

LAHORE: A delegation of Pakistan-Australia Business Council led by Shaoquett Moselmane, a member of the Australian Legislative Council, visited the Punjab Board of Investment and Trade and reviewed the investment opportunities available in Punjab. Speaking on the occasion, the delegation said that revolutionary measures have been taken to facilitate investment in Pakistan.

拉合尔:由澳大利亚立法委员会成员Shaoquett Moselmane率领的巴基斯坦-澳大利亚商业委员会代表团访问了旁遮普省投资和贸易委员会,并审议了旁遮普省的投资机会。 代表团在会上说,已经采取了革命性的措施来促进在巴基斯坦的投资。


ISLAMABAD: Finance Minister Dr Miftah Ismail on Saturday reiterated the government’s commitment to attract US investment in all sectors of Pakistan’s economy by creating a business-friendly environment. He added that the government also recognizes the potential of Fintech and the digital economy, and the sector will be facilitated further.

伊斯兰堡: 周六财政部长米夫塔·伊斯梅尔博士重申了政府的承诺,政府致力于通过创造一个友好的商业环境来吸引美国在巴基斯坦所有经济领域的投资。 他补充说,政府也认识到金融科技和数字经济的潜力,并将进一步推动该行业


BEIJING: The Global Innovation Centre (GIC) is planning to set up an office in Pakistan, as well as establish a China-Pakistan Trade, Energy, and Investment Centre in the organization’s Shenzhen office. Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque was briefed by Director General, GIC, Zhao Gang during a meeting held at the embassy of Pakistan, Beijing.

北京:全球创新中心(GIC)计划在巴基斯坦设立办事处,同时在深圳设立中巴贸易、能源和投资中心。 巴基斯坦驻华大使 莫因·哈克 在巴基斯坦驻北京大使馆举行的会议上听取了新加坡政府投资办公室主任赵刚的汇报


Daewoo Gas has signed a Master Engineering Procurement Construction and Finance (EPCF) contract with China National Chemical Engineering Construction Company (CNCEC) under which CNCEC would design, construct and finance an offshore LNG terminal. The terminal would be complete with topside equipment to enable LNG filling into ISO containers for use in Pakistan. The specialized LNG containers will be moved by trucks all over Pakistan where LNG will be re-gasified at client sites.

大宇天然气公司已与中国化工建设公司(CNCEC)签署了一份主工程采购、建设和融资(EPCF)合同,根据该合同,CNCEC将设计、建设和融资一个海上液化天然气接收站。 该码头将配备上部设备,使液化天然气填充到ISO容器中,供巴基斯坦使用。 专门的液化天然气集装箱将由卡车运送到巴基斯坦各地,液化天然气将在客户现场重新气化。


LAHORE: The United States has pledged to help Pakistan in improving its trade volumes, particularly with the Central Asian republics (CARs) under the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA). The US supports improving Pakistan’s trade volumes, particularly with Central Asian republics through USAID’s PREIA.

拉合尔:美国承诺帮助巴基斯坦提高贸易量,特别是在美国国际开发署(USAID)巴基斯坦区域经济一体化活动(PREIA)下的中亚共和国(CARs)的贸易量。 美国支持改善巴基斯坦的贸易量,特别是通过美国国际开发署的PREIA项目与中亚各共和国的贸易量。


ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Iraq Hamid Abbas Lafta has said that Pakistan and Iraq will sign agreements on cooperation in various sectors, including trade promotion and tariff rationalization, to enhance bilateral economic and trade ties. Pakistan and Iraq will sign 10 agreements to promote such cooperation in coming June, which will mark the beginning of a new era in enhancing bilateral relations.

伊斯兰堡:伊拉克大使哈米德·阿巴斯·拉夫塔表示,巴基斯坦和伊拉克将签署包括贸易促进和关税合理化在内的各领域合作协议,以加强双边经贸关系。 巴基斯坦和伊拉克将在今年6月签署10项促进此类合作的协议,这将标志着双边关系发展新时代的开始。