

谷歌在新加坡举办绘画大赛,让小朋友们画出“新加坡未来50年”主题的Google logo。我们这就来看看小朋友们眼中的新加坡未来50年是什么样子。


A home we belong 我们的家

Cherie Lee, PCF Sparkletots Preschool – Zhenghua

Singapore, our lion city. Full of colours and dreams with pandas, lions and many more. Let us protect our home!



Google Garden 谷歌花园

Katie Chan, Australian International School

I hope there is a Google garden in Singapore after 50 years.



Dinosaur Ethan 恐龙伊桑

Ow Yang Jia Le, PCF Sparkletots Preschool – Canberra

Dinosaur Ethan on a lookout for friends.



My future home 我未来的家

Ahmed Dzafirshah, Iman Kindergarten

My future home will be a garden full of robots and cool buildings. We will travel in space shuttle too!



Fly to the Moon 飞向月球

Aden Wu Wei Peng, PCF Parkletots Preschool – Punggol

The concept of his picture came about was that Singapore is moving towards a higher technology society. In future, technology can be so well advanced that all human beings can take a rocket from their to the moon for holiday visit.




City With No Limits 无限制的城市

Chan Seng, Alexandra Primary School

I envision Singapore to be a country with high advancements in self-sufficiency in term of energy, food and water supply. People continue to live in great harmony. There is an abundance of sky gardens and super transport system to the rest of the world.



Next 50, our first world Singapore 下个50年,我们的首个新加坡世界

Moh Journ Haydn, Beacon Primary School

Singapore will be powered by solar energy in the next fifty years. There will be no more pollution in the city and we can protect the environment. We will have continuous energy source. One significant change in Singapore is our transport vehicle. Having extendable rocket train will increase capacity of one ride and allow less waiting time. The trains will travel in modern tunnels. Both the trains and tunnels will run on solar energy. We will have no jam on roads. Everyone will be happy.




A Future Harmony Singapore For Everyone 每个人未来的和谐新加坡

Lock Yi Yin, Park View Primary School

In 50 years, Singapore, will have high ‘islands’ like my doodle. On the ‘island’ there will be what we have now (Eg. HDB Flats, Exercise, Games, Gym Corners and more). There will be flying cars to go where we want to (Eg. work and we will also have cable cars for tourists to go sightseeing. For the letter ‘E’, it is a cafe and if you look carefully, there are 3 mascots, ‘The ice cream, soda and coffee’. This mascots presents harmony among all of us and to work together.



Singapore in the next 50 years 50年后的新加坡

Ng Hui Juan, Jiemin Primary School

I drew this because i think that singapore will be much greener in the next 50 years, it will have plants on the building and all the buildings will be green in colour and all the house will be cool and green just like a forest now.



Coop 安全和谐

Darius Lim Wei Chen, Mee Toh School

Singapore is a greenery country that it’s people are living in harmony. For we are being protected by the elite force. I doodle the words to my country icons because it’s my Singapore 50th birthday. To me being safe and living in harmony is important, so in the next 50 years my country will be safe place and people live in harmony.




Singapore, the next 50 years 新加坡,未来50年

Lee Ee Jay, Radin Mas Primary School

I have drawn my predictions of how Singapore would be like 50 years later. My predictions are that people will build high-technology air crafts, more open lands where people can let hot-air balloons into the air and more famous Singapore icons.



The future & the past 未来 & 过去

Ashlee Bok Kai Wen, Achiraya, Radin Mas Primary School

The doodle tells us about what might happen in the furture and what had happened in the past.



Singapore, 50 years and on…新加坡,50年以后……

Zheng Yang, Naval Base Primary School

Singapore will still be our garden city. Important landmarks like the esplanade, merlion and gardens by the bay will still be attractions for many generations. The values of harmony and peace will still be important even though we advance to an IT Savvy Country.



Google City 谷歌城

Lee Jia Ling, Naval Base Primary School

For next 50 years. We not only can stay on land. With Google technology, Singapore can build a city undersea. For people who love sun can stay on land. For people who love sea can stay undersea.



Unexpected Finds 想不到的发现

Noah Zachary Grigoroff, Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School

Sometimes when you search for something, the best finds are actually unexpected. This exactly what this doodle represents.




The Future Metropolis 未来的大都会

Rachel Pang, Riverside Secondary School

I want to see Singapore as a nature, green-loving city, where new discoveries will be made with diversity of wildlife and being self-sustaining in the next 50 years.



Destiny 命运

Elodie Yeo Zhi Yi, Canadian International School

This doodle illustrates the future of Singapore. Everything would be more modernized with high-class technology and more buildings will be developed. However, the city would still be eco-friendly for us.



Singapore, our growing garden city 新加坡,成长的花园城市

Koh Rachel, Raffles Girls School (Secondary)

As a small country with an increasing population, we face the issue of limited land available. Ideas such as vertical gardening, cars without roads or skyscrapers in the sky can allow Singapore to grow while preserving wildlife and her reputation as a garden city.



Future CityScape of Singapore 未来的新加坡

Reiko Lee, Tanglin Secondary School

This doodle portrays my vision of the future Singapore as a scifi city. I visioned this way because I’m aware that Singapore has been developing successfully the past 50 years, hence being the unexceptional and limitless Singapore, I believe that she will develop further in the next 50 years.



Vibrant 鲜明

Ong Lin Kai Megan, Teck Whye Secondary School

Singapore in 50 years time will be filled with greenery. Building and houses based off from different types of plants, paintings of flowers decorated on walls of buildings and all this shows Singapore as a garden city.



Two sides of a coin 两面性

Lee Pei Wen, Nanyang Polytechnic

This doodle represents Singapore’s past history contrasting with Singapore’s future. The red side shows that Singapore in 50 years should still retain it’s core principles even when society rules change. Singapore should also have an equilibrum of rustic and city areas. We should also remember the past and know it’s rights and wrongs, while improving ourselves to strive for a more idea futuristic society.



Asia’s Giant Red Dot 亚洲的大红点

Steven, Victoria Junior College

Singapore, the beautiful city made of highly advanced technology and wonder of evergreen gardens. Surrounded by flowers, which represent multicultures and country. Filled with diligent citizens, the ‘Vanda Miss Joaquim’ all of which successes have been planned and achieved by great architect, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and whose masterpiece will always be an inspiration for future generation.



Blueprint of the Future 未来蓝图

Ian Chung, SOTA

Singapore in the next 50 years would be full of surprises, just like a blueprint. We don’t know what may happen but we know that we can start crafting a future for Singapore. This blueprint shows the possibility of Singapore’s advancement in the next 50 years.



A Lion’s Roar 狮吼

Joshua Chen Hao En, Yishun Junior College

A Lion’s mouth encompassing this Singapore landscape. When seeing the inside of our fierce soul is the essence of what makes us truly Singaporean. All I can wish for singapore to be is a kinder, cleaner future because I believe in our identity, one that is undying.



Modern Singapore’s Icon 现代新加坡地标

Tan Sai Yong, Si Ling Secondary School

These icons will last for a long period as they are the symbol of Singapore.




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