



“MS X-Press Pearl”号,一艘在新加坡注册的货轮,于5月15日从印度出发,5月20日抵达科伦坡港附近时发出火警求救信号。



A cargo ship carrying tonnes of chemicals sank off Sri Lanka’s west coast, its navy said on Wednesday, and tonnes of plastic pellets have fouled the country’s rich fishing waters in one of its worst-ever marine disasters.

The government on Wednesday suspended fishing along an 80-km (50-mile) stretch of the island’s coastline, affecting 5,600 fishing boats, and hundreds of soldiers have been deployed to clean affected beaches.

The Singapore-registered MV X-Press Pearl, carrying 1,486 containers, including 25 tonnes of nitric acid along with other chemicals and cosmetics, was anchored off Sri Lanka’s west coast when a fire erupted onboard after an explosion on May 20.

Flaming containers laden with chemicals tumbled into the sea from the ship’s deck as emergency crews sought to contain the blaze over the ensuing two weeks.



An officer from the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency collects samples of a cargo container that spilled from the MV X-Press Pearl container ship which caught fire off the Colombo Harbor, on a beach in Ja-Ela, Sri Lanka, May 26, 2021. /Reuters


在过去的几天里,斯里兰卡政府已经部署了超过1000 人来清理受到污染的海滩。当地居民被告知不要接触任何动物尸体,因为可能含有剧毒。火灾现场方圆80公里范围内已禁止捕鱼,5600艘渔船的作业将受到影响。

The Marine Environment Protection Authority said that the burning of the X Press Pearl vessel had caused a massive environmental disaster as beaches from the southern coast to the western coast had been damaged due to the debris which was washed ashore.

The government said a large number of marine life had been killed as a result of the pollution caused by the fire while the Fisheries Department has imposed a temporary ban on fishing from the southern coast to the western coast.

Over 1,000 people have been deployed to clean up the damaged beaches in the past days and people have been warned not to touch any of the debris as it could be harmful.



The craft began to sink early on Wednesday, and a salvage crew tried to tow the vessel to deeper water away from the coast, Fisheries Minister Kanchana Wijesekera said in a tweet, but the attempt was abandoned after several hours.

“The towing of the fire-engulfed X-Press Pearl ship was stopped due to the rear end of the vessel hitting the sea bed,” navy spokesman Captain Indika de Silva told Reuters.

Photos taken by the country’s air force showed the charred wreck of the ship spewing white smoke as it listed to the right and began sinking, and part of it soon touched the seabed, just 22 meters (73 feet) deep in the immediate area.
