


Good News Before Mid-Autumn Festival

We Won a Metro Line Project in Singapore!


STEC won the J102 contract to design and construct three Jurong Region Line (JRL) stations and signed the contract with Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA) on September 11th. 

新加坡裕廊区域线(Jurong Region Line,缩写为JRL)是新加坡政府规划建造的第七条地铁线,全长24公里。它是一条具有中等运输能力的高架地铁线,将服务于蔡厝港,登加新镇,裕廊西,裕廊工业区,南洋理工大学,以及裕廊东至西海岸地区。

The JRL is an elevated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line which would have 24 kilometers of tracks to serve the western part of Singapore. It reaches north to Choa Chu Kang, south to Jurong Pier, west to Peng Kang Hill and east to Pandan Reservoir and will be the seventh MRT line.


STECS is the main contractor of design and construction for J102. The contract comprises works to design and construct Choa Chu Kang, Choa Chu Kang West and Tengah stations with a 4.3-km viaduct between Choa Chu Kang and Tengah along Choa Chu Kang Ave 3. This includes addition and alteration works to the existing Choa Chu Kang station on the North-South Line, to integrate it with the new JRL station. The contract value is of 465 million Singaporean dollars (around 2.39 billion Chinese Yuan). This project begins in September 2019 and is planned to be completed in March 2026.


The completion of this project will face many challenges including but not limited to the close-to-residential zone location, dense pipe network under the road and heavy traffic on the project site. STECS’ efforts in driving a culture of safety wins reputation in the Singaporean Construction Industry. LTA and Ministry of manpower have awarded STECS many times for placing quality and safety in the first place.  STECS keeps creating new records of accident-free man hours and becomes a model Chinese-funded enterprise and Shanghai state-owned enterprise showing others how to develop successfully in Singapore. This time, STECS will continue to adhere to the concept of safety and excellence in construction, and make all-out efforts in the project. STECS blue would shine a light on Singapore’s infrastructure construction once again.