

新加坡网友Chance Teo的回答

Only children choose to take sides in a fight, while adults value profit.


Taking sides means completely siding with one country and enmity with another. It’s a very old Cold War mentality. Now in the 21st century, we are concerned about the thinking of a community of common destiny. There can be only one winner in the Cold War, but cooperation can achieve win-win results. Countries around the world should strengthen communication and cooperation.


1. Status Quo of Singapore (Geographical advantages)


The geographical environment of a country is the most basic condition for its development. Why has America become the most powerful country in the world? Why has the British Navy been so powerful throughout history? Why has China’s territory barely changed for thousands of years? Why is Russia always on the offensive? Geography plays a very important role in this. The premise of formulating national strategy is the accurate understanding of national geography.


The extremely important geographical position determines the development direction and national strategy of Singapore.


A. Excellent geographical location

A. 优越的地理位置

Located at the intersection of major shipping routes, Singapore is a major logistics hub and conduit for global trade. In the Logistics Performance Index released by the World Bank, Singapore was ranked as the best logistics hub in Asia. Singapore is an ideal place for large logistics companies to operate. Twenty of the world’s top 25 logistics companies have operations in Singapore.


B. Financial center

B. 金融中心

Singapore is also a very strong financial center in Asia, with more than 1,000 financial institutions, taking full advantage of a stable socio-political environment and strong economic fundamentals. Singapore’s banking and finance sector employs 190,000 people and accounts for 12 per cent of its gross domestic product.


The Singapore International Financial Exchange (SIMEX) is Asia’s first financial futures exchange and Singapore’s main wealth management centre. In 2013, SIMEX managed over $1.8 trillion in assets, making it the fastest growing wealth management center in the world.


2 Singapore’s development direction (time advantage and leadership advantage)


The best thing about Singapore is that it has found its own direction and can find different directions at different stages. China has a saying called “time advantage, geographical advantage, leadership advantage”, and Singapore has achieved it. If Singapore’s geographical location is a “geographical advantage”, then Singapore’s leaders are a “leadership advantage” and different historical stages are a “time advantage”.


(A) Export-oriented industries from 1965 to 1975

A. 1965年到1975年的出口导向型产业

Under the guidance of the export-oriented economy, Singapore began to develop labor-intensive industries. Early industries in Singapore were mainly vegetable oil, cosmetics, wigs, mosquito coils, hair creams, etc., and higher value-added industries were ship breaking and scrap steel coils.


In October 1968, Texas Instruments began investing, followed by the National Semiconductor Plant. Then Texas Instruments’ rival Hewlett-Packard decided to start manufacturing in Singapore. Other electronics companies in the United States followed suit. American multinationals have laid the foundation for Singapore’s high-tech electronics industry. The electronics industry not only solved the problem of unemployment, but also enabled Singapore to become a major exporter of electronics in the 1980s.


In 1975, Singapore’s industry overtook trade as the largest component of the economy for the first time.


B. Capital-intensive industries and finance, 1975-1990

B. 1975 – 1990年的资本密集型产业和金融业

After 1975, Singapore focused on the development of capital-intensive industries and finance: petrochemicals, electronics, finance, and real estate. Under the trend of free competition in European and American countries, Singapore developed state capitalism and focused on national priorities. Do you think you know it?


(C) Development of knowledge-intensive industries after 1990

C. 1990年后发展知识密集型产业

After 1990, the service sector became the engine of economic development. Singapore has shifted its focus from manufacturing to major emerging industries such as chemicals, electronics and engineering. The Economic Development Board has also started to develop the biomedical science industry with its leading edge in pharmaceutical biotechnology and medical technology.


Now Singapore has become more developed and beautiful.


All States shall respect the national independence and sovereignty of Singapore


Singapore is an independent country and every country needs to respect the choice of the Government and people of Singapore.


Whether Singapore aligns itself with China or the United States, the end result will not be good.


When Singapore chooses either side, it offends the other side. The United States can provide security for Singapore, and China is Singapore’s largest trading partner. It would be dangerous to fall completely on either side.


Advantages are often disadvantages, and disadvantages sometimes become advantages. Due to its unique geographical location and strong economic strength, Singapore is bound to be exposed to many international influences. Singapore is a multi-ethnic and independent country with its own views and positions, and acts on principle in all circumstances. Therefore, Singapore would do well not to take sides and remain neutral.


At the same time, the key to solving this problem lies not in Singapore, but in China and the United States, and even in the White House. The “magic president” Trump has added a lot of uncertainty and destruction to the world. Forcing any country to take sides will make them uncomfortable. Most importantly, all countries will lose.


Like I said at the beginning, kids pick sides in fights, while adults should weigh pros and cons when doing things.


Finally, I want to say that I like Singaporean stars very much. When we were young, we were very fond of the TV dramas of Consort Kwok and Siu-Jin Cheng. My school days were accompanied by Stefanie’s song, Bless Singapore.



Russian President Vladimir Putin, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha and US Vice President Mike Pence pose for a group photo during the 13th East Asia Summit in Singapore, Nov 15, 2015.


The city-state of Singapore has established itself as a financial, trade and investment hub in Southeast Asia. Singapore is a small territory, so people and businesses must rely on close ties with international companies.


In diplomatic disputes, Singapore has a strong economic incentive to remain neutral and forge friendships with anyone interested in expanding their business in the city-state.


Even if there is a major dispute between Asian countries, Singapore will not take sides unless it is something directly related to them. Therefore, if Japan and South Korea have a disagreement, the Singapore government will urge the international community to ease tensions, but if Malaysia infringes on Singapore’s territorial sovereignty, Singapore will fight back.


Singapore is very proud of its sovereignty and all able-bodied adult males are required to do military service for about two years. They learn to adapt to strict military discipline, stay in shape to maintain combat readiness, and work in a cohesive way with a team of citizens of all backgrounds, rich and poor.


Despite its small size, Singapore can boast of having a strong armed forces that can stand up to adversaries if necessary. Singapore’s independence is deeply rooted in the hearts of its citizens, which allows them to remain neutral without fear of the possible negative consequences of taking such a stance.


As a result, Chinese companies and investors are thriving in Singapore, but Americans enjoy the same privileges. If Singapore takes sides between Beijing and Washington, it will lose out in international deals.


The late Apple founder Steve Jobs was once asked why he never disclosed the political organizations he donated to or told Americans whether he voted Democratic or Republican. He responded that if he disclosed his political leanings, Apple would lose half of its customer base.


That’s a good answer for a businessman. If Jobs had said he was a Republican, Democrats would have boycotted Apple, and vice versa. The same is true of Singapore when it comes to Sino-US diplomatic tussles.


Singapore is a cosmopolitan city-state that welcomes foreign businesses from all over the world. Indians can open a clothing store in the city-state and Pakistani retailers can do the same. Local government officials simply insisted that foreigners remain peaceful and not attack others because of religious, ethnic or racial differences.


Singapore welcomes people of different backgrounds, religions, countries and races to live together in peace, and that is why Singapore is so successful.We can learn about Singapore’s model of diplomatic neutrality through an article from Channel NewsAsia:


According to Channel News Asia, Mr Chan said that looking overseas, as Singapore’s hinterland, it is necessary for us to better connect with the world and access resources and markets.


This means expanding the market portfolio to spread risk and moving beyond the traditional dimensions of air, land and sea connectivity into areas such as data, finance, talent and technology.


He added that as global production and supply chains shift, Singapore must remain agile to adapt to these changes.


Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing explained the city-state’s strict neutrality in May 2018.


Therefore, Singapore should not side with Beijing or Washington, which may be beneficial to many other countries. The city-state could act as a mediator, resolving diplomatic disputes and bringing peace to Asia and the world.



Singapore continues to exist only because it adheres to the global order of the Westphalian system, which is based on territorial sovereignty regardless of its size. In other words, a small country like Singapore cannot exist in an unprincipled world where might makes right. Singapore is divided by treaty, not geography or a long history.


Internationally, Singapore has always been a principled nation, with an extraordinary voice as a small island nation of six million people. We are honest and thoughtful realists with a long-term vision.


Neutrality provides room for diplomatic maneuverability and flexibility. We don’t have to bind our foreign policy strictly to the whims of great powers like America’s Allies. Japan and South Korea have greatly benefited from US protection, but, as President Trump has shown, they could be subject to blackmail. An alliance with any one power could undermine our freedom of action in domestic and foreign policy.


Protecting country has influence over us and can dictate to us. And you don’t want nasty westerners lecturing us on human rights and democracy, do you? Nor do we want to become a vassal state of China and part of the “Greater China region,” as so many sadly misguided ultranationalists believe.


Staying neutral allows us to get the maximum economic and security benefits from both powers. I’ve heard it called “strategic .” In fact, I think a certain amount of U.S.-China competition is good for small countries like ours. The balance of power is a good thing because it creates strategic space for us. Small countries exist in the gap between big countries. When great powers collude, look at the partition of Poland, etc.


Regional considerations: The ASEAN Free Trade Area Treaty prohibits outside powers from interfering in the internal affairs of the region. Traditionally, Indonesia and Malaysia have not been friendly to intervention by outside powers in the region or to our policy of promoting a US military presence


Ethnic sensitivity: alliance with China may destroy the structure of our multicultural and multi-ethnic society, which will also prove that Malaysia and Indonesia suspect that we are the “third China”. China also firmly implements the nonalignment policy. Undoubtedly, the majority of Singapore’s population may be distant relatives in terms of culture and race, but politically, we are a sovereign country. We are not loyal to China and have absolutely no obligation to bow to its interests. Our location is in Southeast Asia, alongside our neighboring countries.
