6月22号周六夕阳徒:尼浩大道至体育场 Nicoll Highway to Stadium


22 June,Saturday Sunset Hike: Nicoll Highway to Stadium 





For friends who love hiking & nature, join us to walk from Nicoll Highway to Stadium 


Event Planner: Singapore Hiking


Leader of the team: Hai Li


Protector of the team at the back: Mei Ying


Set out time: 6.00pm on 22 June, no waiting for late comers

出发地点:尼浩大道地铁站(CC5) B 出口

Starting point: Nicoll Highway MRT(CC5), Exit B

结束地点: 体育场地铁站 B出口

Ending point: Stadium MRT Exit B

距离: 10km Distance: 10km

徒步时间: 2小时 Walking Time: 2 hours

难度: 中等 Difficulty Level: Moderate

适合人群:12-60岁 Suitable for:12 to 60 Years Old


这条路线沿途风景超赞 经过几个国家级建筑 跑马拉松 也和这条路线有重叠 欢迎大家一起加入 共度愉快周末 

Leader’s message: 

This route has fantastic view along the way, as participants will walk pass a few landmark buildings. It overlaps with the marathon route. We welcome everyone to join us, for a wonderful evening.


1. 自备所需的饮用水,干粮,雨具,照明及防蚊喷雾剂等。

2. 行进途中请注意安全,紧跟队伍不要擅自离队;请听从领队和护尾的指挥,以免发生意外;队友之间请团结友爱,互相照应。

3. 已有夜徒灯的朋友请务必携带.

4. 到达徒步现场必须主动找领队签到,否则领队没有点到名,将视为缺席此次活动。

5. 替别人或给多人报名者,也需要按照报名表格要求写清楚所有参加者的信息,以方便后台统计。


Gentle Reminders:

1.  Prepare water, unperishablefood, an umbrella and mosquito repellent.

2.  Please pay attention to safetyon the way, keep in step with the team and follow the commands given by theleader. In order to avoid accidents, we encourage teamwork and watch over eachother.

3. Friends who have Hiking Grouplights must be carried. Otherwise, 

4.  You are required to report to leader when you arrive,Otherwise it will be treated as absent if the leader doesn’t count your name.

5. Detailed information required by register form should be filled up clearly for all participants,this is for the convenience of the administrator to compile the data.

6.For participants in the hiking activities, if you have filled in the basic info required when signing up for an activity, you will be insured for accident during the activity. The insurance coverage is purchased by a partner organisation. You can join the hiking activity with peace of mind! Please be reminded to fill in all the info required when completing the event sign-up form. Thank you!


How to join Singapore Hiking WeChat Group


Participation condition: Take hike at least once every quarter


To join: Join any of our hike events, and ask team leader invite you into the Singapore Hiking Wechat Group on site;



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