

​2021年8月6日,在Amazon.com NV Investment Holdings LLC v Future Retail Limited & Others一案中,印度最高法院就紧急仲裁员依据国际仲裁机构规则作出的临时措施命令是否具有可执行性进行了认定。该案对在印度投资,并选择印度为仲裁地的投资者具有重要的参考价值,同时对我国正在进行的《仲裁法》修改、相关制度条款的设计也颇具启发意义。

Amazon.com NV Investment Holdings LLC(下称“亚马逊”)申请紧急仲裁员作出禁售令,在认定Future Retail Limited & Others(下称“未来零售”)的出售行为是否违反股东协议的仲裁裁决作出前,禁止其出售名下占印度市场份额最大的零售业务之一。印度最高法院围绕以下两个争议焦点进行了审理:1)紧急仲裁员在《新加坡国际仲裁中心规则》下作出的“裁决”是否与印度1996年《仲裁与调解法》(Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996,下称“《仲裁法》”)第17条第(1)款下的可执行“命令”具有同等法律效力;2)由高等法院独任法官依据《仲裁法》第17条第(2)款作出的准予执行紧急仲裁员裁决的命令是否具有可上诉性。印度最高法院通过对《仲裁法》第17条第(2)款中“仲裁庭”定义的解释,并结合其他要素,最终判定法条对“仲裁庭”的表述应当适用于所有仲裁员,包括紧急仲裁员,其在本案中作出的决定具有可执行性。


亚马逊以143亿1千万卢比投资印度第二大线下零售商未来零售,并于2019年8月与未来零售及其旗下共13家关联公司及相关人员订立了《股东协议》及《股份认购协议》,明确约定亚马逊全部投资针对零售资产,须在未来零售内部流动,未经亚马逊许可,未来零售不得擅自出售其零售资产;包括Mukesh Dhrubhai Ambani group (Reliance Industries group,下称“信实工业”)在内的公司被列为限制交易对象;同时约定仲裁为争议解决方式,仲裁地为新德里,适用《新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁规则》(下称“《SIAC仲裁规则》”)。




1. 仲裁程序起始时间


《仲裁法》第17条(仲裁庭采取的临时措施)规定:“仲裁庭下令采取临时措施:(1)除当事人另有约定外,仲裁庭可以应当事人的请求,命令一方当事人对争议标的采取仲裁庭认为必要的临时保护措施。(2)仲裁庭可要求一方当事人就根据第(1)款命令采取的措施提供适当的担保。”(Interim measures ordered by arbitral tribunal.— (1)Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may, at the request of a party, order a party to take any interim measure of protection as the arbitral tribunal may consider necessary in respect of the subject-matter of the dispute. (2) The arbitral tribunal may require a party to provide appropriate security in connection with a measure ordered under sub-section(1).)

未来零售的代理人Mr. Salve对比《仲裁法》第9条第(1)款和第17条第(1)款的规定,辩称第17条第(1)款限定在仲裁程序进行中,允许前述定义下的仲裁庭采取紧急措施,因此,该条不可能适用于在仲裁庭正式组成前被任命的紧急仲裁员。相反,第9条第(1)款则允许当事人在仲裁程序启动前即向法庭申请采取临时措施。


(By agreeing to the application of the SIAC Rules, the arbitral proceedings in the present case can be said to have commenced from the date of receipt of a complete notice of arbitration by the Registrar of the SIAC, which would indicate that arbitral proceedings under the SIAC Rules commence much before the constitution of an arbitral tribunal under the said Rules. This being the case, when Section 17(1) uses the expression “during the arbitral proceedings”, the said expression would be elastic enough, when read with the provisions of Section 21 of the Act, to include emergency arbitration proceedings, which only commence after receipt of notice of arbitration by the Registrar under Rule 3.3 of the SIAC Rules as aforesaid.)

2. 《仲裁法》关于“仲裁庭”是否应当解释为包含紧急仲裁员

未来零售的代理人Mr. Salve对《仲裁法》中各条出现“仲裁庭”的规定进行了列举,结合第2条第(1)款(d)项对“仲裁庭”的定义,辩称《仲裁法》所指“仲裁庭”应当由当事人选定,既可以作出临时措施裁决,也可以作出最终裁决。



(However, like every other definition section, the definition contained in Section 2(1)(d) only applies “unless the context otherwise requires”. Given that the definition of “arbitration” in Section 2(1)(a) means any arbitration, whether or not administered by a permanent arbitral institution, when read with Sections 2(6) and 2(8), would make it clear that even interim orders that are passed by Emergency Arbitrators under the rules of a permanent arbitral institution would, on a proper reading of Section 17(1), be included within its ambit.)


(The heart of Section 17(1) is the application by a party for interim reliefs. There is nothing in Section 17(1), when read with the other provisions of the Act, to interdict the application of rules of arbitral institutions that the parties may have agreed to. This being the position, at least insofar as Section 17(1) is concerned, the “arbitral tribunal” would, when institutional rules apply, include an Emergency Arbitrator, the context of Section 17 “otherwise requiring” – the context being interim measures that are ordered by arbitrators.)


(Rule 1.3 of the SIAC Rules indicates that an award of an Emergency Arbitrator is included within the ambit of these Rules, and that an Emergency Arbitrator, as defined, means an arbitrator appointed in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 1. This makes it clear beyond doubt that “arbitration” mentioned in section 25.2 of the FCPL Shareholders’ Agreement would include an arbitrator appointed in accordance with the SIAC Rules which, in turn, would include an Emergency Arbitrator.)


(Under paragraph 7 of Schedule 1, the Emergency Arbitrator has all the powers vested in the arbitral tribunal pursuant to SIAC Rules, including the authority to rule on his own jurisdiction. Importantly,under paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to the SIAC Rules, the Emergency Arbitrator shall have the power to order such interim relief that he deems necessary, and is to give summary reasons for his decision in writing. Under paragraph 9, the interim order is to be made within 14 days of his appointment, unless time is extended. Importantly, once the arbitral tribunal is constituted under paragraph 10, the tribunal may reconsider, modify, or vacate any such interimorder. Such interim order or award issued by the Emergency Arbitrator will continue to bind the parties unless it is modified or vacated by the arbitraltribunal, once it is constituted, until the tribunal makes a final award or until the claim is withdrawn.)

3. 围绕紧急裁决执行的立法本意探讨



(the 246th Law Commission Report did provide for the insertion of an Emergency Arbitrator’s orders into Section 2(1)(d) of the Arbitration Act as follows:“Amendment of Section 2

1. In section 2of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996,– (i) In sub-section (1), clause(d), after the words “…panel of arbitrators” add “and, in the case of an arbitration conducted under the rules of an institution providing for appointment of an emergency arbitrator, includes such emergency arbitrator;”

[NOTE: This amendment is to ensure that institutional rules such as the SIAC Arbitration Rules which provide for an emergency arbitrator are given statutory recognitionin India.]”)

由印度政府组成并由B.N. Srikrishna法官(已退休)担任主席的高级别委员会,在审查印度仲裁机制的机构化进程并研究2015修订版《仲裁法》的条款之后,曾在2017年6月30日递交的《Srikrishna委员会报告》中“16. 紧急裁决的执行”一条提到,德里高等法院判例Raffles Design International India Pvt. Ltd. V.Educomp Professional Education Ltd.案中法官确立了《仲裁法》第17条第(2)款仅适用于仲裁地在印度的紧急裁决的执行,而否认了仲裁地不在印度的紧急裁决在该款下的可执行性。同时,报告指出印度与新加坡、香港等仲裁发达的司法管辖区在认可紧急仲裁员命令的可执行性的方式上存在差距。新加坡早在2012年即通过法律修订将“仲裁庭”的含义扩展到紧急仲裁员。香港也在2013年通过法律修订,确认了紧急仲裁员作出的裁决在取得高等法院作出的动议后,应当与法院作出的命令具有同等法律效力。考虑到支持紧急裁决执行的国际实践(如新加坡、香港、美国),印度是时候允许各项仲裁程序中紧急裁决的执行。




