
Recently, we discussed how the Cayman Islands is a great place to open an offshore company. Aside from that territory, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) is also a beneficial place to open an offshore company.


According to TMF’s Global Business Complexity Index (GBCI), in 2021 the BVI was the sixth least complex jurisdiction among 77 jurisdictions to open an offshore company in. The mandatory involvement of an agent to register with the authorities makes the BVI a slightly more complicated place to operate in, compared to the Cayman Islands.

根据 TMF 的全球商业复杂性指数 (GBCI),在 2021 年,按照复杂程度从低到高排名,BVI 是在 77 个设立离岸公司的司法管辖区中排名第六。需要代理人在当局注册的强制性规定,让BVI相对比开曼岛而言,成为了一个稍微复杂的经营地点。

However, the BVI’s popularity in being one of the first choices for incorporation has not decreased. There were a total of 36,178 new companies opened in the BVI last year (BVI Company Search).

然而,BVI作为首选注册地之一,它的受欢迎程度并没有降低。去年共有 36,178 家新公司在BVI开业(BVI公司搜索)。

Why the British Virgin Islands?


· Tax-neutral jurisdiction: There is no corporate income tax or capital gains in the BVI. It is also tax-free to transact stamp duty, like the transfer of assets, shares, or other securities.

税收中立管辖区:BVI没有企业所得税或资本收益。 对于交易印花税也是免除征税的,例如资产、股票或其他证券的转让。

· No director residency requirements: Many countries around the world require at least one director of the company to be a local resident or require the majority of members of the Board of Directors to be local residents. There are no such residency requirements for the director of the company in the BVI, so the company does not have to appoint a nominee director.


· Limited maintenance: Every BVI company is required to maintain an accounting record of each transaction for at least five years. However, an annual statutory report in financial statements is not required to be filed, nor is an audit required.

省心的维护:每家 BVI 公司都必须将每笔交易的会计记录保存至少五年, 但是不需要提交财务报表中的年度法定报告,也不需要进行审计。

· Confidentiality: While it is mandatory to register the directors to the Registrar, the file will not be public, providing privacy to investors.


· Speedy incorporation: When all correct information and forms are submitted, the time to obtain the Certification of Incorporation could be as short as two working days.


· No minimum capital requirement: There is no requirement for any monetary investment at the time of incorporation. Additionally, there isn’t a minimum share equity investment required for the company’s capital – the company can issue shares with or without par value.

没有最低资本要求:在公司成立时没有任何货币投资要求。 此外,公司资本没有最低股权投资要求——公司可以发行有或没有面值的股票。


What Do You Need for Incorporation?


· Memorandum and Articles of Association·


· Certified individual shareholders’ and Directors’ address proof and passport


· Certified corporate shareholders’ certificate of Incorporation, register of directors, and register of shareholders


· A reserved company name: words like “Bank,” “Trust,” “Insurance,” or “Fund” cannot be used unless there is a license or prior written consent from the Financial Services Commission


· A registered agent who is located in the BVI


· A registered office maintained by the company’s staff and the registered agent


· A corporate bank account: We have more details about the bank account opening below


· After the application, the next steps are obtaining the Certification of Incorporation, preparing and signing the activation document of the new company, and preparing the whole set of the company kit.


Want to incorporate in the British Virgin Islands? CanCan can help. We are experienced in incorporating any type of company while being in compliance with the BVI regulations.

想在英属维尔京群岛注册? CanCan 可以提供帮助。 在遵守 BVI 法规的同时,我们在合并任何类型的公司方面经验丰富。


A bank account is also crucial for incorporation. As the BVI is not a financial hub like Hong Kong or Singapore, the local banks do not really tailor their services to international businesses or require a face-to-face meeting at the bank to open an account. As of December 2021, there are only eight banks in the BVI (flatbkny). A corporate bank account is allowed to be opened from another jurisdiction, making it a better option for people who open an offshore company in the BVI, as they are likely to be located outside of the BVI.

银行账户对于公司注册也很重要。 由于BVI不像香港或新加坡那样是金融中心,当地银行并没有真正为国际企业量身定制服务,也不需要在银行面对面地进行开户。 截至 2021 年 12 月,BVI (flatbkny) 只有八家银行。BVI允许在另一个司法管辖区开设公司银行账户,这对于想在BVI开设离岸公司的人来说是一个更好的选择,因为他们的公司可能并不位于BVI。

The documents you generally need to open a bank account:


· Bank account application form


· Certified copies of identification for all directors and shareholders that include passport and proof of address


· Certificate of Incorporation


· Memorandum and Articles of Association


· The company’s good standing status certification


· Business plan


Want to open a bank account for your BVI offshore company? CanCan can help. We are experienced in opening bank accounts for offshore companies.

想为您的 BVI 离岸公司开设银行账户? CanCan 可以为您提供帮助。 我们在为离岸公司开设银行账户方面有非常丰富的经验。