


1. 第一学期将按预定时间开启,第一个教学周将于2020年8月11日开始。

2. 首先,大型讲座(Lecture)将在网上进行。而大部分的小课(Tutorial)和实验(Lab)将会线下进行。

3. 所有的图书馆、实验室、学习和研究设施都将对学生开放,但为了学生和教职员工的安全,这些设施将缩小开放容量。面授课程和小组规模将保持以50人为上限,所有的学生、教师和教师之间必须始终保持安全距离。

4. 随着学期的推进,在线课程将转变为现场授课。

5. 所有学生上课时都必须戴口罩。全体教员和讲师可佩戴口罩或面罩。

6. 学生在上课或自习后应使用提供的消毒湿巾擦拭桌面,以确保桌面清洁,以备下次使用。

7. 为了更好地保持身体上的距离,学生们只能去有自己课程的学习区域。在进入NTU教学楼和其他设施前,须办理安全准入(SafeEntry)登记。

8. 请与所属学院及课程协调人员保持联络,并定期浏览NTU学习网站,以了解有关课程的最新进展。为了优化空间的使用,可能不得不改变课程的开始和结束时间。如发生上述情况,学院会通知你。

9. 新学年亦会开始举办CCA活动,并逐步准许线下群聚活动,这取决于活动的类型和参与者的数量。


1. 根据政府现行的边境管制规定,你必须持有有效的学生准证 (Student Pass) 或 学生通行证的基本批准IPA(由移民局签发)和入境批准Entry Approval(由教育部签发)才能进入新加坡。


2. 所有从海外抵达新加坡的人士,必须在政府指定的设施内执行为期14天的居留通知(SHN),包括南大校园内获批准的设施。当收到入境许可时,将被告知你的设施已被分配。根据来自的国家,有多种SHN隔离选择。

3. 招生办公室和你们各自的学院办公室会联系你,为你进入新加坡提供便利。

4. 强烈建议目前在新加坡的国际学生留在新加坡,以免耽误或中断学业。如果你不能在AY20/21开始前返回新加坡,必须准备好休假(LOA),或者直到教育部批准你返回。不顾现行旅行通知的返回者还将被要求在专门设施(如旅馆),全额支付其14天的费用。








Dear Undergraduate Students,

I trust you have been keeping well.

NTU will begin the new Academic Year, starting with its Freshmen Orientation programme, in a few weeks’ time. I understand that some of you are anxious about how the coming Academic Year will be conducted.

I want to assure you that the University places the utmost importance on the safety and well-being of our students and the rest of the community. We also remain committed to providing you with a distinctive learning experience with access to world-class facilities, libraries, laboratories and learning resources.

I would like to provide you with further information on what you can expect in the coming Semester 1 of Academic Year 20/21.

For Academic Year 2020/2021 Semester 1:

Provided that Singapore’s COVID-19 situation remains stable, and subject to the prevailing national safe management measures:

Semester 1 will begin on time, and Teaching Week 1 will commence on 11 August 2020.

For a start, large group lectures will be delivered online. The majority of tutorials and lab sessions will be conducted in-person.

Whilst all libraries, laboratories, learning and research facilities will be available to students, they will operate at reduced capacity, both for your own safety, and for the safety of the staff. In-person classes and group sizes will remain capped at 50 people for a start, and all students, and faculty/instructors must maintain a safe distance from one another at all times.

Remaining online classes will transition to be conducted in-person as the semester progresses.

All students must wear their face masks at all times during lessons. Faculty and instructors may wear a face mask or face shield.

Students should wipe down the table tops after lessons or self-study with the disinfectant wipes provided, to ensure surfaces are clean and ready for the next user.

· For better physical distancing, students should only go to academic areas for scheduled lessons. SafeEntry check-in is required before entry into NTU buildings or facilities.

· Please keep in touch with your respective Schools and course coordinators, and check the NTU Learn portal regularly to keep abreast of updates and new developments about your courses. It is possible that in order to optimise the use of space, start and finish times of classes may have to be altered. Your School will inform you if that occurs.

CCA activities will also commence in the new Academic Year with face-to-face activities being permitted progressively, depending on the type of activity and the number of participants involved.

Hall applications

Residential education and hall life are a distinctive part of the NTU experience. We are working hard to preserve the availability of an enriching campus experience for our students. Hall applications are now open, and the application deadline has been extended to Monday, 29 June 2020, 5.00pm.

Successful applicants will be informed about the outcome of their applications, and they can expect to move into their assigned hall rooms progressively between 1 August and 15 September 2020.

International students currently overseas

For international undergraduate students who are currently not in Singapore:

You must have a valid Student Pass or an in-principle approval for a Student Pass (issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority), and entry approval (issued by the Ministry of Education) to enter Singapore, under the Government’s existing border control regulations. Student Pass holders who arrive in Singapore without entry approval will not be allowed to clear immigration, and must fly out of Singapore at their own cost within 48 hours. If they fail to comply, ICA will cancel their pass or rescind their in-principle approval. Do remember to submit your contact information and travel declaration before you begin your journey to Singapore.

All persons arriving from overseas must serve 14 days’ Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at government-appointed facilities, which include approved facilities on NTU campus. You will be advised of your allocated facilities when you receive your entry approval. Depending on the country from which you arrive, you may have a choice of SHN accommodation.

The Office of Admissions and your respective School offices will reach out to you to facilitate your entry into Singapore.

International students currently in Singapore are strongly advised to remain in the country, so as not to cause any delay or disruption to your studies. If you are unable to return to Singapore before the start of AY20/21, you must be prepared to be served Leave of Absence (LOA), or until MOE gives approval for you to return. Returnees who disregard prevailing travel advisories will also be required to bear the full cost of their 14-day SHN at dedicated facilities, such as hotels.

The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff are our highest priority. We continue to stay vigilant and we will provide more details on any additional campus-wide safety measures as needed.

Let us continue to stay safe, and closely support and encourage one another amid this pandemic.


Ling San

Deputy President and Provost



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