
ExxonMobil invests in expansion of its Singapore-based integrated manufacturing complex


ExxonMobil has made a final investment decision on a multi-billion dollar expansion of its integrated manufacturing complex in Singapore to convert fuel oil and other bottom-of-the-barrel crude products into higher-value lube base stocks and distillates.


The expansion project is part of the company’s plan to further enhance the competitiveness of the Singapore facility, which includes the world’s only steam cracker capable of cracking crude oil. The project, which leverages proprietary technologies, integration and scale, will significantly increase site downstream and chemical earnings potential. Engineering, procurement and construction activities have begun, and start-up is anticipated in 2023.


“The demand for high-quality fuels and lubricants will increase as the global economy expands,” said Bryan Milton, president of ExxonMobil Fuels and Lubricants Company. “By using a combination of proprietary catalyst and process technologies, we will increase the site’s competitiveness and help meet growing demand for high-performance lubricants and cleaner fuels.”

“随着全球经济的扩张,对高质量燃料和润滑油的需求将增加,”埃克森美孚燃料和润滑油公司总裁Bryan Milton说。“通过使用专有催化剂和工艺技术的结合,我们将提高网站的竞争力,帮助满足对高性能润滑油和清洁燃料日益增长的需求。”

The investment will add 20 000 bpd of ExxonMobil Group II base stocks capacity, which includes EHC 50 and EHC 120 grades, in addition to a new high-viscosity Group II base stock to meet increasing demand in the Asia-Pacific region.

该投资将增加2万桶/天的埃克森美孚第二集团基础库存能力,其中包括ehc 50和ehc 120级,以及新的高粘度第二集团基础库存,以满足亚太地区日益增长的需求。

“The project also applies new chemicals technologies and leverages integration across the crude cracker and refining complex to further enhance the competitiveness of crude cracking,” said Karen McKee, president of ExxonMobil Chemical Company.

埃克森美孚化工公司总裁凯伦•麦基(Karen McKee)表示:“该项目还采用了新的化学技术,并利用了原油裂解和炼油厂之间的整合,进一步增强了原油裂解的竞争力。”

The expansion will add the capacity to increase production of cleaner fuels with lower-sulfur content by 48 000 bpd, including high-quality ExxonMobil Marine fuels to enable customers to meet the International Maritime Organization’s 0.5% sulfur requirement.


The project represents the latest and most significant in a series of recent ExxonMobil investments in base stock production. Recent ExxonMobil EHC Group II base stock investments include a 2015 expansion in Singapore and the start-up of a world-scale, enhanced hydrocracker unit in Rotterdam in 2018.

该项目是埃克森美孚最近对基础库存生产的一系列投资中最新、最重要的一个。最近埃克森美孚EHC Group II的基础股票投资包括2015年在新加坡的扩张以及2018年在鹿特丹启动的世界规模的增强型加氢裂化装置。

Engineering, procurement and construction contracts have been awarded to Técnicas Reunidas for the new process units, and Wood Group for interconnecting pipelines and supporting infrastructure facilities. As part of the project, ExxonMobil is working on a long-term commercial agreement with Linde to upgrade residue from the site to hydrogen and synthesis gas.

新工艺装置设计、采购和施工合同已授予Técnicas Reunidas,管廊和配套基础设施合同授予Wood。该项目的另外一部分,是埃克森美孚正与林德签订一项长期商业协议,将现场的渣油转化为氢气和合成气。