独家! 8月新加坡雅思写作真题范文(考官亲自示范)

上周在本校考点进行的新加坡考区雅思大作文新题, 独家首发! 我们邀请雅思考官按照标准结构和评分系统给大家示范一篇作文. 文后有精讲, 提炼好词好句, 考鸭们赶快学起来!

IELTS Writing Task 2 (August 24, 2019)

In many countries today, some people living in “Throw-away Society” where things are used for a short time and then throw away. What are the reasons? What problems does it lead to?

当今许多国家, 人们生活在”丢弃型社会”, 东西只被使用很短时间就被丢弃. 原因是什么? 会导致什么问题?



本题是典型的Report报告型(每年10%的概率考到这种题型),话题属于社会+环保类(最近两个月连着考环保和动物保护话题).该题的审题关键就在于能不能理解“Throw-away Society”丢弃型社会的含义.并且注意题目最后一句的要求,一般报告型题目的问题都是原因+解决方案,而该题是原因+影响.同学们注意不要跑题.




One of the most obvious defining features of this modern era is the widespread availability of consumer goods and packaging.  While this phenomenon has vastly improved our quality of life, sadly, more and more of these consumable items have a short usage life and end up being quickly discarded.



the widespread availability of… 某事物普遍的, 广泛的提供

vastly improve 极大的提高

discard 丢弃, 废弃

Sadly, more and more of these consumable items have a short usage life and end up being quickly discarded.

本句用到副词开头的状语提前, 不再都是主语开头, 句式结构变得灵活, 同时用一个sadly巧妙的对前后两句进行转折, 所以大家也要学一学, 转折也不一定很传统死板的用however, 也可以用到sadly, unfortunately等等


The main reason many consumables are used only for a short time is a decrease in the cost of production along with an increase in the speed of production. This means that consumables are getting cheaper to purchase and faster to produce. Thus, it is often more cost-effective and convenient for consumers to discard dirty and/or repair broken products and repurchase rather than repair or clean. This occurs frequently in the case of household appliances, as well as all kinds of electronic equipment and devices used in both homes and businesses. When such products are no longer used for any particular reason, they are simply put in the rubbish.

本段是主体段第一段, 先说明了第一个原因: 丢弃成本太低, 使用速度太快. 辅以有力的支持论据和例子.


cost-effective 省钱的

household appliances 家用电器 (household=family)

When such products are no longer used for any particular reason, they are simply put in the rubbish.

本句采用被动语态, 以这些物品作主语, 这点很重要, 因为本段甚至全篇文章都是主要讲这些物品怎样被处理, 但大多数同学在考虑该句的时候都会习惯性的用人作主语的主动语态, 这样的话句子的焦点就和文章整体不符合了.


Another reason for our ‘throw-away’ society is the ‘modern’ lifestyle lived by many citizens worldwide.  We buy takeaway meals and beverages daily that are routinely served in plastic or paper containers and cups and include eating utensils.  As soon as the meal is eaten, all this packaging is thrown away.

本段说明了丢弃的第二个原因: 当代快节奏的生活方式


Unfortunately, the widespread practice of the constant purchase and disposal of products and materials has resulted in serious environmental problems that are yet to be overcome.

Two of the most concerning issues are firstly, the enormous increase in levels of air and water pollution due to industrial emissions, and secondly, a staggering increase in the amount of rubbish generated globally. 

本段主体段第三段, 从环保的角度解释了问题带来的两个影响: 污染和垃圾量的产生.


the widespread practice of… 普遍的做法

enormous increase 极大的增长 (enormous=huge)

staggering increase 加速的增长 (与上句话中的enormous increase避开了重复, 而用到了转述的手法)

Unfortunately, the widespread practice of the constant purchase and disposal of products and materials has resulted in serious environmental problems that are yet to be overcome.

又是一个状语提前的句型, unfortunately开头就非常明确的表明该段倾向是在谈negative的事物也就是带来的problems.


In conclusion, although many consumer products and materials have made our lives better and are certainly affordable, the practice of using and soon after getting rid of such goods has led to grave environmental issues.

街尾段点题, 收尾呼应, 再次重申了原因和影响. 再次跟大家强调一下结尾段的必要性, 不写结尾分数会很低. 所以合理安排, 留时间写结尾段.


grave environmental issues 严重的环境问题 (不要一提到严重的大家就反复用serious, 像grave, severe都是很好的词)



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