40 years ago, our cooperation has broadened and deepened immensely. Besides our three Government-to-Government projects, we are expanding cooperation in new areas such as innovation and technology, sustainable development, financial services, and legal and judicial cooperation. Our cooperation under the B&R Initiative has progressed well and now spans infrastructure connectivity, financial connectivity, third party cooperation and training, and professional services. This will be further strengthened by the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Connectivity Initiative-Southern Transport Corridor which links the “Belt” and the “Road” and enhances connectivity between China and ASEAN, as well as the rest of the world.

As this year’s ASEAN Chair and as ASEAN-China Coordinator for the last three years, Singapore has worked with China and the other ASEAN member states to foster ASEAN-China ties. We look forward to celebrating the 15th anniversary of the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership and setting the ASEAN-China 2030 Vision Statement at the ASEAN Summit in Singapore this year. Singapore and China have also worked closely to advance our shared interest in promoting free and open trade. We look forward to an early conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and a substantial upgrade of the China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement during Your Excellency’s Official Visit to Singapore this November.

Please accept my best wishes for your good health and continued success. Ho Ching and I look forward to hosting you and Madam Cheng Hong in Singapore in November.

Yours sincerely,



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