“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断


“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断



“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

Wir sind mit einer globalen Epidemie konfrontiert und fühlen uns alle unter Druck, aber wir danken dem Unternehmen für seine Fürsorge und Unterstützung für uns, sowohl geistig als auch materiell. Wir halten uns auch strikt an die Anforderungen des Home Office-Managements des Unternehmens, geben bei jedem Job unser Bestes und arbeiten hart, um die besten Arbeitsergebnisse zu erzielen. Wir hoffen,es bald besser wird.


——Rondeshagen Björn(中远海运欧洲公司)

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

Working from home is a whole new experience for all of us. As new experiences, this one is causing some uncertainty, and new challenges.But we didn’t let the uncertainty put us down so we have contacted our trusted clients and thanks to their collaboration, trust in our good services/assistance and with hard work from all the team members, we’ve managed to go beyond expectations for the inaugural departure vessel.We are very proud and trustworthy that the future will continue to shine and that everything will be fine!!!


——Patricia Leite Ferreira(中远海运集运意大利公司)

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

COVID-19, an ordeal for world faces in relation to sentiment and relationships. We are fortunate that the company provides facilities and resources for us to work from home. The daily remote video conference meetings connect us closely together and ensure the effective communications.

Communications is a key for providing the solution, exchanging the ideas and update the contingency plan in order to provide the better services to our customers. Through this pandemic, we are accompanying our customers to surmount the difficulties, which will build trust and close connection with them. At the same time, we are also thinking about the need for innovation in service formats and customer service trends in current situation. We believe that working together as a team will make us succeed in fighting with the virus.



——Daniela Ferlat, Elyn Young , Junavelle Cervantes, Cecilia Fan(中远海运集运澳洲公司)

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

La epidemia de COVID-19 más influencia en España fue el mes de abril, a lo largo del mes el COSCO SHIPPING Port nos ha regalado 11,540 máscaras a través del buque de COSCO SHIPPING, es muy oportuno, lo que no solo protegen eficazmente la seguridad de los empleados y la normalidad del funcionamiento en los terminales diariamente, sino también que nos hacen el sentimiento feliz y calidez de ser un miembro de la familia COSCO SHIPPING. Estoy sin duda de que el CSPSpain vamos a derrotar la epidemia de COVID-19 con el apoyo de COSCO SHIPPING, vamos a conseguir un futuro más brillante!


——Elías García(中远海运港口西班牙码头)

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断



“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

From the end of February, all of us has been forced to change their habits and their lives in a couple of days. I was extremely aware of what was happening, since Chinese friends were already living this bad experience. We have followed their example to face COVID-19, and so starting from the 9th March, I have found this small corner in my little house and started working at home. A special thanks to COSCO SHIPPING Italy Management for having given me the opportunity to stay safe and keep on my job as smart worker! Now the worst seems to be over, I am ready to come back to my desk and I’m looking forward to meeting my colleagues again!



“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

En China, la palabra “crisis” no solo significa un peligro, sino también significa la oportunidad, es decir, siempre hay oportunidades acompañando con la crisis. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el. Cuando enfrentamos en una crisis como ahora del COVID-19, la clave es Cómo aprovecharemos las oportunidades que aparezcan en la epidemia. estoy muy seguro de que España podrá vencer la epidemia lo más rápido posible como China. ¡Ánimo España! ¡Ánimo China!


——Juan Ortí(中远海运港口西班牙码头)

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断

I joined COSCO SHIPPING Lines in February 2020. During this time the covid19 pandemic had just started to evolve and affect Australian lives and businesses. Due to new governments restrictions to control the spread of the virus, our team at COSCO SHIPPING have adapted and established a working from home protocol. Although this is a new experience for all of us,my team and my manager have provided immense support through consistent communication and positive motivation / drive to serve our customers with the best quality service and attitude. I look forward to resuming business as usual and returning back to work where I can meet face to face with my fellow colleagues and continue to serve our important clients.


——Oliver Yu(中远海运集运澳洲公司)

“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断



“我们一直在!”| 中远海运各境外公司服务客户不间断






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