
根据世界银行数据,21年印度的人均GDP是2277美元,属于中低收入经济体。根据现在发达国家的门槛,这一数字要在2万美元以上。在印度独立 75 周年庆祝典礼上,总理莫迪当着全国人民的面,描绘了一个极为光明的未来场景。他放出豪言:印度在 25 年后,也就是 2047 年时,要成为发达国家。在美版知乎Quora上,印度网友提问道:新加坡日本这样的弹丸小国都是发达国家为何印度不是?这引起各国网友的围观和热议,我们看看他们的观点。





Although I am an Indian, I hope to live in Japan and become a Japanese. I know that some Indians may be dissatisfied with my remarks, but I still want to explain my views. On this issue, in addition to the historical factors mentioned by many people, I think there are some current factors that support/hinder progress. Let’s take a look at the talent differences among the three peoples.


For Japan:


1. The Japanese work hard. They love their work and are willing to contribute more. Because of their efforts, they can always recover quickly from crises, earthquakes and other disasters.


Most Indians are lazy. They want to do as little work as possible to maximize profits. No matter what kind of crisis happens, they will take a long time to recover.


2. The Japanese are honest. There are few thieves here. It’s very safe. But in India, you are afraid of being stolen, cheated, murdered or raped.


3. The Japanese government is also honest and not corrupt. People have confidence in the government. For example, after the disaster in 2011, many banknotes were found in the soil, and all citizens gave the money they found to the government. And we will see new tax items every day. You can never expect people to trust the Indian government!


4. Japanese respect others. They are supportive, kind and helpful, and will not hinder others’ progress. They appreciate every small idea and innovation, and they behave appropriately. Indians enjoy abusing and belittling others. They are jealous of others’ progress. You can never expect any random person to help you. You can find many selfish people in India. New innovations or ideas are suppressed, even criticized and ridiculed. Indians lack manners. They are rude and behave badly.



5. Japan speaks a unified language – Japanese/Japanese. Therefore, there is no language barrier and/or discrimination, and 125 million people understand Japanese. There are countless languages in India, but there is no unified universal language in practice. (English is not understood by all 1.2 billion people) We all know how contradictory the relationship between Hindi and Tamil is…


6. There is no community violence in Japan. They believe in masculine Shintoism and Buddhism. There is no conflict between Shinto and Buddhism. Most people are both Shintoists and Buddhists. Today, almost half of the Japanese are atheists.


India has religious and community conflicts. We have Hindus against Muslims, Hindus against Sikhs, Hindus Muslims Sikhs and so on… attacking churches and temples… sighing… God knows there is no alternative….


7. The Japanese people pay great attention to protecting the environment and keeping it clean. They have different waste disposal systems. You need to distinguish between combustible and non combustible waste, plastic and non plastic, organic and non organic waste, etc. People don’t litter, they have enough dustbins and civic awareness.


Indians care little about their environment. You can see dirt and rubbish everywhere. People lack civic awareness and regard roads as dustbins. It is too much to expect them to classify waste.



8. High quality products made in Japan. Their technology, electronic products, cars and animation have their own “standards” and quality, which is usually unparalleled. In the same way, if you compare with India, you are no match.


For Singapore:


1. Singapore is basically a city country. It does not have 1.2 billion people. The smaller the population, the easier it is to manage them.


2. Singapore has very, very strict rules. You dare not throw a piece of garbage outside. You will be charged and prosecuted. Every citizen abides by the law. They must do so. Indians are proud to break the rules.



Like India, Singapore is also a multicultural country where Chinese, Malays, Indians and whites coexist. People are very open-minded. India really should learn from them.




One of the biggest reasons Singapore has become a developed country is its first Prime Minister, Li Quanyao!! He was in office from 1959 to 1990!! And changed Singapore in a generation!! Even after that, he was a senior minister before 2004! In fact, as a city country, Singapore is easier to manage and has a superior geographical location. However, without correct policies, no city or country can develop!! He is regarded as a legend. He died at the funeral. World leaders including our Prime Minister attended the funeral!!


Now talking about India, we have adopted the wrong economic policy from the very beginning!! The chief designer of these policies is Nehru! India is just a mixed economy with the same name. We follow the Soviet model! Our country is a hell for private entrepreneurs, because the government strictly controls industry!! It may be possible to follow this policy in the first decade after independence, but after the consolidation of national strength, India’s economy should be open, or at least liberalize the market economy in the 1960s, so that India’s private sector can flourish!! But it didn’t start until 1991!!



Now, compared with the United States, in most of the history of American industrialists, they have received government support! The reason why so many American companies are now large multinational companies (such as JPMorgan Chase, McDonald’s, KFC, etc.) is that they have gained freedom in the United States and completely controlled the American domestic market (European companies have no freedom to operate in the United States)!! Therefore, in the era of globalization that began in the 1970s, most American companies are ready to take over the world!! India has nothing!




Obviously, India has more potential because its birth rate and infant mortality rate are much higher, while Singapore and Japan have the lowest birth rate and infant mortality rate in the world.


Slow population growth makes it easier for people to feed and educate the population, develop the economy… Basically, everything has become easier.


Since 1990, India’s population has increased by nearly 500 million! Can you imagine that in the beginning, a country about the size of Argentina had a population increase of 500 million in less than 30 years?


Basically, any country with a slow birth rate, infant mortality rate and population growth will automatically develop in a few decades.



Japan imports 60% of its grain, while Singapore imports 90% of its grain. Moreover, both countries have very little arable land. Therefore, if Japan and Singapore have high birth rates, poverty and problems may be seen everywhere in these countries. However, since they are both among the countries with the lowest birth rates in the world, it is easy to develop.


As Japan and Singapore are already crowded and competitive, if the birth rate is high, they are likely to fall into poverty soon.



Since 1990, the population of Japan has been almost the same as it is now (only 3 million more than it is now)… The population of Japan has actually declined. If India’s population had only increased by 100 million to 200 million since 1990, India would be more developed now.


According to the population forecast, it seems that India should develop when its population growth stops and starts to decline in 2060. Then, it will automatically become easier to feed and educate the population, develop the economy and so on


In recent years, India’s birth rate and infant mortality rate have declined, but compared with each country with a high human development index, this rate is still very high.


In addition, I’m not sure whether being more developed is a positive thing. It seems to be basically the same as the low birth rate, and development will also lead to some problems (such as pollution).


Very low birth rates can also lead to population extinction. The extremely low birth rate in many European and East Asian countries will reduce the population of Europe and East Asia by hundreds of millions in the coming decades. I want to know how the upcoming large-scale population decline in Europe and East Asian countries will affect the world.


We don’t need to compare with Singapore and Japan. India is at its best!




I live in a small town in Germany. If my hometown is regarded as an independent country, it will be marked as a developed country. His per capita annual income is about 40000 US dollars, and the per capita income level is one of the criteria to measure whether a country is developed. Almost everyone in the town has been educated. They have electricity and all the infrastructure at home. It is not difficult to earn 40000 dollars annually. They achieved this achievement with little effort relying on a chemical company.


It does not take much effort to turn a small country into a developed country. It only needs a developed leading industry to become a rich country.


The complexity is that this development is extended to a vast continental country, which has a huge hinterland, and millions of people live far away from the sea or any city.


People often fall in love with such city-state as Singapore or Dubai, but in fact, it is not difficult to build a Singapore. In our own country, Mumbai’s GDP is equivalent to Singapore’s. If the government does not use its taxes to finance other parts of the country, it may have better roads and infrastructure. It is not a big deal for a city to have an excellent port on the main trade route and become a rich city.


The complexity is that turning a place 1000 kilometers away from the port into a developed place, where there is no river and energy or schools are very limited, will take a long time and require a lot of resources. This is the challenge India faces in developing landlocked countries such as Bihar.


If turning a city with a population of 5 million into a developed country needs a talented person like Lee Kuan Yew, then turning a country with a population of 1.4 billion into a leader with 300 such talented people, there are not so many talented people in the world.



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