“I am a Reader” Challenge | “阅读达人挑战赛”背后的故事


How to stimulate students’ enthusiasm for reading? How to let students willing to stay in the library? The library has carried out a series of Book Week events last December, such as Dress up as a Book Character for ES, I am a Reader Challenge, Guess who is reading and Book Fair 2019 for ES/MS/HS students. We also invited our ES parents to the library, and our school’s online information and digital resources were introduced.

其中,“阅读达人”活动从2019年12月16日开始,持续到2020年3月16日结束,在此期间阅读英文书籍最多的孩子就是冠军。该活动跨越三个月,不仅是对参赛同学们的信心与勇气的一次考验,更是一次对毅力与耐心的挑战。且因处于全球爆发“新冠肺炎”疫情期间,它早已不是一次简单的读书活动。故此我们特别撰文详叙,以致敬专心读书的 “小达人们”以及始终陪伴、鼓励、支持他们的家长们。

The student who reads the maximum number of books from 16th December 2019 to 16th March 2020 will be the winner. We have encouraged students to read as many books as they can during this period. It’s not only a three-month reading event, but also a challenge of perseverance and patience for our students. As the outbreak of COVID-19 grown around the whole world, our students have never given up and read consistently. This is dedicated to our lovely students and parents who always accompany and support their children.

活动之初,图书馆馆长 Rashmi 老师利用 “I am a reader” 微信群宣布了比赛规则,孩子们需参考指定模板,用英文记录着阅读日志(包括书名、阅读书籍的起止时间等)。同时我们在ClassDojo上创建了一个名为 “I am a Reader Challenge” 的在线平台,以便于家长们能迅速上传孩子们的读书信息。大部分参赛者在比赛初期已在图书馆借阅书籍。

Head Librarian Ms. Rashmi announced the competition rules in an online group at the beginning of the challenge and gave a reading log template which is noted the book they are reading and the start and the end date. Also we created a group named “I am a Reader Challenge” on ClassDojo to monitor what they are reading and to respond questions. It also enables parents to upload the reading log and photos rapidly. Most of our students had already checked out books from the library for the competition and the library has guided them as to how to choose a book and what to read next.


We had the celebration of Chinese New Year and influence of the coronavirus epidemic during these three months. Despite it being inconvenient for our children to check-out books from the library, the librarian received their reading pictures and reading logs regularly. How can our students maintain consistency for reading ? Here are their stories.

本次挑战赛最小的参赛者是 G2B 班的新加坡孩子 Kai(丘泽凯)。Kai 同学虽然年纪小,但他是一个典型的“书虫”。从参赛之初至今,他一直在坚持阅读,且自己完成着读书记录,日日更新。在上学期图书馆要闭馆的时候,Kai 专门来图书馆借了一批书,为参加“阅读达人”竞赛做准备。假期里,Kai还和小弟弟一起读书。

The youngest challenger is a Singaporean kid, Kai, from G2B. Kai is knowledgeable and really enjoys reading. Since the holiday was coming on January and the library was closed, Kai borrowed dozens of books from the library to prepare the competition. Once he took up the challenge, he has insisted on reading and has keeps reading records by himself. On holidays, Kai has been encouraged to read with his younger brother.

I am a reader……

三年级参赛的选手最多,每个孩子都有自己的读书特色。Ines (陶奚绮雯)出生于一个国际家庭里,所以家里的英文藏书就很多,她更是甘之如饴。Ines 的读书速度是惊人的,而且她非常主动。

Most participants are Grade Three students. Ines was born in an international family and she has many English books. Ines is a fast reader and initiative to read.

在老师的印象里,Dion (胡陈杨) 是一个小淘气。校内图书馆课上,他常常爱穿梭在各个书橱间,很难看到他安静的时刻。而今Dion在假期中的表现却着实让老师喜出望外。他每周上传的读书记录是用电子文件整理的,非常详实。他和妈妈一起阅读,母子间的神情是多么温馨甜蜜呀!

Lucy (沙梓馨)同学是一个秀气腼腆的小姑娘。在参赛之初,她有些犹豫,很担心自己不能坚持阅读,几度有过退赛的想法。这时家长和老师都及时鼓励她,“相信自己,坚持不懈,就可以成功。我们的对手从来就是自己。只要敢于挑战自己,就已经是’赢家’了。”后来,Lucy在妈妈的悉心陪伴下,不仅坚持完全程赛事,且从始至终是自己认真记录着阅读日志的,尤其专注。我们相信,这个难忘的假期过后,Lucy可以自豪地说:“我经历了一次愉快的阅读历程,我也发现自己可以挑战不可能了。”

在长达三个月的阅读长跑中, Cherry(徐韵琪)同学不仅读完了 30 本自然拼读读本,还阅读了很多家里收藏的实体书,且每天坚持半小时的 “Reading Egg” 上的在线阅读。妈妈惊喜地发现, 读书活动 Cherry “不仅坚持下来了,还越练越自信了。每次向妈妈汇报进展时,Cherry 就说闯到 Lesson ??,那感觉就像是在做游戏一样”。随着比赛进程,嘉兴市的隔离措施使孩子在家能阅读到的实体书明显不够了。这时徐妈妈一方面将电子书打印出来给孩子阅读,同时也鼓励 Cherry 自己尝试制作“手抄书”,就是把网站上的英语小故事抄写下来,成为自己的“原版书”。这不仅有利于鼓励孩子的阅读兴趣,也可以大大提高孩子英语书写和作文的水平。妈妈总体的评语是:“相信 Cherry 会越练越积极的。”让阅读成为孩子自发又喜悦的活动,不正是我们所有老师期盼的吗?

Alysa (谢涵语) 每天读完书,都会把学会的新单词记录下来。2月底前的读书信息是妈妈上传到 ClassDojo 的。3月初妈妈开始上班了,Alysa 妈妈就将自己、孩子和 Vivian(冯老师)一起组成了三人微信群,每天三年级的 Alysa 小朋友都会上传读书的图片到群聊里。为谢妈妈这种培养孩子主动性的方法点赞!

Leo LV (吕文野) 是三年级刚转来的新同学。为了有效提高英语学习水平,在这个假期里他痛下苦功。吕妈妈特别为儿子制定了剑桥英语彩虹阅读计划,在这个系列读物中,Leo每读完一本书,不仅及时抄下书名,还会把自己新学到的单词抄录。读完六本书后,Leo 会给自己一段缓冲的时间,把已经读过的书籍再反复读,直到新单词掌握得滚瓜烂熟,才进入到下个阅读阶段。这样的”硬核“读书法,让我们看到孩子的韧劲和坚毅的品格。相信在他身后叮嘱与陪伴的妈妈,一定操了很多心。

I am a reader…..


首先我们介绍 G4A 班的 Enno (王炫皓) 同学。不仅 Enno 积极参加阅读活动,Enno 妈妈也是阅读群家长中的积极分子。几乎每周五,Enno 妈妈都是第一个在 ClassDojo 上及时更新孩子阅读信息的。即使是在过年期间的特殊日子里也一如既往。Enno自己书写的阅读日志是那么清晰详致,字体端正,后期妈妈版的 “读书日志” 更 是娟秀清丽。在此让我们不禁联想,要培养出”学霸儿子“,妈妈也是竭尽全力呀。

Enno 妈妈曾在大年初二发留言给老师,“这几天孩子感冒发烧,一着急就给忘记了(上传读书日志),但Enno 每天还是坚持阅读的!” 在疫情如此严重的日子里,Enno 发烧了,还在坚持阅读,真是精神可嘉。

Enno 妈妈不仅如期上传阅读日志,还给我们图书馆工作提供了好的建议。临近阅读活动结束时,Enno 妈妈说:“学校这个活动真的非常好,Enno 平时虽然也读书,但是有惰性。经过这次活动,积极性更强,英语阅读水平进步很大。”真心感谢 Enno 妈妈对我们工作的鼓励与肯定。看到 Enno 如此醉心于阅读的系列照片,相信一定出自那双充满着爱与欣赏的眼睛,真是为这对母子骄傲!

下一个要介绍的是G4B的印度同学 Avaneesh,他能说一口流利的中文。假期中 Avaneesh 一家选择回国过印度新年。但是地域的变化并没有影响孩子读书的兴趣,Avaneesh 妈妈依旧按时更新着孩子的读书日志,且直接制作成 了Excel 表格,清晰可鉴。

Avaneesh is from India, but he can speak fluent Chinese. He went back to his country to celebrate the Indian New Year with his family. Avaneesh’s reading routine hasn’t affected at all. His mother has updated the reading log on time and made forms earnestly.

G4A 班级的 Cindy (干芯琳) 和 Lauren (金娥瑛)是一对班级里的好姐妹,也是相互鼓励的阅读爱好者。这场突如其来的疫情,将好伙伴们分隔在了泰国曼谷和韩国首尔,但是她们仍旧在阅读着。

G4A students Cindy and Lauren are good friends and all love reading. They are separated in Bangkok, Thailand and Seoul, Korea because of the epidemic. However these two girls have always read books and encouraged each other.

4A 班的Lisa (严贝怡) 同学在阅读过程中,有着自己特色的记录 方式,她不仅记录了书名,阅读时间,还摘抄下经典语录,这样她所读过的每本书都会在脑海里留下深刻的记忆。

G4B 班的Gary (吴俊豪)同学在快放假的时候,专门到图书馆来借书,Gary 妈妈也与我们认真交流,仔细为孩子选择合宜的书籍。

3月16日,同文小学部的“阅读达人”的挑战赛正式拉上了帷幕。但正如图书馆馆长 Rashmi 老师说的那样,“即使您的孩子只读了 1 本书,他或她都是胜利者。” 在此次活动中,我们欣慰地看到孩子们各有各的成长与进步。在与家长的互动中,有效地促进了学校和家庭间的互动,这正符合 IB 学校致力于建立和谐学习社区的宗旨。

Since the competition ended on 16th March, as Head Librarian Ms. Rashmi said, “Even if your child read only one book, he or she is a winner.” and we appreciate everyone’s participation. Through these activities, the library is pleased to see our kids’ growth and progress. Interacting with parents shows closely connection between our school and family, which conforms IB school’s mission — to build a harmonious learning community.

图书馆老师的角色也不再只局限于校内的借还书服务,而是直接参与到了孩子阅读计划里,为培养孩子良好的阅读习惯而努力。家长们为孩子精心挑选的书目,也成为了我们了解学生阅读兴趣、阅读能力的好参考,为我们进一步制定更好的推荐阅读建议提供帮助。在线阅读的“小达人们”,更是带着老师走进了一个个广阔的儿童阅读世界,这将大大助力图书馆今后 “线上阅读”活动的开展。同时通过亲子阅读形式培养了学生的读书习惯,使学生们逐步形成阅读技能,提升阅读素养,这正是终身学习的核心。

The role of librarian is no longer to provide circulation service. Instead, the library is involved in students’ reading programs and develops their reading habits. The students’ booklists selected by their parents become a valuable reference for teachers and librarians to know our students’ reading interests and abilities. And it helps the library to give better reading suggestions for our students. These online readers take teachers into a wonderful reading world. In addition, parent-child reading cultivates students’ reading habits outside school, and reading events are conducive to improve their reading literacy which is also the core of life-long learning.


Vivian 冯 黎(同文部小学图书馆)

Slyvia 金柳婷(同文部初高中图书馆)