Standardizing Required Documents for Health Code Application

1. Recently, the Chinese Embassy in Singapore has released the Reminder of Avoiding Going to Chinese Mainland by Transit Flights, which includes the further requirements for passengers flying to China who apply for health codes or certified health declaration codes. To facilitate passengers to submit the required documents based on their personal situations and itinerary to China, the Embassy hereby summarize the relevant requirements as follows (applicable to passengers taking flights to China on and beyond February 25, 2021).

2. Passengers who were the confirmed or suspected cases of Covid-19 must follow the relevant procedures, take further testing and 14 days of health observation and meet the relevant requirements before travelling to China. The above-mentioned passengers shall contact the Embassy in advance before departure to China, follow the relevant procedures and upload all the required documents to the health code application system. Since the testing and observation will take a period of time, please properly arrange your itinerary and ticket to avoid economic losses.

The Embassy would kindly remind that during the pandemic, passengers should follow the principle of“no travel for non-essential or non-urgent reasons”. For passengers flying to Chinese mainland for essential reasons, please make sure you fully understand the relevant policies, upload the required documents to apply for health codes, avoid travelling to Chinese mainland by transit flights, wear personal protection equipments during the journey, and strictly follow the local epidemic prevention and control regulations at the place of entry.

For Enquiry: +65-81296456(8:30AM—-12:30PM,2:30PM—-6:30PM Monday—-Friday, except Holidays)