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相信过去一两个星期,居住在新加坡的朋友们,在网络上、电视上、公共场所里,经常听到这首歌曲。  这是新加坡今年的国庆歌曲。 什么是国庆歌曲? 自1985年以来,新加坡几乎每年都会为8月9日国庆日创作一首歌曲,从最早的《Stand Up for Singapore》到今年的《The Road Ahead》。 其中有一首相信大家相当熟悉,陈洁仪的《家》《Home》。 
 余音绕梁,三日不绝。 今年的这首《The Road Ahead》,我们曾经组织在新加坡的小朋友们在新加坡眼视频号做线上合唱,不少读者表示很喜欢。  但,也有一些朋友说,不太明白歌词。 我们于是尝试把它翻译出来,以飨读者:
One man on an island岛上独自一人 One drop in the sea就像沧海一滴水 All it takes to set a wave in motion如何能推动阵阵浪潮 Is a single word, an action拿出一句话和行动 A hope that we can be怀抱着信念 The change that we’ve been longing to see创造久盼的转变 For our home, our land, our family为这片乐土,美丽家园 It’s all within our reach你我都能出力  See this island, every grain of sand在这岛国,万众一条心 Hear this anthem, it’s the voices of our friends嘹亮歌声,朋友们齐声唱 Come whatever on the road ahead前路漫漫,哪怕千万险 We did it before, and we’ll do it again一路走来,又何惧艰险  When the moments turn to hours时间点点滴滴流逝 And the day’s last light is gone这一天总要过去 Look around us always and remember环顾四周,不忘提醒自己 There were times we were uncertain我们有时难免迷茫 But we just kept walking on仍勇往向前进 It’s always darkest just before the dawn极暗之后便是黎明  See this island, every grain of sand在这岛国,万众一条心 Hear this anthem, it’s the voices of our friends嘹亮歌声,朋友们齐声唱 Come whatever on the road ahead前路漫漫,哪怕千万险 We did it before, and we’ll do it again一路走来,又何惧艰险  Our home, the home we share我们共同的家 Where the garden always grows toward the light朝着光明,永远积极向上 Though the road ahead is daunting,哪怕前路坎坷崎岖 I know we’re gonna be alright我们鼓起勇气 前进  See this island, every grain of sand在这岛国,万众一条心 Hear this anthem, it’s the voices of our friends嘹亮歌声,朋友们齐声唱 Come whatever on the road ahead前路漫漫,哪怕千万险 We did it before, and we’ll do it again一路走来,又何惧艰险  See this island, every grain of sand在这岛国,万众一条心 Hear this anthem, it’s the voices of our friends嘹亮歌声,朋友们齐声唱 Come whatever on the road ahead前路漫漫,哪怕千万险 We did it before, and we’ll do it again美丽明天,我们再度实现


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新加坡眼推荐搜索国庆歌曲新加坡— END —
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