
“中国是否向世卫组织施压,要求你们表扬中国? ”


“Has the Chinese government approached the WHO to ask it to stand up and say that China is doing a good job? Was there pressure put on this organization to say those sorts of things… because I know how important it is saving face in China.”


面对这样刻薄的问话,世卫组织总干事谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)给了一个有理有据、有情有义的精彩回答,他说:

China doesn’t need to ask to be praised… because we have seen these concrete things that should be appreciated.

中国不用要求我们表扬……因为他们在做的实实在在的事情 ,我们亲眼见到, 应该予以表扬。