The submission by Kengo Kuma & Associates in collaboration with K2LD Architects has been selected as the winner of the international architectural design competition for the Founders’ Memorial. The competition, launched in January 2019, attracted a strong response of 193 submissions from local and foreign firms. From these, five designs were shortlisted by the Jury Panel.

From the five shortlisted designs, the Jury Panel unanimously selected Kengo Kuma
& Associates and K2LD Architects’ submission as the winning design, as it:
• Best captures the intent and objectives of the design brief;
• Responds creatively to the brief and the site;
• Has distinctive architectural, landscaping and place-making characteristics;
• Is practical, economically feasible and financially sustainable;
• Is designed for safety, buildability and ease of maintenance and
• Received positive public feedback at the Founders’ Memorial Design Showcase

All five shortlisted designs were showcased at various locations island wide and online
as part of the Founders’ Memorial Design Showcase, from November to December 2019.
Over 50,000 responses were garnered, and this feedback was provided to the Jury Panel for their consideration in the evaluation of the designs.

Site-specific Design that Complements and Allows for Future Growth

The Jury Panel chose the winning design by Kengo Kuma & Associates and K2LD Architects as it stood out as a site-specific design that best encapsulates the aspirations of the design brief. Its organic form creates a welcome counterpoint to the domes of Gardens by the Bay. It represents a bold and imaginative new type of memorial which rises out of the landscape. Conceptually different from the other shortlisted designs, it emphasizes Singapore as a “City in a Garden” and allows for future growth. More than a singular building, it is a sustainable, environmentally progressive reflection of the ideals of Singapore. In addition, the design has great potential to provide multi-layered experiences for all visitors in its blending of external and internal spaces.

Mr Lee Tzu Yang, Chairman of the Founders’ Memorial Committee, said: “The winning
design is sensitive and functional, and embodies the spirit and values of Singapore’s founding team of leaders. It is a unique design, incorporating landscape and architecture, that brings visitors on a journey of discovery. The jury also noted that the winning design proposal is strong in meeting the required technical and functional criteria – for example, good accessibility and integration with Bay East Garden, connectivity to various transportation nodes, thoughtful layout of spaces and visitor flow, relatively easy to construct and to maintain, and adaptable to future programming and activities.”

According to Mr Kengo Kuma, design lead of the winning team, “Our design concept for the Founders’ Memorial originates from the idea of a path – a journey tracing the legacy of Singapore’s founding leaders. It simultaneously honors the past, and inspires the present and future. The design aims to be a ‘living memorial’, to be owned by each new generation of Singaporeans. There will be ample spaces for the celebration of milestone events, all set against the changing skyline of Singapore.”

Mr Ko Shiou Hee, project architect, said: “The design also features multiple paths
carved out of the architecture and landscape, representing Singapore’s multiculturalism.
These paths merge together in the center of the memorial, celebrating the shared values and ideals that we stand for as a nation. As a Singaporean, I am especially excited to co-lead the project to honor our founding leaders and their values.”

Following the announcement of the winning design, Kengo Kuma & Associates and K2LD Architects will be commissioned to develop the design of the Founders’ Memorial with the National Heritage Board and Gardens by the Bay.

The construction works for the memorial are expected to commence in 2022, and the Founders’ Memorial is expected to be completed by 2027. Public will continue to be consulted in the development of the detailed building design and the formulation of the content and programming concepts over the next few years.

For more information, please click Here.

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