HYLA Architects l 新加坡Viewing Back住宅

这座两层砖结构建筑隐藏在低调的花岗岩和玻璃后面,隐藏着迷人的景色。“ Viewing Back”房屋位于一长块土地上,利用房屋的长度突出了其向北的视野。

Nestled behind an unassuming face of granite and glass, this 2-storey brick structure conceals a mesmerising view; offering a glimpse into the garden of Singapore’s former Command House. Situated on a long plot, the “Viewing Back” house capitalises on its length to accentuate its view to the north.


Upon entering, floating timber steps tease at the landscape ahead, framing the corridor of trees that blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor space. Bordered on one side by dark face brick, the foyer is abundant with light, owing to the double-volume void that terminates at an intricate rectilinear screen and pergola.


Stretching across the building, the pattern of vertical and horizontal lines provides privacy and sun shading whilst visually connecting each space to the scenery outside. Unconventionally, the full length living and dining is situated on the second floor, allowing its open plan to free up the space and frame the landscape ahead.


Finished with a modern interior, the contrast between luxurious marble, warm timber and textured brick evoke a timeless and modern atmosphere. Overlooking the stairwell, a glass study and three bedrooms occupy the top floor. As screen transitions from wall to roof, an interplay of shadows dance atop the infinity pool below, overlooking a glass-less window of picturesque nature.

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项目名称:Viewing Back House项目位置:新加坡项目类型:住宅空间/别墅设计完成时间:2019设计公司:HYLA Architects设计团队:Tran Thi Thu Trang, Amanda Tay, Wesley Fong, Chong Wen Jin, Thomas Ong景观设计:Nyee Phoe Flower Garden Pte Ltd室内:Custom joinery designed by HYLA Architects built by Kcf&R Pte Ltd摄影:Derek Swalwell