简讯 | NTU 就食堂、超市及宿舍推出新措施

简 讯


1. 自2020年4月6日(星期一)起,南大的所有学术和研究机构将关闭,具体开放时间另行通知。


2. 校园内的食物和基本服务将保持开放。包括如下:


North Spine的麦当劳,肯德基,必胜客,赛百味

Canteen 2, Canteen 14, Nanyang Crescent Halls Food Court, North Hill Food Cour


周一至周五:8.30am – 9.00pm(下班前30分钟停止挂号)

星期六:9.30am – 12.00pm


周一至周四:8.30am – 5.45pm

周五:8.30am – 5.15pm

NTU故障报修中心(24小时热线:6790 4777)


3. 校车服务时间为每天上午8点至晚上11点


校园住宿方面 4. 提醒居住在校园内的学生,教职员工及其家人注意政府宣布的安全的身体疏散措施





5. 住在校园里的学生和教职员,为了方便起见,住在校园的学生和教职员工可以选择外带膳食





Dear Students and Colleagues,

Following NTU President Subra Suresh’s email to the campus yesterday, the Government’s announcement on tighter restrictions on movements and gatherings of people, and our advisory to staff dated 1 April 2020, beginning Monday, April 6th, a large proportion of our students with Singapore residence would have moved home for the semester, and a large number of our colleagues will transition to remote working and telecommuting modes.

Our campus however, will remain open for the rest of the students, our faculty and their families who live on campus. Staff performing essential services will continue to be working on campus to ensure your safety, and also provide as much normalcy as possible under these unprecedented circumstances. We want to assure you that we will be available during this period when the academic and research activities are suspended.

To follow up on yesterday’s Advisory on Additional Physical Distancing Measures, all students and employees are to please take note of the following:

Campus facilities

1. With effect from Monday, 6 April 2020, all academic and research facilities at NTU will be closed until further notice.

We are therefore requesting all Institute/Centre Directors and Principal Investigators to ramp down and cease non-essential activities with effect from 6 April (Monday). Any research-related activity carried out on campus from Monday onwards will require formal approval. Only essential personnel may return to maintain critical items in the labs, as and when necessary. Before any essential research-related activity can be carried out, prior formal approval must be obtained from the University, via the Institute/Centre Director or School Chair.

2. Food and essential services on campus will remain open. These include:

Giant and Prime supermarkets

McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway at North Spine

Canteen 2, Canteen 14, Nanyang Crescent Halls Food Court, North Hill Food Court

Medical Centre (tel: 6793-6974 or 6793-6828)

Mon-Fri: 8.30am to 9pm (Last registration: 30 mins before closing)

Sat: 9.30am to 12noon

University Wellbeing Centre (tel: 6790-4462; after office hours: 9721-1637)

Mon-Thu: 8.30am to 5.45pm

Fri: 8.30am to 5.15pm

NTU Fault Reporting Centre (24-hour hotline: 6790 4777)

NTU Campus Security (24-hour hotline: 6790-5200)

3. NTU shuttle bus services on campus will operate daily from 8am to 11pm

NTU shuttle services from the HDB heartlands to the NTU campus will be suspended until further notice.

Living on campus

4. Students, faculty and their families living on campus are reminded to observe safe physical distancing measures announced by the government as follows:

They are expected to remain largely in their respective residences during this period;

Stay on campus as far as possible;

Avoid socialising with others beyond their own household;

Go out only when it is essential to do so, e.g. to visit a doctor, to buy take-away food, or to exercise outdoors, while keeping a safe distance from others.

5. Students and faculty living on campus may, for their convenience and at their own expense, opt for packed meal catering

For up to 2 meals daily, available for booking on a weekly basis.

Residents will be informed separately by the Office of Housing & Auxiliary Services.

Residents may choose their own food delivery service.

For the latest information and updates, visit NTU’s Intranet page and the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education websites.

We understand that these unusual times can cause anxiety amongst our community, especially for those living on campus. We urge everyone to support one another – for residents who remain on campus to check in on your friends periodically to chat and to keep everyone’s spirits high. As you take care of one another’s wellbeing, please remember to observe safe physical distancing measures. Whilst these unprecedented measures and actions may cause inconvenience, they are necessary steps to stem out our common enemy – the COVID-19. It is important now, more than ever, that we look out for one another and rise to the challenge as OneNTU. If there’s anything we can do to assist during this period, please send an email to [email protected], or call 6790-5200 for any emergency assistance.

Please stay healthy and continue to follow the guidelines and requirements on public health and safety to protect yourselves, your loved ones, all members of the NTU community, and all Singaporeans.


Ling San

Deputy President and Provost

Tan Aik Na

Senior Vice President (Administration)

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