

Heatherwick Studio unveils tower of hanging gardens in Singapore


位于新加坡乌节路(Orchard Road)附近、属于太古地产(Swire Properties)承包的项目,这座104.5米高的塔楼即将落成,它将提供20间豪华公寓,并实现“城市公寓生活与大自然融为一体”。



Heatherwick Studio has revealed the first images of EDEN, a new residential tower in Singapore featuring a series of lush hanging gardens – the practice’s first residential project in Asia

The 104.5m tower for Swire Properties, nearing completion in the city-state’s Orchard Road neighbourhood, will provide 20 luxury apartments which ’entwine nature with city apartment living’.

To be called EDEN, the scheme resembles a spine, with its simple vertical rectilinear planes and slim windows, and generous garden balconies in between.

The building features ’unconventional’ concrete walls moulded with a topographical map of Singapore’s terrain which has been abstracted to create a three-dimensional texture.

Heatherwick工作室表示,该方案中的空中花园是连接室内和室内、城市与自然生活的空间载体,而这一设计亦回应了新加坡首任总理李光耀提出的 “花园中的城市”的最初愿景。


Heatherwick工作室的创始人Thomas Heatherwick说:“和全球绝大多数城市一样,新加坡的天际线布满着钢和玻璃的棱角。我们希望创造一些独特的东西,能代表新加坡‘花园中的城市’的设计,为此,通过与太古地产的合作,希望这栋住宅楼能唤起每个家庭对于花园的渴望。”



除了太古地产的住宅项目,工作室目前还与KPF合作,为新加坡樟宜机场(Changi Airport)建设一个新的航站楼。


Heatherwick Studio said the scheme responds to the first prime minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew’s original vision of a ‘city in a garden’ by providing a series of hanging gardens which connect the interior living space with the outdoors.

The decision to create a garden for each flat was inspired by the ’disconnection’ between Singapore’s high-rise apartments and the lush greenery at street level.

Thomas Heatherwick, founder of Heatherwick Studio, said: ’Like most global cities, Singapore’s skyline is filled with angular steel and glass towers. With Swire Properties we wanted to create something distinctive that represents Singapore as a city in a garden, and recreate the verdant backyard access once ubiquitous across homes here.

’Instead of glass-clad edifices with token balconies, each home within EDEN will have a lush garden right at the doorstep with organic and generous living spaces achieved by breaking up the traditional boxy floorplate.’

The studio’s first project in Singapore, the Learning Hub (now known as The Hive) at Nanyang Technological University, opened in February 2015.

In addition to the residential project for Swire Properties, the studio is also currently working on a new terminal for Singapore’s Changi Airport with KPF.

The practice said the EDEN tower was due to complete by the end of 2019.

