
DAY 146


Source: bloombergopinion


Title: Singapore is creating a new work permit to lure foreign talent



If there’s any doubt that Covid is in the rearview mirror for Singapore, set it aside. The country is making new efforts to lure the foreign talent it needs to stay in the game as one of Asia’s preeminent global cities and hubs for business.


The government said it’s overhauling visa rules, establishing a new five-year pass for foreigners earning at least S$30,000 ($21,431) a month that allows them to work at multiple companies and lets dependents seek employment. Requirements to advertise jobs locally before hiring expats will ease.


What had been in question the past few years was how much Singapore really wanted to add more of the world’s best and brightest to its 5.5 million population. Eliminating or smoothing some barriers to immigration will be nice, but it’s going to require a change in attitude, too.



Lure 吸引

Rearview 后视的

Aside 在旁边;在一边

Preeminent 卓越的;超群的

Hub 中心;枢纽

Overhaul 全面改革

Dependent 依赖者;家属

Eliminate 消除

Smooth 抚平;缓和

Barrier 障碍

Top comments:网友热评:

@carsonsugden : Most of the jobs I saw in finance over there require you to know Mandarin and English, sometimes Malay as well, all fluently. It’s understandable but I’m sadly only conversational in Mandarin so I don’t qualify for most positions there. Just a heads up to anyone thinking.

@carsonsugden : 我在那里看到的大多数金融行业的工作都要求你懂普通话和英语,有时也会马来语,并且要求所有这些都很流利。这是可以理解的,但遗憾的是,我只会用普通话交谈,所以我不能胜任那里的大多数职位。提醒大家一下。

@wes_world_wide : Good to see Singapore returning to the policies and outlook that made them such a thriving and dynamic economy.

@wes_world_wide : 很高兴看到新加坡回归使其经济繁荣和充满活力的政策和前景。



Sammi’s murmur:

The Covid is definitely a total reshuffle of the world’s situation, and the whole world wants to find the “opportunity” part of this crisis. Singapore is not only small and easy to adjust its direction, but also able to concentrate on handling affairs. It has a very clear self-positioning and has a stable basis for advance and retreat. Had the things go on like this, the world can indeed expect to see an increasingly vibrant Singapore in a few years. In any case, I really hope that everything will return to normal as soon as possible, this is almost the biggest hope at this stage.