


A. 允许所有部门的外国工人跨部门调动:所有行业的公司都可以在现有雇主的同意下,从其他行业雇佣现有的员工(在新加坡)。这放宽了目前只允许在各自部门内转让的规则。

B. 允许所有部门的工作许可证即将到期的外国工人的转移:所有领域的企业也可以雇用在不同行业工作,而工作准证有效期还剩下不到40天的准证持有者。这是建筑和加工部门在其本部门内转让而存在的计划的延伸。不需要现任雇主的同意。



With prior approvals for work pass holders to enter Singapore being restricted to a very small number to reduce the risk of importation, MOM will be expanding the temporary scheme to help more firms hire workers who are already in Singapore. From 1 April 2020, the scheme will be expanded as follows:

A. Allow inter-sectoral transfer of foreign workers for all sectors: Firms in all sectors can hire existing WPHs (who are in Singapore) from other sectors, with the agreement of their current employers. This relaxes the current rule that only allows transfers within the respective sectors.

B. Allow transfers of foreign workers whose work permits are nearing expiry for all sectors: Firms in all sectors can hire existing WPHs from their own or another sector, where the work permits are within 40 days of expiry. This is an extension of a scheme that exists for the construction and process sectors for transfers within their own sectors. Agreement from the current employer is not needed.

The hiring firms will be required to meet prevailing criteria under their respective sectors. This temporary scheme will be in place for five months until 31 August 2020.



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