活动 | 五星摇滚酒店免费住*,20份豪礼待您拿,凭实力,不靠运气!







活动时间 :即日 – 2017年12月27日11.59pm

公布日期 :2017年12月28日

公布地点 :辉立资本新加坡微信公众号



一等奖  HardRock 酒店免费入住一晚*  (1份)

二等奖  小米手环一个* (3份)

三等奖  GV电影票* (16份)


新加坡Hard Rock酒店 – 圣淘沙内





















  1. This event will be conducted from 13 December 2017 to 27 December 2017. The results can be viewed on PhillipCapital WeChat on 28th Dec 2017.

  2. To qualify, participant must follow the WeChat account “辉立资本新加坡” and leave a comment for New Year’s Greetings under the article of “坡县五星摇滚酒店免费住*,还有20份豪礼相送!本次我们凭实力,不凭运气!”.

  3.  Phillip Securities will select the top 20 touching comments as the winners.

  4. The winners will be contacted via WeChat. If a winner is found to be not our WeChat account follower or is uncontactable after reasonable effort, he/she would have been deemed to forfeit the Prize.

  5. The winners must collect the Prize at Phillip Securities HQ (250 North Bridge Road #06-00 Raffles City Tower Singapore 179101) from 29 Dec to 12 Jan 2017, Monday to Friday((Excluding Public Holidays), from 9:00am to 6:00pm. If a winner is unable to collect the Prize personally, he/she must authorise another person to receive the Prize on his/her behalf. The authorised person must bring along a letter of authorisation duly-signed by the winner.

  6. If a winner is unable to collect or send a representative to collect the Prize on his/her behalf, he/she would have been deemed to forfeit the Prize.

  7. The Prizes used in all marketing collaterals pertaining to this campaign is for illustration purposes and the actual Prizes may vary in terms of colour etc. The winner shall accept the Prize “as it is” state.

  8. Participant will be required to arrange the hotel stay with the appointed vendor and the winner must follow the vendor and hotel including expiry date, block-out dates and other T&Cs.

  9. The winners of the Golden Village tickets must follow the T&Cs stated on the ticket.

  10. By responding to our event, you are deemed to have agreed for us to collect, use, disclose and / or process all personal data submitted for marketing purposes. You also agree for us to contact you via text for follow-up purpose, unless a subsequent withdrawal of Consent is submitted via our WeChat.

  11. Phillip Securities make no representation or warranty to the quality of the Prize and assume no liability or responsibility for any defects or non-performance in the Prize.

  12. Phillip Securities and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any Prize losses or claims caused by error in entry of personal particulars.

  13. Staff of Phillip Securities and all its subsidiaries are not eligible for the campaign.

  14. Phillip Securities have the absolute decision at any time to determine the eligibility of any client and shall not be obliged to give any reason. The decision of Phillip Securities on all matters relating to the campaign is final.

  15. Phillip Securities may in their sole and absolute discretion, substitute any prize with another prize of similar value without prior notice.

  16. Phillip Securities reserve the rights to disclose and publish the name and any other particulars of the winners (including photographs) for publicity purposes and the winners agree to cooperate and participate in the activities organised by Phillip Securities for these purposes.

  17. Phillip Securities reserves the right to withdraw, discontinue or terminate the campaign at any time at its absolute discretion, without notice or liability to any person(s).

  18. Participation in the campaign is deemed as acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions.

资料数据参考来源:小米商城,hardRock, 辉立证券

声明:本文仅为提供咨询,并不构成提议或者诱使预定、购买或销售在此提及的投资商品。它与您的任何投资目的、财务状况或者您的任何特定需求无关。因此,我们将不提供任何允诺也不为您因为该资讯所进行交易但导致的直接或间接的损失而负责任。所有投资都包含一定的投资风险,包括失去投资本金的可能性。您的账户和获得的服务可能受到市场状况、系统性能和其他因素的影响。第三方的研究信息来源可靠,尽管如此,辉立证券私人有限公司不保证它准确性和完整度,也不对因使用此讯息而导致的结果进行担保。 在决定进行交易之前,您可征询财务顾问的专业意见。如果您决定不寻求财务顾问的意见,您应该考虑此产品是否适合您。我们建议您在通过辉立市进行交易之前仔细阅读并理解辉立证券交易账户管理条件和风险披露声明。


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