


When Americans look at China’s effort to face this crisis, it is natural, I think, for some to compare the U.S. system to China’s system and ask how things would be different if the crisis were here. Americans might say it is impressive that China can shut down an entire city to try to stop the spread of a virus. That would not very likely happen in the United States. But they will also argue that the American system is more open and would be a little more free about sharing information and trying to get reliable information to the public. That is the way that an American might look at strengths and weaknesses of China’s system compared to the United States. How would you make that comparison?


Well, as a diplomat, normally I don’t compare the government of China and the government of the United States. But you can have your own views because you also have had things like disasters, emergencies here, like Hurricane Katrina some years ago, and you did not shut down the city, but there was total disorder in the city. I visited Louisiana. People told me all kinds of stories. So we are shutting down some of the cities, especially Wuhan, to stop the transmission of the virus, to protect more people. We are doing all this of course at a high cost. But we are doing this in the larger interests of the entire world. If we fail to stop the virus, it could spread to other countries. Then this would cause an international crisis. So this is, I believe, a real example of one-for-all, all-for-one situation. We are doing this for the world. And we appreciate that the world is helping us.


You mentioned the high cost. There is a high economic cost, among other things, for China to shutting down major cities. Is there a point at which China’s government might have to decide the cost is too high? That this is a disease, it’s endemic, some people will die, but you need to reopen cities and resume economic activity?


First of all, people’s wellbeing, their health, their safety, their life are the most important thing for us. So we’ll do our best to protect people’s wellbeing, in a sense, at whatever cost. At the same time, people also need economic development. They have to have the economy grow and more normal social life. So we are also trying our best to restore normal economic and social activity.


How soon might that happen?


It will depend on how soon we can control the virus.


So you’re going to continue this effort until the virus is controlled. There is not a point at which you would say, this is just too costly. We need to go on.


I think, we are working on two fronts. On the one front, we are doing our utmost, and this is a nationwide effort to fight the virus. At the same time, we’re doing whatever we can, to the extent we can, to maintain some normal economic and social life. For instance, people’s daily necessities have to be provided. And some of the companies and factories have to resume their work after the Lunar New Year holidays and we are looking at when and how schools could be reopened.


Shortly before we spoke, Chinese authorities dramatically increased their reported number of coronavirus cases, which was an adjustment because of the way that the counting is done, not necessarily an increase in the number of cases. But that leads to a question. Are you confident that you now know a reliable number of how many cases there are and have an idea of the full scope of the problem?


I think it’s extremely important to have reliable numbers. That’s why we’re updating the numbers every day. And as you said, there was a dramatic increase, but because of the change of the diagnosis criteria. This is absolutely necessary. To use the words of some experts: “This is an attempt to widen the net”. So everybody who needs, who require(s) medical treatment will be included, will be covered. That will help us to get to the bottom.


Do you now have the bottom? Do you feel confident that you…


I think this is a question for the specialist to answer, but I certainly hope that we’ll get to the bottom very soon.


Do you think that you might have this crisis in hand in a matter of days, weeks, months? How long might it take?


For me, it’s the sooner, the better. But it would depend on our efforts, whether we are working in the right direction, whether the methods, the tools we are using are effective. But we are doing our utmost. I have confidence in our scientists, in our doctors and in our medical workers.


Wilbur Ross, the U.S. Commerce Secretary, made a comment about the coronavirus the other day. And he said he didn’t want in any way to be happy about the virus. But he said, (and I) quote “gives business another thing to consider when deciding on their supply chains.” I understood him to mean American businesses have another reason to think about going somewhere other than China.


After his remarks, I’ve read a lot of comments from American media, from American economists. They have expressed their views. So I have nothing to add.


Which views do you mean?


What kinds of views? As far as I know, many people disagree.


With him making that statement.


Yes, of course.



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