



BFA Vice Chairman Dr. Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that, the pandemic has widened the social distance among people, yet during the hard times, mutual understanding and helps from each other, between countries and across regions are more imperative, to bring together wisdom and to find solutions. The key to economic policies is to provide basic social security and mitigate the debt burden. Some kind of “put-on-hold” policy arrangements can be considered. The destiny of all countries is bounded together. As long as the international community overcomes fear and fight together, we will eventually win the battle. Asian economies have strong resilience. They will continue to play the role of a global growth engine during and after the pandemic.




BFA secretary General Mr. Li Baodong stated that, the outbreak of the coronavirus led to the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and caused severe influences on society and politics. This crucial moment calls for solidarity and global leadership. Mr. Li applauded the G20 Special Summit for its efforts and positive impacts on the global fight against the coronavirus. The Boao Forum for Asia endeavors to promote cooperation and dialogue. All stakeholders should join hands and face the challenges together. Finger pointing and politicalization would divide the global community and put the international joint efforts in jeopardy.




BFA Director and former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Mr. Wong Kan Seng stressed that, this global pandemic is a wake up for the international community to act in concert to fight this common enemy and to build a safer world. It is very important not to shut our door and turn inwards. The solution is not protectionism and nationalism. We need to keep an open and sustainable global supply chain, ensuring free trade of goods and services. We shall resist the urge to stop globalization and strengthen global cooperation. By staying open and connected we can emerge from this crisis stronger and more resilient than before.



The writing team introduced the main findings of the “Asian Economic Outlook and Integration Progress 2020” Report.


The report writing team then introduced the main findings of the “Asian Economic Outlook and Integration Progress 2020” Report. According to the Report, the duration of the pandemic, continuing trade frictions, accumulation of financial risks especially debt risks, spreading of negative interest rates of developed economies, geo-political conflicts, social stability conditions, and crude oil price tends would be important determinants of Asian economic development in the future years. It is expected that the Asian economy will experience zero growth in the year 2020, and be on the medium-low growth track for the years to come. However, the Asian economy is resilient with an ongoing trend of integration. Intra-regional integration of trade has been on the rise, the production reliance within the region has not been severely affected by trade conflicts, the distribution of competitive advantages of the three world factories remains relatively stable, and Asian investors are more inclined to invest within the region. If equipped with a cross-border disease control mechanism within and out of Asia, we can better tackle the challenges of the coronavirus and other public health crises.


张涛 国际货币基⾦组织副总裁


Mr. ZHANG indicated that, amid the global economic contraction, 2020 may witnesses a zero growth in Asia, which has not been seen in the last 60 years. A full arsenal of policies, responsive and nimble, is needed to support and protect the healthcare sector and to protect people, jobs, and industries directly. Bilateral and multilateral swap lines, financial support from multilateral institutions and a role for capital flow measures to cope with external sector volatility can be considered.


莫雷诺 泛美开发银行行长

莫雷诺(Luis Alberto Moreno)指出,新冠病毒正在开始大举进入南半球,由于封锁、石油价格暴跌和金融市场动荡,拉美今年的GDP可能收缩2%-5.5%。他强调,贸易是亚洲与拉丁美洲之间牢固联系的基础,但需要多样化和价值增值。通过降低双边关税和其他物流成本,亚洲对拉丁美洲的出口可增长20%-40%。

Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno warned that the coronavirus is starting to move in a much stronger way into the southern hemisphere and Latin America may suffer economic contraction around 2-5.5% of GDP, due to lockdowns, oil price crash and financial market turmoil. He stressed that trade is the anchor of strong ties between Asia and Latin America, but needs diversification and value change. By reducing bilateral tariffs and other logistics costs, Asian exports to Latin America could grow by 20-40 percent.




Mr. Toshinori Doi, Director of the AMRO expected growth in ASEAN+3 economies to slow sharply to 0.2 percent this year with a gradual U-shaped recovery led by China and the manufacturing sector.


中亚区域经济合作学院院长Syed Shakeel Shah

中亚区域经济合作学院院长Syed Shakeel Shah表示,在应对疫情方面中亚经济体的财政状况相对强劲,但需要应对大宗商品价格暴跌和侨汇下降的不利影响。

Mr. Syed Shakeel Shah, CAREC Institute illustrated that the central Asian economies are in a relatively strong fiscal position to tackle with the Pandemic, but are facing adverse impact of the crash of the commodities prices and declining remittances.



Mohammed Al-Sudairi

沙特阿拉伯费萨尔国王研究和伊斯兰研究中心亚洲研究部主任Mohammed Al-Sudairi谈到海合会国家因受到疫情和全球油气价格崩塌的双重打击,经济将总体收缩。

Mr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi, Head of Asian Studies Unit, KFCRIS mentioned that the GCC countries are severely hit by both the coronavirus and the global price collapse in oil and gas.




Madam Shamshad Akhtar, BFA Policy Sherpa mentioned South Asia is facing the daunting task of combating the virus due to a large population and high population density. global cooperation is very critical.



欧盟驻华大使郁白(Nicolas Chapuis)表示,当务之急,我们应战胜病毒,保护人民的生命健康。中国和欧洲多国取得的积极进展让我们有理由充分相信,我们将在未来几个月内打赢这场战争。

EU Ambassador Nicolas Chapuis said that our immediate focus should be to defeat the virus to preserve the health and lives of our populations. The progress noticed in China and in several European countries indicate a positive trend and we have good reasons to believe that we will win this battle over the coming months.


泰国大使Arthayudh Srisamoot

泰国大使Arthayudh Srisamoot重点介绍了泰国政府抗击疫情而采取的一些措施和合作行动。他表示,自疫情爆发以来,亚太地区在促进合作应对疫情不利影响方面一直非常积极。

Thailand Ambassador Arthayudh Srisamoot highlighted the Thai government’s policy measures in response to COVID-19, and commented that the Asia-Pacific region has been very active in terms of fostering cooperation to counter the adverse effects of the virus since the outbreak of COVID-19.


阿尔及利亚大使Ahcene Boukhelfa

阿尔及利亚大使Ahcene Boukhelfa表示,非洲已受到新冠疫情带来的经济副作用的严重影响。国际社会必须做出巨大努力来缓解这种状况,这不仅对非洲,乃至对整个全球经济的健康都是至关重要的。

Algerian Ambassador Ahcene Boukhelfa said that Africa has already been severely impacted by the economic side-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. A major international effort to alleviate this situation is essential for the health not just of Africa, but of the whole global economy.


土库曼斯坦大使Parakhat Durdyev

土库曼斯坦大使Parakhat Durdyev指出,土库曼斯坦总统别尔德穆哈梅多夫阁下在参加不结盟运动联络小组在线高级别会议时强调,国际社会联合抗疫应以团结为指导,各国应对措施可能有差异,但都应以长期战略为基础。

Turkmen Ambassador Parakhat Hommadovich Durdyev said that,President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participated at the online high level meeting of the Contact Group of the Non-Alignment Movement and emphasized that consolidated international efforts should be guided by solidarity, yet may have variations in the national response, but rest on universal long term strategy.




Representative of the UNHCR in China Sivanka Dhanapala stressed that, the economic consequence of COVID-19 highlighted the importance of ensuring that responses also address issues of inequality and vulnerability. Worst affected will be those living on the margins, refugees, displaced persons in these low and middle income countries. UNHCR works with government and humanitarian partners to make sure refugees are included in response plans to COVID-19.We need additional financial support now to help ensure people can survive these challenging times.




欧洲咨询联盟-安博思中国区CEO MATTIA MARINO对于意大利公司在中国和亚洲的发展前景表达了信心。未来市场的增长将主要在亚洲,这次疫情将成为加速亚洲崛起的催化剂。

Mr. Mattia Marino, China CEO of the European House-Ambrosetti expressed confidence on the outlook of Italian companies towards China and Asia. Future market growth will be mostly in Asia, and COVID19 has act as a catalyst in accelerating the uprising of Asia.




Mr. Huang Haizhou, Managing Director of CICC held the view that, in light of the policy responses, the global financial market recovered and functioned fairly well. But the economic recovery this round could take a very long time.




Mr. Shen Jianguang, Vice President of JD.com & Chief Economist of JD Digits said that the digital economy in China will have a very significant growth not only in fighting the pandemic but also in the recovery of the economy.

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