
品牌成立于2015年2月23日,舌尖上的狮城是目前新加坡华人群体中最具影响力的美食和生活信息平台。成立至今,舌尖上的狮城积累微博和微信粉丝数量21万,同时与Weekender本地报纸合作,拥有23万的线下影响力。如今的舌尖开辟了英文平台 Bite of SG, 广受新加坡本地人群体的关注,原创的英文内容关注已经破万。仅仅在狮城本地,舌尖的原创内容就能够拓展到45万的粉丝群体。

Established in February 2015, Bite of SG has become Singapore’s most influential food and lifestyle social media platform with its content in mandarin. Till now, Bite of SG has 210,000 online followers and 230,000 offline local influence. This year, Bite of SG started its English content generation on Facebook and Instagram, garnering an average exposure of 30,000 among the local English-reading audience.  

在这里, 我们品鉴最好的狮城美食,带粉丝体验高品质的生活方式。如今的舌尖,除了原创推荐最新,最热门,最正宗的美食内容,舌尖生活馆为粉丝甄选品酒、插画,烘焙,艺术欣赏等等课程,带你体验生活中的小确幸。 舌尖商城高速邮寄粉丝品质最高的东南亚零食,美食。近期的舌尖,还会推出会员APP,享受美食折扣哟!

At Bite of SG, we taste passionately and live thoughtfully. We curate only the best content and lifestyle for our followers. Besides engaging in creative content generation on the local F&B scene, Bite Lifestyle also provides workshop and courses on floral arrangement, wine tasting, bakery, art appreciation and other valuable experiences; Bite Marketplace delivers to you the most fresh snacks and food across South East Asia to your doorstep. In the short future, Bite of SG will soon have its own VIP mobile APP to provide followers with the best deals in the local food scene!