



Zachary Cain

I have the same experiences like you, I currently living in Thunder Bay( lovely peaceful place), and planning back to China once I get ticket. like the way how Canadians toward the life (most people are friendly, peacefully. Really enjoyed the life in Canada), but also I felt the government is inefficient and it doesn’t care about residents and citizens live Here is my personal experiences, when the virus just started spread out, Canada gov supposed had enough time to stop it.But just said keep distance between each other they didn’t force people wear mask to stop virus spread


Fluffing Fluff

First of all, it’s absolutely fine to have angry happy and disappointed feelings towards China. China is not perfect andconstructive criticisms is healthy for the development the country. The last thing China wants is an echo chamber.what people don’t like is BS and racist news being broadcast by the mainstream media using completely fabricated “facts”only to cause hatred and tension among different groups and people.


Fluffing Fluff

Bottom line: The west is busy worrying about how many genders there are, while the Chinese are busy making themselvesrich



In democratic west, you can change the political parties but not the policies. In’communist’ China you can’t change theparty but you can change the policies. The makes the country progressive and base on meritocracy.


Teo Walt

Actually China is a third word country, lol


Ten o’Pentacles

Thank you! Main stream media continue to brainwash people in the West particularly since Trump ramped up the blame game.Please continue to share possitive and realistic lights on China. Hopefully more and more people will learn that China isnot the boogeyman MSM has portraited.


frank walto

Chinasuffered so much in the century of humiliation that we know what is really important, that is, law and order, sociaI stability is paramount. Look at the protests in the US, Look at the election propaganda. What is the point of election ifyou choose people like Trump to be your president


Estelle Greyling

Beautiful sceneryl Love the walk and tallks! I lived in Shenzhen for 5 years and miss China terribly.


Alex Absolute

Thanks Glad you enjoyed it Where are you now then? hows life after China?



@Alex Absolute Back in South Africa again It has its ups and downs. More downs lately with the pandemic-our governmentdoes not have a clue how to handle it.


Alex Absolute

@Estelle Greyling yeah I’ve seen it’s not been handled that well. I have family in Cape Town


Alex Absolute

yeah I think China handled it way better than many other countries, the thing that blows my mind is how the other countriesjust watched and didn’t seram ble to get prepared


grimm reaper

China puts its people’s lives over its economy.China’s citizens cooperated, the various business and authority step-up to address and meet the daily needs of its citizens during the lockdown. china stumbled a bit in the beginningbecause they just discovered this new virus and had no idea how to treat it. their ability to organize, and marshal resource was impressive. china won this biological war.


Ann ce

As you live in China, you will for sure find out all the mainstream media lies about China to brain washed the public tohate China. I had long been suspect of the western media, i went to China just visit I knew right after that all I readfrom the Western media are totally skewed, lies without facts. I don’t listen or watch any of the western news.


Long John Silver

foreigners like to compare Shanghai to New York because both of these cities have so many tall skyscrapers. Foreigners also call Hong Kong the New York of East Asia. But I never heard any Chinese describe HK or Shanghai the New York of Asia



Shanghai is Shanghainot new york.Shanghai have more good building than Amarica.


Char Dion

in america we do the same thing we pay for everything through our phone



@Char Dion Haven’t seen anyone go out with just their phones for months on end in theUS while everyone does that in China, you can pay for the metro, at restaurants and even little fruit stands on the street with your phone in China People don’t carry their wallets in China, something simply unimaginable in the West.


Max J

China is a first world country….


Wale Vlogs

OMax J China is a second world country


Frances Christine

Me too. I was glued to CNN N BBC for so long until I started watching youtube videos from Vloggers, Thank goodness, I now know the Truth n lovelearning more abt China n Russia n Middle East Cant wait to visit China when everythingis back to normall


Mika L

I think that I mentioned this before, but I was planning to take a trip to Beijing for a couple weeks and see what I feelabout China and if my feelings were right. But then this Coronavirus happened when I was visiting for the Chinese New Year. It really solidified my feelings for China Seeing people band together like that broke my heart to leave, The feelingsyou talk about are concrete for many of us who had gone through this. It’s definitely opened my eyes on so many perspectives. Coming back to Canada made me feel really alien. It just felt wrong. I was so upset and nobody here understood me except my wife because they didn’t experience what we did. We felt so alone in this.I love a lot about my home country but the way they handled this gave us so much stress and just pushed me more to want to move to China longer than I had planned I have a craving for the life in China There’s so much for me to do and learn.It’s where I really learned to grow as a person There’s nothing like it.tada’



Canada is not that bad Trudeau is actually doing an OK job in this pandemic. It’s countries like the US and Brazil thats behaving against humanity.



Shanghai is my favorite place in China so far. The people were fun, the night life is awesome, it was great I’m dying to go back


zee bee

How do you buy groceries online? Is there an app?



Yes the app is taobao



America and west in general are a few years behind far eastern countries like china, japan, korea, singapore ete in consumer electronics and service



hows the crime rate there?


Ston Hou

China is one of the safest countries in the world


jun wei kang

shanghai is shanghai, why should it be Newyork?



I have been lived in China and the US for a long time. Both countries have problems. Most of China’s problems are on thesurface, almost everyone who have eyes can see them. America’s problems are covered, so need a little intelligence to seethrough them. The American democracy looks great, but it actually is controlled by interest groups who are wealthy. For example, a person who want to have a influential presidential campaign to win the election must always have wealthy groups to back up. Wealthy people won’t give up money for nothing There are deals between the candidate and the riches.



@kasenski While “Communist”China pacing towards the future, some western countries, especially the FVEY are still holdinon with their Cold War mentality.The Welsh Dragon. Boyle



There just so much fake and bad news about China in the west. China is not perfect, no where near as evil as the US


Alex Absolute

Yeah it gets harder and harder to pick the truth out of all the lies hey.



What a beautiful pathway with all the flowers around, almost seems unreal. It’s like the seven year itch in a marriage,glad this pandemic has reignited your love for China. Keep up your positive attitude


hysoka Xvinsmoke

This pandemic bring out the best and worst of ppl, it change nature view and prospective of lots of things from society,western value, Asian thoughts, etc. Then you have media twister and turn the angle on them that feed to politician who then fabricate info to suit their agenda.


Criis Is

I got sick of trying to explain stuff to foriegn friends during the early day’s of covid. the videos being put togetherwere sometimes years old or just wrong. Or they thought the whole country was like Wuhan.I call the early days of visiting China “sensory overload”. We travelled a lot and there is so much amazement here. Can’twait to getting back to exploring China more.


Ben Louis

Chinese government swiftly did something to contain the covid situation, such as building hospitals to care for their people, and what western governments did? Nothing! Just bickering and talk nonsense



How did you survive for 5 months not working Do people in China have a lot of savings to pull them through tough times?



now you really love china .. you are so excited while you talking haha. I love china too and I which to visit it one daythank you for the video


Dr. Monique Rodgers

Thank you for posting this! I’m excited about moving to China. I’m so happy China is diverse


Putu Anindita Wira Cahyani

I love China so much specially the chinese people. gosh, i would like to go and live there! Let me be honest here, Im inlove with a Chinese actor. Yang Yang


Beatrice tosho

I’m moving to China this year, trynna decide between Shanghai and Dalian.


Wale Vlogs

OBeatrice tosho Shanghai and Dalian are both great cities! you are so lucky


Alexander Neumann

Dalian is cold in winter. shanghai is expensive



china is awesome. I think I loye the convenience of everything. like you said, buying everything online


Ignatius Chua

I believe he was referring to tourists in the last ten years. He is right though. China Chinese does have these issues when they go abroad as tourists.


Michael L

When a westerner made mistake, that person got blamed. When a Chinese made mistake, China got blamed



That’s ture. I don’t know why ppl can’t understand Chinese are actually pretty diverse because of the huge region and different culture and ethnicities. Many ppl would rather generalize 1.4 billion ppl all the time rather than seeing the fact



OMaggie yes, cant agree more. China has 1.4 billions people, it’s logic that there are some bad and some good, but most ofthem are just normal people, they are not evil and they dont eat strange food



As a big nation of such huge population progressing improving at such miraculous speed It is alright for Chinese to getonstruetive criticism China has no problem with that . What China doesn’t welcome are the untruthful reporting by western Media and those liesWe can disagree with China and criticize China for their mistakes but the west should never ever insult China.



It is impressive how the Chinese government prioritises safety, health and well being of the population over economicbenefits by deploying and expediting the essential medical and scientific resources to stamp out the Covid 19 fast andhard. China showcases to the World how competent, responsive and responsible leadership is able to promote societalresponsibility and thus stamp out infections early and fast and save lives. Ultimately after more than two months of full Lockdown, China enables the population to have the health and peace of mind to pursue activities, education andwork productively to contribute to the country.


wutt m

excellent video and I agree with you about how lovely China and how the mainstream media


Dumb Done

Nice. Shout out from Portland, Oregon.


Alex Absolute

Glad you enjoyed it, hows Oregon at the min??


Dumb Done

Alex Absolute We are fairing better than the rest of the country Thank you for. Please continue to share, wouldove to revisit China again.


Sam Hawkwood

China and Chinese have gone through lots of hardships but keep working together towards a better life. It’s a curve likemany rich countries having reached peak and are kept stable or declining now. Once China gets developed and reached its peak(might take another 50 years), it will go static as welL. So all Chinese in China is experiencing rising time, hardshipis paid back with better life and a very vital and dynamic environment. Every time I m in China, I feel positive and dynamic atmosphere compared to quiet and organized life here in Europe. I love this exchange on regular basis. Yes western media keeps blackballing China, which will never change, but China should open up to let YouTube and Google and Facebook sothe world will know real China and all lies will be smashed by facts by themselves.



Wow has the scenery changed/improved since covid? Because of lack of pollution etc?


Alex Absolute

@kina7 nah it’s always been that beautiful



Gweilo said it’s hot and humid over there. That street lamp look like oil lamp?


That Kid

China is huge. They don’t have the same climate.



It’s been 100 years since Chinese men had braids I’m surprised how western media describe China today. I guess TVnewspapers are about the scene of China from 30 to 40 years ago, or even earlier.



Those who have been to China will understand that most of the western media is alie. When they say cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen are third class and filled with factories, in truth those very cities are glittering gems.When they say that the virus started in China, they are not looking at proof that it might have started from them. They saChinese don’t have freedom, yet they fail to see that they themselves don’t have it, and in fact the Chinese are morefree and safe than the accusers. Chinese build, Americans destroy and blame. This is what is happening at the momentWhat has the ccP done for China in the last 10 years, VS what your government has done in the last 5o years.In China, foreigners are safe, and live safely In countries like America, Chinese people get beat up on the street for their nationality. Now, isn’t that twisted? Before judging another, look at yourselves and your own countries, you hypocrite.


Kevin Lowe

So basically your logic is whatever media says anything negative about China is lie.



what i know about the chinese people is this, if you stick it out and embrace their culture they will in turn embrace you


Alex Absolute

yeah its a big change to move to the other side of the world and to a completely different culture, thats what made me doit in the first place


Limin Shao

nice piece of video. I totally understand the annoyance you have when being stared, maybe out of curiosity orsomethingelse, but not out of disdain or mockery, and that is for sure. I like your attitude of looking at the positives, whichis the key to a happy life.


Sasha Steel

Never too late to do anything! Many elderlies in China are still living a VERY active life; they dance, play chess,playbadminton, do martial arts, do Tai Chi, etc ete etc, so many things! They don’t look their age at all. I really like to seethose scenes in China myself; they just look so happy.



I can feel what you feeling…after living in US for 8 years, idecide moving back to china ASAP with my wife and two children…



European countries seems like give up the internet sovereignty to America, never really fight for it kind of pity.



China is just Amazing but people in here sometimes makes life in here un bearable..



I’m going to learn Chinese so i can visit Chinese church in Finland .I just love how smart and cool Chinese people are.



The future of the world is China. The Chinese have such pride in their achievements and culture…something most westerncultures have lost I remember 35 years ago how Chinese people would say how great China will become in the future and everything they said came true.


Bart Mika

Strong state generates strong nationalism, lets hope that they wont go german way.



yeah, I remember back in the early 196os when was a teenager, an elderly family friend (“uncle” joe) said that the 21stCentury would be China’s century. I didn’t say anything, because I though it sounded ludicrous and impossible. And yet,here we are a bit more than 1/2 a century later, and I was completely wrong, and “uncle” was almost prophetic.


Ignatius Chua

OKevin Lowe Are you really ineapable of having logical reasoning? Is it possible that everything is negative about China?Watch some foreigners who are youtubers in China They will show you their life in China. Open your eyes to the real world rather than be a couch warrior believing everything your leaders or media tells you


Jonathan Brown

I love living in China. No one talks about polities and religion. Plenty time to develop life skills and business


Charles Chin

Because they have no time for petty issues Time better spent on trying to improve their quality of life.


Tomato PotatoV

Yup.There are still many people facing poverty problem in China. Hope they can solve this problem in next decades.


Mauro Morganti

@Tomato PotatoV Find me another country that has taken over 8oo million out of poverty like China did in the last 10 years, and actually what I see in the last 1o years poverty increase all over including the so-call the first world


Hayley Rule

But why is it ok for China to insult the West?


Charles Chin

@Hayley Rule so your western media does not insult China and the Chinese? Or do you only have sextive brain? You can insuIt us but we cannot insult you back You are better than me?



@Hayley Rule When has China insulted the West? Chinese news agencies regarding international news are generallyvery neutral in tone and often quite positive. Unlike Western media portrayals which uses a lot of emotive or negatively suggestingwords to portray China. There is very little fair coverage with regards to China, and that is why you are conditioned tothink negatively when it comes to China, despite you literally knowing practically nothing about China, Chinese society orChinese culture.



think the point is not aruging that Chinese/ western media should not or have insulted each other but rather it’s important to keep the news and judgement real and subjective Criticism is always welcome but ridiculous finger pointing(somewestern media have unfortunately done so) should never ever happen. That is “the west should never ever insult China


John SS

I wish things would get back to normal Sure miss going to China



thank you for sharing your positive thoughts again. The scenery is breathtaking


Ann cc

Yes, agree with many comments here, unfortunately many people never Travel to China or live there& being brained washed by the western media to hate China. The culprit leader is Trump-the white supremacist, created hatred in US &Canada many western countries, now US has major protests for the whit police brutally killed a black unarmed man. Protests for racist all over US.



only the people living in China can experience the real peace.



I think people can get jaded with their own country to be honest, do the london rush hour commute and smile when they raise the price of train tickets, look around you, you’ve got the brilliant orange flowers with green grass, tress, mountains and the tower blocks in the background and it all looks stunning.


Eric Ren

I don’t hate anyone! how about let the Westerners who like China to move to China! to exchange the ones who like West toWest!’


Cute Animals

Go check Trump’s Twitter: BLAME CHINA, BLAME WHO, BLAME OBAMA. And there are almost 3M cases in the US



western bank system will use their power and influence such as lobby group and media demonize wechat kind of super app.it’s not in their best interest.


Autumn Ratledge

Great video, as always! I always love to hear more about Chinese culture and fun little things like this



I absolutely agree with everything, after 2 years studying in Shanghaii cant believe the uk is how it is. It feels justso far behind China Wechat and Alipay are the best and most convenient things ever and the subway is just unbelievable.



China skipped the period of using debit and credit cards too, and went straight to phones -its crazy! Their society is evolving sooo fast and I think it’s incredible to go visit and be a part of it even if its just for a short time


Alex Absolute

Yeah I guess you’re right, thats kind of why I left the UK in the first place. And yeah its great hey, so beautiful Itswhy bought a house right next to it



With respect to western media, it seems that there is a ideological confrontation political science/social science)now.I believe China will diversify the ideology in governance and (diversify) what kind of freedom we should seek… China hasthousands years of civilization and many vicious cirele in the shifting of different dynasties. There are a lot Chinesehistory can offer.


ChooiHar Chan

Awesome view. Seas of flowers…. Gosh this is a view to die for. Friend, continue to do what your heart tells you. As one of your many subseribers, I love all your postings.



there are bad things and injustice in china, but is it just china?? i can tell you this. it exists here in canada also. in usa, we all know about the prejudice and injustice face by the blacks. remember the “black life matter” movement ??the most important thing is that you are happy where you are and that is what matters the most love from canada


Pipay Lu

Would you do a video some time about the negative things you find about living in China? I’m thinking of moving to China,but having also grown up in the UK, I hear about the positives are, but I can’t find so much information about what thenegatives might be. This would make it a lot easier for me to weigh up the decision as to whether to relocate or not


Alex Absolute

OPipay Lu there’s not really negatives per say but there are things that are not for everyone, I could swing a video on


In China, everyone’s’ life matterslow chewwah



You can live in China for 8o years and you will still be a foreigner. The “old China hands”of the 19th century realizedthis. It’s not America



You’re in a foreign country and have a foreigner mindset. Unless you change your mindset you will always be a foreigner.If someone is looking it’s to see if they recognise you Just smile and say hello have you had dinneryet


asia sushi

find that in so called democratic nations, party politics divide the people, nation. No to say which is better, but there are pros and cons. What the world needs is meritocracy, not politics. US is a failed democracy.



@Jonathan Brown “No one talks about politics and religion. “-Yes, that is “true freedom. love to live here in China,where the country is not polarized over such issues. People are happy, dance on the streets and laugh a lot. If you show respect and friendliness to them you’ll get it back ten times over.



there has never been respect for Chinese people abroad, especially in these Anglo Saxon countries. They are regularly subjected to racist verbal and physical attacks.When the British go over to Europe for their holidays, they expect everyone to speak English. They get drunk, fight withthe locals and run around naked in the street. Do Chinese people do that on holiday, I don’t think so.



stop over-generalising The Brits abroad in Spain disrespecting the locals are just one group of society. Just like the Chinese tourists abroad that do behave badly in places like Thailand are just one small sub-section of Chinese society.



@C brtdgh He’s talking about the 8os, not now.
