






01|Galeries Lafayette,Spring Department Store, etc. may not reopen until July 10 with losing 9.5billion euros turnover

On May 13th,the Paris Police Agency issued an official announcement: “In order to preventthe second outbreak after the unblocking, all large-scale shopping malls withan area of more than 40,000 square meters in the Île-de-France region will notoperate normally until July 10.

The specific business hours will depend on theepidemic situation.” This means that many shopping malls, including GaleriesLafayette and Paris Spring Department Store, will not open until July 10.

02|英国百货John Lewis计划分阶段重新开放

英国百货John Lewis已决定从下个月初开始逐步恢复部分门店营业,运营负责人Andrew Murphy表示这场疫情让他意识到,只有接受事实并作出针对性的调整,公司才有可能继续开业。

按照他的计划,John Lewis将在6月1日开始后的四周内分阶段重启旗下门店,所有工作都会在确保员工和消费者安全的前提下进行。


02|British departmentstore John Lewis plans to reopen in stages

BritishDepartment Store John Lewis has decided to gradually reopen from the beginningof next month. Andrew Murphy, head of operations, said that the epidemic madehim realize that only by accepting the facts and making targeted adjustmentscan the company continue to open.

According to his plan, John Lewis will reopenits stores in stages within four weeks after June 1 and all work will becarried out on the promise of ensuring the safety of employees and consumers.


澳大利亚M-City综合开发项目的零售区于5月21日正式启动,两家主要租户Kmart和 Woolworths商超也将入驻。


03|Retail area ofAustralia M-CITY complex project officially launched

AustraliaM-City mixed-use development launches its retail precinct on May 21, with theopening of its two major tenants: Kmart and Woolworths Supermarket.

The Buchandesigned mixed-use development is the largest ever undertaken outside ofMelbourne’s CBD andincludes a range of residential, hotel and serviced apartment accommodation aswell as retail, entertainment and commercial facilities within theworld-renowned education and medical precincts of the Monash municipality.

04|Manor Lakes Central购物中心开始 6000万美元的扩展项目建设

Dennis Family于5月7日宣布,将重启墨尔本西部Manor Lakes Central购物中心的第二期项目拓展工作。该项目总耗资6000万美元,扩建完成后,可用面积将会达到2,000㎡,并新增Kmart,Best&Less,Anytime Fitness等店铺。

04|Manor Lakes Centralshopping mall begins construction of $ 60 million expansion project

Dennis Family announced on May 7 that it willrestart the second phase of the expansion of the Manor Lakes Central shoppingmall in West Melbourne. The total cost of the project is $ 60 million. Afterthe expansion is completed, the usable scale will reach 2,000 square meters, andnew stores such as Kmart, Best & Less, and Anytime Fitness will be added.


5月16日,美国奥兰多迪士尼乐园宣布迪士尼乐园、餐饮店D-Luxe Burger、超市Marketplace Co-Op等三商家将于5月27日恢复营业,但奥兰多迪士尼度主题公园和度假酒店等其他部分仍将继续关闭。


05|US Orlando Disneyannounced opening part of the business on May 27 for can’t bear closure dilemma

On May 16,US Orlando Disney announced that Disney World, restaurants D-Luxe Burger,supermarket Market Co-Op and other three businesses can resume business on May27, but Orlando Disneyland Theme Park and Vacation hotel remained closed.

Disney Springs requires visitors to park in a limited area, putting masks orcover their nose and nose, taking temperature measurements, etc. At the sametime, restrict traffic and social isolation will also put in using.

06|Capella Hotels, TheRitz-Carlton, and Patina Hotels奢华酒店即将在马尔代夫开业


06|Luxury Hotels: CapellaHotels, The Ritz-Carlton, and Patina Hotels to open in the Maldives

Singapore-based real estate developer PontiacLand announced recently that the Maldives Farri Islands will open in the fourthquarter of 2020. The three considerate-selected luxury hotels on the FaresIslands are known for their tailor-made hospitality, and complement each otherto ensure tourists’ satisfied-experience.


Legal & General投资6500万英镑开发的The Lumen项目,据说是过去十年中在市中心建造的最大的私人投资办公楼,占地10.6万平方英尺,将会提供造1000多个工作岗位。

07|The Lumen, a newlandmark office building in Newcastle city centre, has been completed

The Lumen,part of a £65m development by Legal & General, is said to be the largestprivately invested office building to be built in the city centre in the pastdecade, covering 106,000 square feet and providing more than 1,000 jobs.



5 月 15 日,COVID-19 疫情影响了瑞士历峰集团第四季度的销售额,使其在截至 3 月 31 日的三个月里下降了 18%,其中亚太地区和中国受创最为严重。

据悉,亚太地区整体下滑 36%,仅中国地区就下滑 67%。在欧洲的销售额下降了 9%,而在美国的销售额在三个月内上升了9 %。

该公司董事长兼创始人 Johann Rupert 表示,硬奢侈品的长期基本面依然强劲。他对中国市场也持乐观态度,并补充称,该集团旗下在中国重新开业的品牌见证了“强劲的需求”。

01|Swiss Richemont Group’sfourth-quarter sales decline by 18%

On May 15,the COVID-19 epidemic affected Swiss Richemont ’s fourth-quarter sales, causing it to fall by18% in the three months to March 31, with Asia-Pacific and China being theworst hit areas.

TheAsia-Pacific region fell 36% overall, and China alone fell 67%. Sales in Europefell by 9%, while sales in the United States rose by 9% in three months.

Thecompany’s chairman and founder Johann Rupert said that the long-termfundamentals of hard luxury goods remain strong. He is also optimistic aboutthe Chinese market and added that the reopening of the group’s brands in Chinahas witnessed “strong demand.”


资生堂公司于2020年3月开始通过其分销商LUXASIA PARTNERS PTE. LTD.在斯里兰卡销售其品牌的全部产品。此举意味着,资生堂将在全球88个国家和地区(包括日本)销售。


02|Shiseido vigorouslyaimed at Sri Lanka, expanding the global market

Shiseido Companybegan selling products of its global prestige brand SHISEIDO in Sri Lanka fromMarch 2020 via its distributor LUXASIA PARTNERS PTE. LTD. With this launch,SHISEIDO will be sold in 88 countries and regions (including Japan) around theworld.

Currently,under the “PrestigeFirst Strategy” set out inits medium-to-long-term strategy “VISION 2020”, Shiseido aims for growth around the worldthrough marketing initiatives that place top priority on the Prestige business,which is its area of strength.


德国零售巨头Lidl计划斥资260万英镑在贝尔法斯特建立一家新超市。该公司已提交了将现有仓库改造成其最新合资企业的方案,同时正考虑选址Holywood Exchange Retail Park。如果申请的方案获批准,该店将占地1.48万平方英尺,并创造26个就业岗位。

03|Lidl plans to spend £2.6 million to build a new supermarket in Belfast

Germanretail giant Lidl’s plans to spend £2.6m on establishing a new supermarket inBelfast look set to secure approval later today. The company is eyeing up asite on the city’s Holywood Exchange Retail Park, having submitted proposals totransform an existing warehouse unit into its latest venture. If backed, thestore would cover 14,800 sq ft and create 26 jobs.



4、UNIQLO, L’Oreal,Richemont and Tapestry announced their participation in the third ChinaInternational Import Expo

On May 15,UNIQLO announced that it had officially signed the third China InternationalImport Expo and won the exhibition space of 1500 square meters, which wasUNIQLO’s first exhibition.

In addition, Richemont, Tapestry and L’Oreal willalso participate in the exhibition. The third China International Import Expowill be officially launched in Shanghai in November this year.

05|CHAUMET 在中国推出全球首个全系列线上选购平台

创始于1780年的法国殿堂级珠宝时计世家 CHAUMET近日推出线上旗舰店,这是全球范围内首次推出的全系列线上选购平台,包含微信小程序和H5。

这里不仅集聚了品牌全系列珠宝和腕间珍宝(腕表)作品,更从不同侧面呈现了品牌的意境和美学理念,渗透着品牌与中国消费者建立深层情感联结的种种心意,堪称 CHAUMET 精心打造的一座“云端之城”。

05|CHAMET launched theworld’s first full range online shopping platform in China

Founded in1780, CHAMET, a royal family of jewelry timekeepers in France, recentlylaunched its online flagship store, which is the first full range of onlineshopping platforms in the world, including WeChat apps and H5.

It not onlygathers the brand’ s whole series of jewelry and wrist jewelry (wristwatch)works, but also presents the brand’ s artistic and aesthetic philosophy fromdifferent aspects, permeates the various intentions of establishing deepemotional connection between the brand and Chinese consumers, which can becalled a “Cloud City” carefully built by CHAMET.

06|疫情后的意大利针织老牌 Missoni:新品系列缩减25%,今年仍将在中国开设四家新店


然而,Missoni集团并没有止步不前。该集团仍计划于2020年在中国市场开设四家新门店,稍后莫斯科的一间新店也将开业。意大利时尚行业联合会(Federazione Moda Italia)在预测中指出,其全年销售额跌幅可能达到50%。

06|Though post-epidemicItalian knitting brand Missoni new product series to reduce 25% four new storeswill still open in China

Along withthe lockdown caused by COVID-19 pandemic gradually being over, Missonirecently, announced to reopen its businesses and prepare to complete theproduction design via conference call, video and file transfer.It will be achallenge for Missoni to show men’s wear and women’s wear early spring seriesin June and July, which was decided to hold in May.

However, Missoni does notstop moving forwards. It is planning to open four new stores in China in 2020and a store in Moscow will be opened later. Federazione Moda Italia estimated thatthe consolidated sales might slump 50%.


拥有汤米·希尔菲格(TOMMYHILFIGER)和卡尔文·克莱恩(CALVIN KLEIN)等一系列标志性品牌的PVH Corp.发布了一份分阶段重新开店计划。目前,公司在北美开设了大约180家门店,在欧洲有350家,在亚洲有1000家,在澳大利亚有75家,在巴西有4家。分阶段重新开放将在未来几周内继续进行。


07|PVH reopens storesaround the world

PVH Corp.,owner of a portfolio of iconic brands including TOMMY HILFIGER and CALVINKLEIN, released a phased reopening plan for its stores in the U.S. and aroundthe world. Approximately 180 company-operated stores across all brands are nowopen in North America, along with 350 in Europe, 1,000 in Asia, 75 in Australiaand four in Brazil.

Phased reopening will continue over the next several weeks.In addition, PVH is also strengthening its digital marketing. PVH isexperiencing online sales growth well in excess of the rate achieved in 2019and the company believes its overall digital penetration will continue toincrease throughout 2020.



此外,这家跨境网店还引进了音乐、时尚和美容偶像蕾哈娜创建的100%无害的美容品牌Fenty Beauty、法国独立香水公司Bon Parfumeur、美国丝芙兰最畅销的天然护肤品品牌Farmacy和以专业皮肤保健而闻名的Dermalogica。


08|Sephora China launchesflagship store on Tmall

Globalprestige beauty retailer Sephora joins hands with leading cross-bordere-commerce platform Tmall Global to launch the Sephora Tmall Global FlagshipStore.As part of the launch, a show room presenting cross-border beautyproducts with “cloud shelves” in the physical Sephora store is also beingunveiled to further enrich customer experience and create online-offlinesynergy.

In addition, the cross-borderonline store also brings in the 100% cruelty-free beauty brand Fenty Beautyfounded by the music, fashion and beauty icon, Rihanna; French independentperfume house, Bon Parfumeur; one of the bestselling natural skincare brand inSephora America, Farmacy; and Dermalogica, known for its professional skinhealth products.

The store provides Chinese consumers with 600 products from 25overseas brands, that cover make-up, skincare, fragrance and hair careproducts.




01|China Taiwan ’s convenience storesreport sales increase in quarter one

Thoughoverall retail sales were down 0.6 percent in the first quarter, conveniencestore sales grew 5 percent year-on-year to NT $ 84.7 billion (US $ 2.83billion), data compiled by the China Taiwan ’s Ministry of Economic Affairs showed. Onlinesales still only accounted for 1.1 percent of total convenience store sales inTaiwan in the first quarter, but that was up from 0.9 percent during the sameperiod of 2019.



首席财务官Burkhart Grund指出,此次融资将用于公司一般工作目的,并确保集团拥有足够的流动性应对疫情。在截至3月底的12个月内,历峰集团销售额增长2%至142.38亿欧元,净利润则大跌67%至9.31亿欧元。

02|Richemont Group, theparent company of Cartier, issued 2 billion euro bonds

According tothe statement of Richemont Group, the financing was launched on May 18, andthree batches of bonds were launched on Luxembourg stock exchange, which willmature in 2028, 2032 and 2040 respectively, and these bonds are expected toobtain a + rating.

Burkhart Grund, CFO, noted that the financing will be usedfor general working purposes of the corporate and to ensure that the group hassufficient liquidity to respond to the outbreak. In the 12 months to the end ofMarch, sales of Richemont Group increased by 2% to 14.238 billion euros, whilenet profit fell by 67% to 931 million euros.

03|Dillard’s 亏损1.62亿美元,第一季度销售额骤降47%



03|Dillard’s swings to$162M loss as Q1 sales plummet 47%

Dillard’s on14th May reported net retail sales (not including its construction business)fell 47% in the first quarter to $751 million. The company swung to a loss of$162 million, from net income of $78.6 million a year ago, as gross margincontracted from 37.8% last year to 12.8%.

The retailerhas reopened 149 locations (including 24 clearance centers), and plans toreopen 116 Dillard’s stores and five clearance centers next week.


Facebook首席执行官Mark Elliot Zuckerberg于5月19日表示,公司将推出一款名为“商店”的应用,该应用将面向那些传统上依赖实体店或无法建立电子商务平台的企业,为其提供网络平台上展示和出售产品的服务。

04|Facebook is pushinginto online retail with new shopping APP

Facebookchief executive Mark Elliot Zuckerberg said on 19th May that the company wouldlaunch an APP called Shops, which will offer online services to display andsell products to businesses that have traditionally relied on physical outletsor are unable to build e-commerce platforms.

05|意大利时装展会 WHITE Milano 为买手和展商构建 B2B数字服务平台

意大利时装展会 WHITE Milano 目前正在为买手和参展商打造一种全新数字化服务,包括构建一个B2B平台,以应对后疫情时期的市场发展。

作为这项数字化转型的一部分,WhiteMilano展会于一月任命 Federico Poletti 为传播及市场总监。White Milano 展会创始人 Massimiliano Bizzi 近期担任#Insieme Siamo PiùForti(团结让我们更有力量)宣传活动的代言人,该活动聚集了3500多家意大利中小型企业。

据悉,WHITE Milano 由 Massimiliano Bizzi创立,米兰市政赞助,与米兰时装周同期举办,是当代时尚潮流趋势的专业策展机构,专注于发现发掘国际市场上优秀的先锋设计师品牌。

05|Italian fashion showWHITE Milano builds B2B digital service platform for buyers and exhibitors

Italianfashion show WHITE Milano is building a new digital service for buyers andexhibitors, including a B2B platform to cope with market development in thepost epidemic period.

As part of this digital transformation, WHITE Milanoappointed Federico Poletti as director of communications and marketing inJanuary. Massimiliano Bizzi, founder of WHITE Milano, recently served as thespokesperson for the campaign “unite Siamo PI ù Forti” (unite to makeus stronger), which gathered over 3500 small and medium-sized Italianenterprises.

Foundedby Massimiliano bizzi and sponsored by the municipal government of Milan, WHITEMilano is a professional organization of contemporary fashion trends, focusingon discovering and exploring outstanding designer brands in the internationalmarket.



在CES展会上,与 Amazon语音助手 Alexa 连接的交互式智能化妆镜 Venus赢得了创新大奖,这面镜子可检测皮肤健康情况,并为用户提供相应的护肤建议。欧莱雅集团发布了与伦敦数字孵化器 Founders factory共同开发最新皮肤护理技术设备 Perso。瑞典美容仪器公司 Foreo 在CES展推出了一款LED智能面膜仪 UFO 2,用于强化面膜的吸收效果。

06|CES InternationalConsumer Electronics Show in 2020 launched a number of beauty tools

At the CES2020 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the United States,beauty industry giants and technology start-ups cooperated closely; at the sametime, Internet and technology giants such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and applehave also developed special digital beauty testing tools.

At CES, Venus, an interactivesmart make-up mirror connected to Alexa, Amazon’ s voice assistant, won aninnovation award for detecting skin health and providing users with skin careadvice.

L’Oreal Group has released the latest skin care technology equipment, Operso,jointly developed with Founders Factory in London. Foreo, a Swedish cosmeticinstrument company, launched a LED smart mask UFO 2 at CES to enhance theabsorption effect of the mask.


5月20日,维密母公司L Brands公布一季度财报,L Brands的总销售额同比下降37%。公司已连续三个季度亏损,连续四个季度的销售额下降。L Brands宣布,计划2020年在北美永久关闭约250家维多利亚的秘密店铺。

07|Victoria’s Secret willpermanently close 250 stores, and the parent company’s first quarter revenueplummeted by 37%

On May 20, LBrands, the parent company of Victoria’s Secret,reported its first quarter results, with itstotal sales down 37% year on year. The company has lost money for threeconsecutive quarters and its sales have declined for four consecutive quarters.L Brands announced plans to permanently close about 250 Victoria’ s Secretstores in North America by 2020.


01|困境中的英国时尚电商 LittleBlack Dress 被投资基金收购

目前,英国线上时尚零售商 LittleBlack Dress(小黑裙)已被私募投资机构 Fashion Ventures Limited 收购,交易价格并未公布。

据了解,Little Black Dress成立于2014年,总部位于曼彻斯特,早期通过线上渠道销售各个品牌的小黑裙,英国演员 Alesha Dixon 是公司的股东之一,并为平台设计了独家的小黑裙系列。

成立,Little Black Dress 的累计销售额已经超过1300万英镑。由于疫情影响,作为安全措施的一部分,Little Black Dress官网于4月8日暂时关闭了销售服务,但是顾客仍然可以访问该网站浏览商品。

01|The troubled Britishfashion e-commerce Little Black Dress was acquired by an investment firm

Britishonline fashion retailer Little Black Dress has been acquired by private equityfirm Fashion Ventures Limited, and the transaction price has not beenannounced.

Little BlackDress was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Manchester, early sales small black dresses ofvarious brands through online channels. British actor Alesha Dixon is one ofthe company’s shareholders and designed an exclusive series of black dressesfor the platform.

Since itsestablishment, Little Black Dress has accumulated sales of more than 13 millionpounds. Due to the impact of the epidemic, as part of the security measures,the Little Black Dress official website temporarily closed its sales service onApril 8, but customers can still visit the website to browse products.

02|Boohoo募资2亿英镑 将收购新品牌


首席执行官John Lyttle认为未来几个月全球时装行业将出现很多机遇,目前正在研究一系列可能的并购交易,其主要目标为欧洲和美国的业务。此前该公司已收购了诸如PrettyLittleThing、Nasty Gal、MissPap、Karen Millen和Coast等品牌。

02|Boohoo raised £ 200m toacquire new brands

British fastfashion Boohoo said recently that it had sold about 58 million shares at 340pence per share in just 24 hours, accounting for 5% of its issued capitalstock, raising a total of £198 million, which would be used to acquire newbrands to expand its product portfolio.

John Lyttle, chief executive officer,believes there will be many opportunities in the global fashion industry in thecoming months, so it is studying a series of possible M&A deals mainly coveredthe businesses in Europe and the United States. Before then, the company hasacquired such brands as PrettyLittleThing, Nasty Gal, Misspap, Karen Millen AndCoast.







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