
“巴塞尔艺术博览会是唯一有必要举办的艺博会。”这是一年中会参加12-15个艺术博览会的佩斯画廊总裁Marc Glimcher所说。虽然有些夸张,但毫无疑问的是,巴塞尔艺博会已经成为全球最具声望的博览会。近日,由瑞银集团作为主要合作伙伴的巴塞尔艺博会将于2018年6月14日至17日于巴塞尔举办第49届盛会,汇聚了超过290家世界级画廊参展,展示超过4,000位国际级现代艺术大师及新晋艺术家的作品,并预计将会迎来95000名观众。

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997)

Haystacks, 1968

Oil and Magna on canvas

16 x 24 inches, (40.6 x 61 cm)


Tiger, Tiger, Tiger (2015), Ai Weiwei. Lisson Gallery and neugerriemschneider, price on request. © Ai Weiwei; courtesy the artist, Lisson Gallery and neugerriemschneider, Berlin 艾未未参展作品

Soaring Dribble Glut (1992), Robert Rauschenberg. Pace

2018年巴塞尔艺术展巴塞尔展会将一如既往呈献来自欧洲地区的强大艺廊阵容,同时涵盖来自世界各地的参展艺廊。今年的参展艺廊中,十七间艺廊将首度踏足展会,其中包括来自亚洲的空白空间;以及来自美国的4间全新参展艺廊:Freedman Fitzpatrick、Essex Street、Hosfelt Gallery及Franklin Parrasch Gallery。 12间来自欧洲的艺廊亦将首次踏足展会,包括:Barbara Gross Galerie、Galerie Max Mayer、Richard Saltoun Gallery、Jan Kaps、Sandy Brown、Antoine Levi、mor charpentier、Madragoa、Croy Nielsen、Carlos/Ishikawa、Galerie Lange + Pult及Galerie Bernard Bouche。

展会主要展区艺廊荟萃(Galleries)展区呈献229间世界顶级艺廊的油画、雕塑、绘画、装置艺术、摄影、录像及数码作品。今届展区具有99%的再度申请率,除了强劲的回归艺廊阵容之外,更呈献九间过往曾参展策展专题及艺创宣言展区、今年首次晋身主要展区艺廊荟萃的艺廊,包括:47 Canal、Alexander Gray、Bergamin & Gomide、Casas Riegner、Kadel Willborn、Kate MacGarry、KOW、Mendes Wood DM及东京画廊+ BTAP。这些新入选的艺廊反映了巴塞尔艺术展持续不懈将年轻艺廊及新一代现代艺廊引入主展区的努力,让这些艺廊能够更全面展示它们的项目。

Frontier from the series House Beautiful: The Colonies (1966–72), Martha Rosler. Galerie Nagel Drexler, $25,000 Courtesy Galerie Nagler Draxler; © Martha Rosler

限量编制(Edition)展区将呈献来自印刷及限量作品领域的14间环球顶尖艺廊,其中包括:Brooke Alexander, Inc.、Niels Borch Jensen Gallery and Editions、Alan Cristea Gallery、mfc – michèle didier、Atelier-Editions Fanal、Gemini GEL、Sabine Knust、Lelong Editions、Carolina Nitsch、Paragon、Polígrafa Obra Gràfica、Susan Sheehan Gallery、新加坡泰勒版画院及Two Palms。除了在展位中的展览外,Alan Cristea Gallery更获选在焦点之作(Spotlight)呈献由Jan Dibbets(生于1941年)创作的《Land 0˚ – 135˚ and Sea 0˚ – 135˚》(2009年),在面向Rundhof的墙壁上展出并作为展区的一部份。

今年策展专题(Feature)展区甄选32个呈献历史及当代艺术家精心策展的项目,今届展区欢迎七间首次参展巴塞尔展会的艺廊,包括:Barbara Gross Galerie、Galerie Max Mayer、Richard Saltoun Gallery、Galerie Lange + Pult、Galerie Bernard Bouche、Hosfelt Gallery及Franklin Parrasch Gallery。来自策展专题的精选项目包括2017年透纳奖得奖者Lubaina Himid(生于1954年)的作品,由Hollybush Gardens展出,深入剖析艺术家对油画创作具实验性、玩味及政治性的取向。Richard Saltoun Gallery将呈献英国艺术家Helen Chadwick(生于1953年,殁于1996年)的六幅关键作品,艺术家将概念性表演艺术与女权主义思想交汇,体现出独特而多学科的艺术实践,刻划了1980年代英国的时代精神。 Galleria Lorcan O’Neill Roma将展出Rachel Whiteread(生于1963年)的罕见作品,包括了五个标志性的「书架」(Bookshelf)雕塑,作品体现了她对回忆的深入探索,并与她于1993年创作的开创性作品《House》(1993年)及《Vienna Holocaust Memorial》(2000年)。

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) Head – Yellow and Black, 1962 Oil on canvas

48 x 48 inches, (122 x 122 cm)

艺创宣言(Statements)展区呈献18个由新晋艺术家创作令人期待的个展,将有10间艺廊首次参展:空白空间、Jan Kaps、Sandy Brown、Antoine Levi、mor charpentier、Madragoa、Freedman Fitzpatrick、 Croy Nielsen、Carlos/Ishikawa以及Essex Street。艺创宣言中有多个项目回应着社会政治议题:Deborah Schamoni将会展出由Flaka Haliti(生于1982年)创作的艺术装置,装置中机械人的组件都是在科索沃维和部队军营拾获的;Antoine Levi将呈献Alina Chaiderov(生于1984)的《Ark》,该作品暗喻创作者在1990年由祖国俄罗斯流亡到瑞典的旅程;mor Charpentier将会呈献Lawrence Abu Hamdan(生于1985年)的新作,作品由视频装置以及一幅「有声」画组成,而画中呈现的互动式录像及录音都在位于戈兰高地(Golan Heights)的以色列与叙利亚接壤边境制作而成;JTT将于其展览空间展出由Doreen Garner(生于1986年)创作的大型肉架式装置作品,旨在反映十九世纪中期美国在黑人女奴身上进行的种种医学实验;Experimenter将会呈献Rathin Barman(生于1981年)的一系列全新雕塑,艺术家利用各式建筑结构探索加尔各答移民的历史。

Messe Basel Halle

另外,巴塞尔艺术展备受关注的意象无限(Unlimited)展区今年将展出合共71件来自参展艺廊的大型艺术作品。华盛顿特区的赫希洪博物馆和雕塑园总策展人Gianni Jetzer将连续第七年为本展区策展。展区作品内容广泛,囊括了从具有重大历史意义的作品到专为巴塞尔艺术展而创作的作品,其中来自中国的参展艺术家喻红将在此展区用大型油画描绘了一个在现代中国艺术史和中国共产主义叙事中被广泛引用的著名中国寓言故事。


Georg Baselitz (b. 1938)

Frau am Strand, 1981 Oil on canvas

78 ¾ x 98 7/16 inches, (200 x 250 cm)

Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960–1988)

Untitled, 1982 Oilstick on paper

30 x 21 15/16 inches, (76.2 x 55.7 cm)

Franz Kline (1910-1962)

Elizabeth, 1958 Oil on canvas

67 x 72 inches, (170.2 x 182.9 cm)

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997)

Modern Painting, 1962 Oil and Magna on canvas

24 x 36 inches, (61 x 91.4 cm)

Joe Bradley Untitled, 2018 Oil on canvas

58×51 1/16 x 1inches, (147.6 x 129.7 x 4.1 cm)

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) Bananas and Grapefruit I, 1972 Oil and Magna on canvas

20 x 28 inches, (50.8 x 71.1 cm)

Glenn Brown (b. 1966)

Hot Love, 2017 Oil on panel

49 3/16 x 43 5/16 xinches (125 x 110 x 2.2 cm)

Rene Magritte (TKTK)

Le Démon de la Perversité (ou L’Ombre Monumentale), 1929 Oil on cardboard

10x 13 ¾ inches, (27 x 35 cm)

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

L’Atelier, 1955 Oil on canvas

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Homme, July 20, 1958 Bronze

22 x 7 ¾ x 5 1/2 inches, (55.9 x 19.7 x 14 cm)

Edition of 2

John Currin (TKTK) Loaf of Bread, 2018 Oil on canvas

42 x 34 inches, (106.7 x 86.4 cm)

Willem de Kooning (1904–1997)

Untitled [Man and Woman], c. 1947 – 1948

Oil, enamel, graphite, charcoal and Plaster of Paris on paper, mounted on fiberboard 21 9/16 x 16 ¾ inches, (54.8 x 42.5 cm)

Mark Rothko (1903-1970) No.6/Sienna, Orange on Wine, 1962 Oil on canvas

69 ¼ x 66 inches (175.9 x 167.6 cm)

Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)

Bäume im Feld (Trees in Field), 1988 Oil on canvas

32 1/2 x 44 inches (82.6 x 111.8 cm)

Richard Prince (b. 1949) Untitled (Cowboy), 2016 C-print

60 x 55inches, (152.4 x 141.3 cm)

Edition 1 of 2, plus 1 AP

Richard Prince (b. 1949) Untitled (Cowboy), 2012 Inkjet and acrylic on canvas

30 x 18 1/16 inches, (76.5 x 45.9 cm)

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Tête d’Homme Barbu, 1964 Colored wax crayon on paper

25 ¾ x 19 ¾ inches, (65.4 x 50.2 cm)

Edward Ruscha (b. 1937) Anchor Stuck in Sand, 1990 Acrylic on canvas

60 ¼ x 112 ¼ inches, (153 x 285.1 cm)

Richard Serra (b. 1938)

Untitled, 1972

Charcoal and paintstick on paper 37x 50 inches, (96.2 x 127 cm)

Richard Serra (b. 1938)

July #6, 2011

Paintstick on handmade paper 40 x 31 ¼ inches, (101.6 x 79.4 cm)

Rudolf Stingel (b. 1956)

Untitled, 2012,

Electroformed copper, plated nickel and gold, on stainless steel frame; in four parts 94 1/2 x 94 1/2 inches, (240 x 240 cm)

Rudolf Stingel (b. 1956)

Untitled, 2011,

Oil and enamel on canvas

95 x 76 inches, (241.3 x 193cm)

Christopher Wool (b. 1955)

Untitled, 2005

Enamel and silkscreen ink on linen 108 x 72 inches, (274.3 x 182.9 cm)

Tom Wesselmann (1931–2004)

Still Life #44, 1964

Printed paper and Liquitex matte varnish on fiberboard, with plexiglass overlay 48 x 48 inches, (121.9 x 121.9 cm)

Andy Warhol (1928 – 1987)

Four Multicolored Marilyns (Reversal series), 1979–1986 Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas

36 ¼ x 28 inches, (92.1 x 71.1 cm)

Mark Tansey (b. 1949)

Portage, 1999 Oil on canvas

56 x 48 inches, (142.2 x 121.9 cm)

Urs Fischer (b. 1973)

Hocus Pocus, 2017

Aluminum panel, aramid honeycomb, two-component polyurethane adhesive, two-component epoxy primer, galvanized steel rivet nuts, acrylic primer, gesso, acrylic silkscreen medium, acrylic paint

Ellen Gallagher (TKTK)

Watery Ecstatic, 2018

Watercolor, oil, pencil, varnish and cut paper on paper 29 1/2 x 39inches, (75 x 100 cm)

Andreas Gursky (b. 1955)

Rhein II, 1999 C-print

Framed: 81 x 140 inches, (205.7 x 355.6 cm)

Edition 6 of 6

Andreas Gursky (b. 1955) Pyongyang VI, 2007/2017 Diasec-mounted C-print

115 1/16 x 83 15/16 inches, (292.2 x 213.2 cm)

Edition 2 of 6 plus 2 APs

Damien Hirst (b. 1965)

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, 2005

Glass, stainless steel, steel, aluminium, nickel, bismuth and cast resin, coloured plaster and painted pills with dry transfers 51 3/16 x 74 13/16 x 4 inches (130 x 190 x 10.2 cm)