每日新闻播报(September 21)

An Airbus A380-800 aircraft of Singapore Airlines takes off from Zurich airport, Switzerland October 16, 2019. [Photo/REUTERS]

>SIA to launch ‘flights to nowhere’


Singapore Airlines (SIA) is looking to launch no-destination flights that will depart from and land in Changi Airport next month, in a bid to give its ailing business a lift. 新加坡航空公司考虑下月推出无目的地航班,以提振不景气的航空业。航班将从樟宜机场起飞,经过一段时间的飞行后再降落樟宜机场。

Sources told The Straits Times that the national carrier is working toward launching this option for domestic passengers – dubbed “flights to nowhere” – by end of October.消息人士告诉《海峡时报》,这家国有航空公司正致力于在10月底前为其国内乘客推出”无目的地航班”服务。

They said SIA also plans to explore a partnership with the Singapore Tourism Board to allow interested passengers to partially pay for such flights with tourism credits that will be given out by the government. 消息人士表示,新航还计划与新加坡旅游局合作,让感兴趣的乘客使用政府发放的旅游积分支付此类航班的部分费用。

Each flight is expected to take about three hours. “无目的地航班”每次飞行时间预计为三小时左右。

A survey of 308 people found that 75% were willing to pay for flights to nowhere.一项有308人参与的调查显示,75%的受访者愿意花钱购买”无目的地航班”。

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

>Greece supplies gigantic masks


Greece’s plan to supply schools nationwide with free face masks has failed spectacularly after the delivered ones turned out to be too large for both children and adults due to wrong measurements. 希腊给全国学校提供免费口罩的计划出了大问题,由于尺寸错误,口罩送到学校后大家发现实在太大,不仅孩子们戴不了,给大人戴也不合适。

Greek officials admitted the failure on Tuesday, after the first batch of masks was delivered to schools. 9月15日,首批口罩送到学校后,希腊政府官员承认出现了失误。

Deputy health minister Vassilis Kontozamanis tried to explain the failure as a “misunderstanding” between the government and the contractor, stating the measurements were given for “pre-stitched” fabric. 卫生部副部长瓦西利斯·康托扎马尼斯试图解释称,之所以口罩太大,是因为政府和承包商之间出现了”误会”,他说,政府给的口罩尺寸是指口罩原料布大小。

The masks, intended for children under 10, measured 10 by 18 centimeters and those for older school children, a ginormous 12 by 22 centimeters. 政府为10岁以下学生订制的口罩尺寸为10厘米×18厘米,10岁以上学生的尺寸为12厘米×22厘米,大到不可思议。

Greek social media has been flooded with absurd imagery of the gigantic masks schoolchildren brought home. 学生们把这些口罩带回家后,各种搞怪图片在希腊社交媒体上刷屏。

In most cases, the face masks supposed to cover mouth and nose worked as full-face masks instead, and puncturing holes in them was the only way to see. 大多数图片上,本来只应覆盖口鼻部位的口罩大到可以当面罩盖住全脸,想看到外面必须在口罩上挖洞才行。

Photo by Dids from Pexels

>Movements betray who you are


The accents that creep into the way we speak can reveal a lot about where we are from, but there are also subtle clues visible in our faces and the way we move. 我们说话时不经意间流露出的口音很大程度上会暴露我们是哪里人,但从我们的表情、手势和走路姿势也可以察觉到微妙的线索。

If you’ve seen the film “Inglourious Basterds”, you will know that German and British people indicate the number three with their fingers in different ways. 如果你曾看过电影《无耻混蛋》,你会知道德国人和英国人用手指表示数字3的方式不同。

Germans raise their thumb and first two fingers; Britons pin the little finger with their thumb and raise the rest. 德国人竖起大拇指、食指和中指,而英国人用大拇指压住小指,竖起其他三根手指。

Most never realize that this difference exists until they see the alternative, which, to them, looks strange. 多数人从未意识到这种差异的存在,直到他们发现另外一种方式,在他们看来,这种方式很奇怪。

The presence of these subtle cues might help to explain the bias that can creep into our thinking about people from different backgrounds.这种微妙线索的存在也许有助于解释对来自不同背景的人们不自觉产生的偏见。


>Efforts in depression prevention


China’s health authority on Friday unveiled an action plan for depression prevention and treatment, particularly among vulnerable groups, including adolescents, pregnant women, seniors and those with high-stress jobs. 国家卫健委9月11日发布关于推进抑郁症防治的工作方案,尤其强调要加大对青少年、孕产妇、老年人和高压职业人群等重点人群的抑郁症防治干预力度。

The action plan required secondary schools and universities to launch mandatory mental health courses in a bid to spread depression prevention knowledge among young people, according to the National Health Commission.方案提出,中学、高等院校均设置心理健康必修课程,在年轻人中普及抑郁症防治知识;

Such knowledge and screenings for mental health issues should be included in prenatal and postpartum care programs, the action plan said, asking family members to help pregnant women take care of their mental health. 抑郁症防治知识的科普宣教以及心理健康筛查纳入常规孕检和产后访视流程中,提高孕产妇及家属防治意识;

It also urged mental health care facilities to provide guidance to primary-level medical centers and family doctors on depression prevention among the elderly. 精神卫生医疗机构指导基层医疗卫生机构结合家庭医生签约服务,开展老年人抑郁症防治工作。

The action plan set a target, whereby depression prevention knowledge will have been popularized among 80% of the general population and 85% of students by 2022.方案提出,到2022年,公众对抑郁症防治知识的知晓率达80%,学生对防治知识知晓率达85%。

The commission also urged measures to attain a 50% rise in the proportion of depression patients getting professional medical help by 2022. 到2022年,抑郁症就诊率在现有基础上提升50%。

An epidemiological survey in 2019 showed that around 16.6% of Chinese people suffered from mental health disorders of some kind.2019年的一项流行病学研究显示,我国约16.6%的人患有某种类型的精神疾病。

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