



  • 印度尼西亚共和国驻新加坡大使 Suryo Pratomo
  • 印度尼西亚共和国贸易部国家出口发展司司长 Dr Kasan
  • 新加坡珠宝协会会长 Ho Nai Chuen
  • 会议及展览管理服务有限公司执行董事 Judy Lee
  • Sarine集团东南亚、韩国及中国台湾地区业务部总监 Nicholas Chua
  • 印度尼西亚珠宝加工商协会主席 Eddy Susanto Yahya
  • 印度尼西亚驻新加坡大使馆贸易随员 Rumaksono

Sarine东南亚、韩国及中国台湾地区商务拓展总监蔡昇旺(Nicholas Chua)作为Sarine集团代表出席研讨会,并以“新珠宝十年浪潮”作主题进行了发言。



蔡昇旺(Nicholas Chua)









过去两年,Sarine将人工智能技术应用于钻石4C分级,这使Sarine成为钻石实验室服务技术领域的领导者。今天,新生代的消费者会关注数据来源和类型的可靠性,是否满足他们在购买商品时的可视化需求。如,Tiffany & Co.已经采用Sarine的人工智能4C分级技术,我们也相信这个合作将帮助他们的零售业务在正确的道路上蓬勃发展。



Embracing wisdom along the Journey


It was not long ago that I was invited by Trade Attaché Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Singapore as one of the speakers of the webinar on the 15th Dec 2020. It is an honor to represent Sarine Technologies to speak at this platform about South East Asia and Taiwan region’s new Jewellery decade wave.

Jewellery industry players have been navigating on the rocky ride since few years ago. Everyone understands about the important of technology innovation and digitalization. However, there is slow pace in the process of transition for most of us to realize. With the pandemic present since end of last year, this has suddenly enhanced the progression of transformation of digitalization in most aspect of our life. Jewellery industry has no exception.

From changes in adopting digital tender rough buying to automated grading of diamond, jewelry industry community is progressively building up adaptive capacity in order to face new challenges and overcome obstacles. The signal of this change is inevitable.

The outlook of the diamond pipeline gain notice of carrying heavy rate on much complexity of activities happening in each segment. Ultimately, Sarine Technologies has been providing solutions for each segment that will foresee the impact of demand in near future. The question is how well each segment utilizes the advancement of technology in order to move forward leaving each proven footprint on success journey.

Diamond journey and artificial intelligence on 4Cs grading are two great examples with least human intervention in achieving verifiable and accurate data. Block chain enables traceability? How do we connect the physical diamond and the digital? We have known about traceability with declaration, warrant and so on. However, it has shown lack of confidence and element of self-praise among retailers with such data presented to consumers. Hence, each process from mining, cutting, polishing and certification of stones is crucial. It is needed to be verified using machines and uploaded in the cloud system. It is all boil down to the necessity to ensure the data provided to consumers are authentic.

Manufacturers and traders are constantly engaging with reliable technology firm in order to improve productivity. With automated manufacturing in place by stages, it will empower skills workers to handle highly innovated machines in diamond industry. This will increase the level efficacy of manufacturers in order to resolve the issue of unneeded stockpiling up along the pipeline.

The success launch of AI in 4Cs in the past 2 years ago has place Sarine Technologies as leader in laboratory field for concrete reason. Today, educated consumers are aware and concern about reliable source and type of data which cater them sense of visualization when viewing their targeted purchase. For instant, Tiffany & Co collaborate with Sarine Technologies for AI in 4Cs which will help their retail sector prosper in the right path.

Retailers need to understand the industry heading direction. The right decision and adaptation they made this decade eventually will lead them to embark in whole new exciting experience which they never imagine before. It is also regard as retailers building their credibility through technology and eventually changing consumers’ behaviour prepositions.

Sarine Technologies is torching the flames for diamond industry in reimagine way that full of strength. We do believe that technology bringing the quality vision of appealing eyes that danced with merriment from the consumers. This will be an inspiring momentum that will create the gaining edge opportunities for every crisis that lies ahead of us.

Happy New Year 2021.

Thank you.

Nicholas Chua







