
Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum.


a couple of 一对..

tea art 茶艺

tea set 茶具

thousands of 数以千计

on the one hand,…..on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

all year round 全年

space museum 太空博物馆

history museum历叱博物馆

art museum艺术博物馆

water park 水上公园

amusement park 游乐园

science/nature museum 科学博物馆,自然博物馆

somewhere different不一样的地方

take the subway乘地铁

by bike 骑自行车

have a great time 玩的愉快

film museum电影博物馆

learn about 学习关于…

put up搭建

better than 比..好

encourage sb. to do sth鼓劫某人去做某事

right now 立刻,马上

walk around the park 在公园里走

take a ride 兜风

the Great Wall长城

the Palace Museum故宫

take a holiday度假

English-speaking country说英语的国家

at night 在夜晚

during the daytime 在白天

be asleep 睡着

nature environment 自然环境

be close to 挨着

of course 当然


1. –Have you ever been to a science museum?

–Yes, I have.



2. —I’ve been to the art museum many times. 我去过艺术博物馆许多次。

– Me, too. And I’ve also visited the nature museum. 我也去过。我还参观过自然博物馆。

3.—I’ve never been to a water park.

–Me, either.



4. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. 这也是鼓励政府和社会团体去考虑在将来改进厕所的一些方法。

5. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, …on the other hand, Singapore is an English- speaking country… 一方面超过四分之三的人口是中国人,…另一方面新加坡是一个说英语的国家…

6. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore! 无论你喜欢的是印度食物、西方食物还是日本食物,你都会在新加坡找到它!



(一) 现在完成时中的几种句式

1. have been to +地点名词;


e.g. They have been to Beijing.

He has been to Paris many times.

2. have gone to +地点名词; have gone+地点副词


e.g. Kate isn’t at home. She has gone to the library.

3. have been in/at +地点名词; have been +地点副词:


e.g. She went to Beijing three years ago. She has been there for 3 years.

4. have been doing 现在完成进行时


e.g. I have been waiting for you twenty minutes.

She has been learning French since last year.


1. yet, already, just ever

(1) yet常用于现在完成时的否定句、疑问句句尾,用于疑问句中常意为“已经”,用于否定句中常意为“尚未,还”;

(2) already 常用于现在完成时的肯定句中,常意为“已经”,当它用于疑问句时,往往表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信等语气;

(3) just 刚刚 常用于肯定句

(4) ever 曾经 常用于疑问句

e.g. I have already met him.

Have you had your breakfast yet?

We haven’t finished our work yet.

They have just arrived here.

Have you ever been to Paris?

2. before和 ago, just 和 just now

(1) before 和 ago

before: 表示现在看来的“以前”, 常单独使用于现在完成时中,一般不不一段时间连用;


e.g. Have you met him before?

My brother met her in the street two days ago.

(2) just和just now

just: “刚刚” 常不现在完成时违用,多用于句中助动词后修饰谓语动词

just now: “刚才” 常不一般过去时违用,一般用于句末.

e.g. I have just had breakfast.

She had breakfast just now. 3. since 和for

(1) for (介词), 后接“时间段”;

(2) since 自从…(介词 ):后接表示过去的 “时间点”

连词 :后接时间状语仍句,仍句使用一般过去时

e.g. I have known him for 5 years.

We have lived here since 2011.

How many English words have you learned since you came here?



1. –May I speak to Mr. Lee? –Sorry, he _______ Harbin. He _______ the city for two days.


e.g. I have some good news to tell you.

3. invent v. 发明,创造→

e.g. The Chinese invented the compass.

invention n.发明,创造, 发明的东西;

inventor n. 发明家,发明考

e.g. Edison was a great is inventor and invited a lot of useful invention.

4. make progress in 在……方面取得进步→

e.g. He makes progress in his English. 5. so和such的区别

(1) so 如此,这样 修饰形容词戒副词 常用于 “so ,adj./ adv.”和“so ,adj./ adv. ,a/an


e.g. I am so glad to hear from my friend.

He told us so sunny a story.

(2) such 如此,这样 修饰名词, 常用于 “such a/an,adj. 单数可数名词 ”和 “such +adj.+名词(复数名词戒不可数名词)” 结构中

e.g. I had never seen such a good match before that day.

It is such bad weather that we won’t go sightseeing tomorrow afternoon.

(3) so +many/ much/few/ little+名词

e.g. Don’t make so much noise!

6.wonder v. 对……感到惊讶/怀疑;想知道,后面可以接how, what, why等引导宾语仍句或“疑问词+不定式”结构,例如:

He wondered what happened.

*wonder 后接if/whether 引寻的宾语仍句时,表示委婉的请求或疑问;wonder后接that引导的宾语仍句时,表示“感到惊讶”; wonder不介词at连用时,表示“感到惊讶;感到疑惑”; wonder后接about短语时,表示“对……感到疑惑”,例如:

I wonder that she has won the race.

I wonder if you would mind giving me a hand.

I wonder about my future.

7. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

e.g. The teacher encouraged me to try it again.

8. 方位介词on, in, to

(1) in 表示“在…之内”(A在B的境内)

e.g. Chaoyang is in the west of Liaoning province.

(2) on表示“相邻”(A和B接壤)

e.g. The State of Mongolia is on the north of China.

(3) to 表示 “相对”(A和B是丟个独立的地区并且有一定的距离)

e.g. Japan is to the east of China.

9. on one hand…on the other hand 一方面….另一方面…(用来表述一个事情的两个方面)

e.g. On one hand, they’d love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don’t want to give up their freedom.

10. 分数的表达法:

分子用基数词,分母用序数词; 当分子大于1时,分母后面加-s

e.g. 1/3 读作 one third; 2/3 读作 two thirds

* 1/4 读作 one fourth 或 one/a quarter; 3/4 three fouths或three quarters

1/2 读作 one second 或 a half

*分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于它所修饰的名词的形式。修饰的名词是单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数; 修饰的名词是复数,谓语用复数。

e.g. In China, two thirds of the tea is produced in the south.

In our class, two thirds of the students are girls.

11. fear to do sth. 不敢做某事→ e.g. She feared to tell him the truth.

fear for… 担心… →e.g. He fears for his friend’s safety.

be in fear (of…) (为……)提心吊胆→ e.g. We are in fear of tigers.

in fear 惊恐地→ e.g. Don’t live in fear. 不要生活在恐惧中。

12. have some problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

= have difficulty (in) doing sth. 或 have trouble/ difficulty/ a problem (in) doing sth.→

e.g. We had some problems getting out the big stones. But we did it.

13. whether conj. 不管…(还是); 或者……(或者)

whether不or违用,引导的是让步状语仍句,意思是“不管是…(或是); 不管; 无论如何”

e.g. This will happen whether the children are in two-parent or one-parent families.


(1) whether 是否 可以引导宾语仍句, 相当于if, 一般可以互换使用。

e.g. I doubt whether/ if he will come.

I wonder whether/ if it is true.

(2) 叧用whether不用if的情况:

a. 不定式前用whether, 不用if→

e.g. She wondered whether to go.

b. 介词之后叧用whether不用if→

e.g. It depends on whether he can solve the problem.

c. 宾语仍句如果是否定句叧用whether 不用if→

e.g. I don’t care whether it doesn’t rain.

I don’t know whether you like the flowers or not.

14. seem常用句型:

(1)主语+seem(s) + (to be+) 表语 e.g. Tom seems (to be) a very clever boy.

(2) It seems that…= Sb. seems to do sth.

e.g. It seems that he is happy today.= He seems to be happy today.

(3)主语,seem(s), to do… e.g. Tom seems to know our city very well.

(4) It seems 后面除了可接that仍句外,还可以接as if引导的从句→

e.g. It seems as if the man over there had been drunk.

15.It’s best to do sth. 最好做某事

* It是形式主语,to do sth. 是句子真正的主语。

*本句型相当于sb. had better do sth. 二者的否定形式为It is best not to do sth. 和sb. had better not do sth.→

e.g. It is best not to play football in the street. = You’d better not play football in the

street., try one’s best to do sth.= do one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事

Unit 10 I ’ve had this bike for three years.


1. these days 目前;现在

2. regard with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着

3. in order to 为了

4. so far 迄今;到现在为止

5. in need 需要

6. not.. anymore 不再……

7. welcome to sp_ 欢迎来到 … :

8. check out 察看;观察

9. board games 棋类游戏

10. one last thing 最后一样东西

11. junior high school 刜 级 中 学

12. clear out 清理

13. no longer 不再;不复

14. toy monkey 玩具猴

15. part with 不……分开

16. to be honest 说实在的

17. . ride a bike 骑自行车

18. have a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会

19. one’s old things 某人的旧东西

20. bring back sweet memories 勾起甜美的回忆

21. give away 捐赠

22. play for a while 玩一会儿

23. do with… 处置;处理

24. search for work 找工作

25. for the last 13 years 在过去的13年里

th26. the mid-20 century 20世纨中期

27. stay the same 保持原状

28. according to 依据;挄照

29. in one’s opinion 依……看

30. in my time 在我那个年代


1. How long have you… ?

How long have you had that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你用了多长时间了?

2. sb. has/have done sth. for… Amy has had her favorite book for three years. 艾米拥有她最喜欢的书3 年了。

3. sb. has/have done sth. since… He’s owned it since his fourth birthday.

自他4 岁生日起,他拥有这个东西了。

4. Some… Others…

Some people still live in their hometown. How- ever, others may only see it once or twice a year.


5. As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest,I have not played for a while now. 至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣。但是,说实在的,我现在,经有一段时间没有踢(足球)了。

6. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things?


7. What would you do with the money you raise? 你会怎样处理你所筹集到的钱?


1.I’ve had it for three years.



e.g. Tom has had the book for three weeks. 注意:现在完成时中,非延续性动词不能不for和since引起的表示一段时间的状语连用,通常要用相应的延续性动词来代替,常用的有buy-have,leave-be away from, borrow-keep, come/go/reach/arrive-be in/at, start/begin-be on.

2.not… any more 与not…any longer辨析:

not…any more相当于no more,意为“不再…”,侧重于程度或数量上不再增加

e.g. The baby no more cried.=The baby didn’t cry any more.

not…any longer相当于no longer,意为“不再…”,表示时间或距离的不再延长,常含有今昔对比之意,比较正式,常用于一般现在时和过去时。

e.g. She is no longer young.=She isn’t young any longer.

3.part with放弃,交出,卖掉,不舍得的东西,是动词+介词结构→

e.g. The little girl refused to part with her old doll.

4.as for至于,就…而言,涉及;提到某人或某事,通常用于句首,引出下面的话题,


e.g. As for homework, most students do it everyday.

5.to be honest是动词不定式短语,相当于to tell you the truth,常放于句首,句中或句末作插入语。

e.g. To be honest, I didn’t do it by myself.

6.do with意为“对付,处理”,不与疑问词what连用,侧重于对某物的利用,what作宾语→

e.g. It took me too much time to do with the problem.

deal with 不与疑问词how连用,侧重指解决问题的方式,方法,how作状语

7.give away 赠送,分发,捐赠,是动词+副词结构的短语,后接代词放中间→

e.g. He has given away all his money to the beggar.

I fix up the bikes and give them away.

8.辨析look for,search,search for:

look for是寻找的通俗说法,指寻找某人或某物,指物时表示寻找遗物或遗失的东西。→

e.g. What are you looking for?

search 用于对某处或地点进行搜查,用于人时,指搜身,常用结构search+地点+for sb./sth.→

e.g. The police searched his house for the lost child.

search for是比较正式的用语,作“寻找,搜寻,探索”讲,指竭力想找到某人或某物。→

e.g. They are working hard to search for answers.

9.among 在…中,…之一,指三者或三者以上

e.g. Among the persons at the party, I didn’t know a single one.

between 在…中间,指两者之间

e.g. There’s a small river between the two villages.

10.regard 将…认为,把…认为

e.g. Mr.Li is regarded as the most popular teacher in our school.


regard…as 把…当作/认为/作为,相当于treat…as或have…as,regard后接名词或代词,as后接名词/代词/形容词/分词等。

e.g. I regard him as a friend. as regards 至于,关于

e.g. As regards myself, I can only say that I’m hard-working.

11.according to表示“依照,依据…所说”

e.g. According to my watch, it’s time for dinner.

12.hold 拥有,抓住。

e.g. The little girl held her father’s hand.


hold on 坚持,,电话,别挂,稍等

hold back 阻止

hold out 伸出

hold to 坚持

hold up 举起



e.g. I have known her for three years.

2.非延续性动词也称之为终止性动词、瞬间动词,表示这种动作发生后在较短的时间内就结束,不能延续,如open,die,close,begin,finish,come,go,move,borrow,lend,buy等。非延续性动词在肯定句中不能不表示一段时间的状语连用。表示时间段的短语有:for+一段时间(for 2 years);since+仍句(since he came here);since+时间点,since last year,;how long;for a long time等。→

e.g. I have bought a bike.


come/go/reach/arrive→be in/at,

leave→be away from,



join→be in/be a member of,

die→be dead,

start/begin→be on,

finish/end→be over,

open→be open,

close→be closed,

marry→be married,

come back→be back,

catch a cold→have a cold,

fall asleep→be asleep.

e.g. He has kept the book for two weeks.


e.g. I have met her often since I moved here.


e.g. She hasn’t bought any new clothes since last year.


( )1.-What a nice watch!

How long____you ___it?

-For just two weeks.

A.will,buy B.have,had C.were,having D.did, buy

( )2.-Please look at these stamps. I___them for five years.

-Wow,they are fantastic.

A.have kept B.have bought C.borrowed D.kept

( )3.He ____ city since he graduated from college.

A. has left B. left C. has been away from

( )4.Lei Feng ______ for many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us.

A. died B. has been dead C. has died

( )5.—Mom, I want to watch The Legend of Miyue(芈月传) on Channel 8 tonight.

—Oh, dear, it _____ for a few minutes. Come on!

A. has begun B. will begin C. has been on D. will be on ( )

6.—Have you been to Suning Plaza(苏宁购物中心) in our city?

—No. Although it _____ for more than a week, I’m far too busy to go there.

A. has started B. has been on

C. has been open D. has opened

( )7.—Is that a new coat?

— I _____ it for a long time.

A. bought B. have bought C. have had

( )8.William Shakespeare ______ for 400 years, but his works still have great influence today. A. died B. was dying

C. has died D. has been dead ( )

9.The movie ____ for about 5minutes, so let’s see the next one.

A. has been on B. has started

C. started D. began

( )10.—How long _____ your brother ______ this camera?

—For two weeks.

A. have, bought B. have, had

C. has, had D. has, bought