

A) 谁是公证人?

1. 当你必须提交一份文件、合同或申请时,审批机构通常要求证明你的文件或签名是真实的。一种国际公认的方法是让你的文件得到认证。

2. 你能让你的朋友做证人,把过程录下来,然后把录像发给海外机构吗?你可能坚持你的宠物是你最好的朋友,因为它不会说谎。如果当局仍然相信你没疯这才奇怪。

3. 公证人(Notary Public简称NP)及宣誓官(Commissionerfor Oaths 简称CO)是指经政府执行机构认可并授权,而执行确认、宣誓或保证、见证签名、或核准文件等特定职能的公职人员。当局接受你提交的文件前提是公证认证。

3.1. 如果你向目前所在当地政府提交文件,通常认证需要的是CO。

3.2. 如果你在海外提交文件,海外机构将接受你当地的NP作为你的见证人。就像国际比赛是由官方认可的裁判主持的。

4. 在新加坡,NPs和COs的注册机关是新加坡法律学会(Singapore Academy ofLaw 简称SAL)。大多数NP和COs都是执业律师。但是不是每个律师就是公证员或宣誓官:

4.1. 新加坡执业律师必须具有不少于10年的法律执业经验,并且至少35岁才有资格申请任命为CO。

4.2. 新加坡执业律师必须具有不少于15年的法律执业经验,并且至少40岁才有资格申请任命为NP。

B) 什么是公证?

5. 过去,公证就只需要在NP的办公室签署文件。随着印刷和设计技术的普遍化,伪造NP印章或签名的情况与日俱增。因此大多政府都要求文件被当地大使馆和外交部(简称MFA)认证。

6. 在新加坡公证的文件,SAL也法律强制要求经过NP网上认证。所以目前的公证程序如下:

6.1. 向NP出示你的原始文件和身份证明文件;

6.2. NP见证签署文件;

6.3. NP签署并在文件上盖上NP印章;

6.4. NP通过SAL官方网站认证你的文件,并网上支付SAL认证费(目前为85. 60新元)。付款后,SAL会签发带有二维码的公证书(简称NC),由你的NP打印、签名、盖章并将文件与公证书装订在一起,贴上NP贴纸印章。

6.5. 向SAL申请预约认证;

6.6. 在指定的预约日期时间提交NC原件给SAL。SAL认证后会在你的NC贴上认证纸印章;

6.7. 向MFA申请预约,以提交NC原件(经SAL认证)进行MFA认证;

6.8. 在指定的预约日期时间向MFA提交由SAL认证的原件。支付MFA认证费(目前为10. 00新元)后,MFA官员将在你的NC上签字盖章;

6.9. 向使用国驻新加坡大使馆提交你的NC 。不同的国家有不同的流程和要求。

6.9.1. 提交申请时,需支付大使馆指定费用。大使馆可能会按照你的公民身份以及申请事由(民事或商业事项),收取不同费用;

6.9.2. 大使馆审查你的文件,审批成功,大使馆将在你的NC上贴上贴纸印章。从大使馆收取你的NC时,必须支付大使馆的费用。

7. 公证是境外机构要求的证明。因此无论你的文件在海外是否合法或有效,当地法律不会为你提供任何答案。即使你的文件在当地法律下是有效的,它并不就此符合海外当局的要求。相反,即使该文件可能不符合当地法律,它仍可能被海外当局接受。因此,即使是律师,CO或NP也都不提供任何法律建议。请注意:

7.1. 一些海外机构可能不要求外交部或大使馆认证。

7.2. 一些海外机构可能会接受由CO认证的文件。请务必与海外机构、代理人或律师核实你是否必须进行公证,CO或NP,MFA 或大使馆认证。

C) 什么文件需要公证?

8. 一些涉及公证的常见证明示例如下:

8.1. 同一人声明等;

8.2. 单身声明、未婚、家属或无子女声明等;

8.3. 委托代理人代为办理境外事务的委托书,如出售境外财产、境外诉讼等;

8.4. 放弃继承声明;

8.5. 文件副本认证,例如学位、文凭、身份证明文件、护照、业务概况、公司决议的经核证的真实副本;

8.6. 合同公证,例如在海外出售或购买房产;

8.7. 支持申请或法院程序的法定声明或宣誓书;

8.8. 为你的海外财产签署遗嘱,信托。

D) 费用是多少?

9. 公证费由新加坡法律规定。不包含当局收取的任何费用:

9.1. 经核证无误的副本,第一页公证费为10新元,之后每一页为2新元;

9.2. 对于个人,签署文件的公证费为40新元,每份文件的附件为10新元;

9.3. 对于公司代表,签署文件的公证费为150新元,每份文件的附件为10新元。

10. 宣誓官(CO)费用由新加坡法律规定。不包含当局收取的任何费用:

10. 1. 签署文件的费用为25新元,每个文件附件为5新元。

11. 此类费用不包括其他服务,例如翻译、起草、邮资、出勤(当事人无法前往NP办公室签署的情况,例如签署人是老年病患者、残疾人或住院患者)。

12. 目前,新加坡法律不允许通过视频会议进行公证。

E) 其他服务

13. NP通常也提供其他服务。NP享有多年的当地从业经验。因此,即使你可自行办理认证程序,但是NPOffice可以第一时间掌握各认证机构的最新动态,找个精通双语的NP可靠保险,你只需坐在家中等待认证完成。

14. 其他可以办理的事项:

14.1. 警方出具的无犯罪证明。即使你正在北极度假,NP办公室可以代办;

14.2. 为海外财产起草一份简单的遗嘱;

14.3. 海外财产相关手续;

14.4. 设立公司,分支,或子公司;

14.5. 移民事宜。

15. 最后,是你考虑融入本地社会的时候了。也许有时你的朋友圈和WhatsApp群会帮你答疑解惑。但专业事宜就请NP为你代办吧!

16. 由于2019新冠病毒疫情仍在演变,各部门预约可能需要时间。尽早启动流程,可以把认证文件尽早提交国外机构。

17. 今天就跟我们联系!


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Singapore Law, Notarization

Commissioner for Oaths

A. Who Is A Notary Public?

1. When you have to submit a document, contract or application, the authority or party receiving your application usually requires proof that your document or signature is authentic. An internationally recognized method is for your document to be certified or signing to be witnessed.

2. Could you get your friend to be the witness, video it and send the video to the overseas party or authority? You could insist your pet is your best friend and it does not lie. But it is unlikely that the authority will still believe you are not crazy.

3. A Notary Public (NP) or Commissioner For Oaths (CO) is an official witness. The authority would usually accept your document if it is witnessed or certified by an NP or CO.

3.1. For local authorities, you would usually need a CO.

3.2. If you are submitting a document overseas, the overseas authority would accept your local NP as your witness. It is like international games are presided by officially recognized referees.

4. In Singapore, the authority which appoints NPs and COs is the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL). Most NPs and COs are lawyers in practice. But not all lawyers are NP or CO:

4.1. Singapore practising lawyers must have no fewer than 10 years’ experience in active legal practice and be at least 35 years old to be eligible to apply for appointment as a CO.

4.2. A Singapore practising lawyer must have no fewer than 15 years’ experience in active legal practice and be at least 40 years old to be eligible to apply for appointment as an NP.

B. What Is Notarization?

5. In the past, signing your document in the NP’s office was all that it took to have your document notarized. With increased use and sophistication of printing and design technologies, there have been instances where an NP’s seal or signature was forged. To minimize such risk, authorities require the signature to be legalised by the local embassies and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

6. In Singapore, the Singapore Academy of Law requires all notarized documents to be authenticated by the NP. So today, the process is as follows:

6.1. Present yourself, your original documents and identification documents to the NP;

6.2. Sign your document in the presence of your NP;

6.3. Your NP signs and seal your document;

6.4. Your NP authenticates your document online with the SAL and pays the SAL authentication fee (currently S$85.60). Upon payment the SAL issues the Notarial Certificate with a QR Code. This is printed, signed and sealed by your NP. Your document is bound with the Notarial Certificate (NC);

6.5. Your NP applies to SAL for an appointment to submit the original NC for SAL authentication;

6.6. Your NC is submitted to the SAL at the allotted appointment date time. SAL will affix a stamp onto your NC;

6.7. Your NP applies to the MFA for an appointment to submit the original NC (authenticated by SAL) for legalisation;

6.8. Your NC is submitted to the MFA at the allotted appointment date time. MFA will stamp your NC upon payment of the MFA legalisation fee (currently S$10.00);

6.9. Your NC is submitted to the Embassy. Different countries have different process and requirements.

6.9.1. An admin fee may be payable to the Embassy at the submission. Different fees may apply depending on your Citizenship and whether the application is a civil or commercial matter;

6.9.2. The Embassy will review your documents and if it is approved, the Embassy will affix a stamp onto your NC. Your NC will have to be collected from the Embassy and the applicable legalisation fee paid.

7. Notarization is a certification required by overseas authorities. Accordingly, local laws will not provide you any answer whether your document is lawful or valid overseas. Even if it is valid under local laws, it may not meet the requirements of your overseas authorities. Conversely, even if the document may not conform with local laws, the document may still be good for the overseas authorities. Accordingly, the CO or NP cannot advise you even if they are lawyers. Please note:

7.1. Some overseas authorities may not require legalisation by MFA or even the Embassy.

7.2. Some overseas authorities may accept documents certified by a CO. It is best that you check with your overseas authorities, agents or lawyers whether you must have notarization, if not, whether a CO is acceptable.

C. What Needs To Be Notarized?

8. Some common examples of certifications involving notarization are as follows:

8.1. Declaration of same identities for foreigners who acquired local citizenship;

8.2. Declaration of single status, not married, family relations and/or no children;

8.3. Power of Attorney to appoint a representative to transact matters on your behalf overseas, for example, sale or purchase of your overseas property, overseas litigation;

8.4. Renunciation of inheritance or succession in overseas estates or properties;

8.5. Certification of copies of documents, for example certified true copy of Degrees, Diplomas, Identification Documents, Passports, busines profiles, company resolutions;

8.6. Notarization of contracts, for example sale or purchase of properties overseas;

8.7. Statutory Declarations or affidavits to support applications or court processes;

8.8. Signing your Will for your overseas properties or setting up trusts.

D. What Are The Charges?

9. Notarization fees are fixed by Singapore law. In addition to any fees charged by the authorities:

9.1. For a Certified True Copy, the notarization fee is S$10 for the first page and S$2 each subsequent page;

9.2. For an individual, the notarization fee is S$40 for signing a document and S$10 per annexure to the document;

9.3. For a corporate representative, the notarization fee is S$150 for signing a document and S$10 per annexure to the document.

10. Commissioner for Oaths (CO) fees are fixed by Singapore law. In addition to any fees charged by the authorities:

10.1. For signing, the CO fee is S$25 for signing a document and S$5 per annexure to the document.

11. Such fees do not include other services, for example, translation, drafting, postage, attendance, out of office attendance where the signing cannot be done in the NP Office, for example where the person signing is old sick disabled or hospitalised.

12. Currently, Singapore law does not allow notarization to be conducted by video conferencing.

E. Other Services

13. The NP usually provides other services as the NP would have many years of experience in the local scene. The NP would also be up to date with the latest requirements. So it is best that you approach an NP even though it is possible for you to undertake various parts of the process. The NP however probably does not provide pet grooming.

14. Some other matters which could be handled:

14.1. Certificate of Clearance by the Police to prove that you had no criminal record. This can be done by the NP Office even though you are having a vacation in North Pole;

14.2. Drafting a simple Will for your overseas properties;

14.3. Transferring your properties overseas;

14.4. Incorporating your business companies branches or subsidiaries overseas;

14.5. Immigration matters.

15. At the end of the process, it is also time for you to think about integrating into the local society. Sometimes the best advice is through your Wechat friends and WhatsApp groups. What better way then to get to know your NP first!

16. Because of CoVid-19, the process can take a while. Get in touch with us early and start the process early so that your notarized documents can be submitted early.

17. Get in touch with us today!