

1. 新加坡共和国(the Republic of Singapore),简称新加坡,首都新加坡市,实行议会制共和制,货币单位是SGD$。

2. 新加坡属于英美法系。除成文法之外,新加坡也适用不成文法(指英国法、判例和习惯法)及适用伊斯兰法(主要对象是伊斯兰教徒)。[1]

3. 新加坡法院承袭了英国司法法院的传统。新加坡最高法院(the Supreme Court)审理民事和刑事案件,由上诉法院(the Court of Appeal)和高等法院(the High Court)组成。上诉法院主要审理针对高等法院判决上诉的民事和刑事案件。

4. 中国与新加坡的经济往来非常频繁,作者将通过本文对新加坡交易文件中常用的一些审核要点进行梳理,以期和各位读者探讨。


1. 主体使用:中国主体可以使用中国境内主体,也可以使用在香港或新加坡注册的主体,主要考虑是否可以有外币账户;新加坡方一般使用新加坡主体签署。

2. 合同期限:作为委托方(the Client),一般会明确无理由提前至少30天书面通知受托方(the Company)终止合同,合同在30天到期后自动终止。示例:The Client may terminate this Consulting Agreement for any reason, or no reason, upon written notice to the Company at least 30 calendar days in advance of the terminate date.

3.服务范围:一般在合同正文或者附件(Appendix)明确约定服务范围、要求、汇报形式(monthly report in writing and detail the activities)。

4. 声明和保证条款(Representations and Warranties of the Parties):常见条款。需要注意的是在后续终止条款(Termination for cause)中会约定违反声明和保证条款时,另一方有权终止合同(This Agreement may be terminated without prior notice if either party failure to comply with the warranties set forth herein)并且不承担任何违约责任(no compensation or reimbursement shall be due or payable)。

5. 费用条款(Compensation):明确费用详情、invoice(包括invoice’s number/description of the services/final cost)及支付时限等内容。

6. 责任限制(Limitation of Liability):一般方会将自己一方的赔偿上限约定为合同总额并且不承担间接赔偿。示例:The liability of the Party A for damages allegedly incurred by Party B arising out of, or in connection with the Agreement shall be strictly limited to the fees as explicitly set forth herein. In no event Party A be liable for any indirect, incidental or punitive damages arising out of claims made against Party A。

7. 数据保护条款:新加坡于2012年发布了《个人数据保护法案2012》(Personal Data Protection Act 2012,“PDPA”)。需要说明的是,根据PDPA,个人数据(Personal Data)means data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified — (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which the organization has or is likely to have access。如果合同中涉及个人数据披露或涉及个人数据从新加坡跨境传输至中国境内,合同中应明确以下几个内容:(1)仅接收方可以自行对数据进行必要的处理,如果超出范围处理或者转给第三方处理,需要及时取得披露方的同意;(2)接收方需要进行数据接收/处理的整体方案布局(包括技术、物理等条件),以确保数据不被非法窃取或盗用以及意外损失;(3)如果接收方收到数据主体任何通知,应立即通知数据披露方;(4)出现数据泄露应及时通知披露方。

8. 知识产权条款:一般约定根据委托方创作产生的知识产权成果归属于委托方。

9. 法律适用及争议解决:一般约定适用新加坡法律(This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Singapore without regard to its conflict of the laws provisions.);因协议存在、效力、终止、执行产生的争议可以选择由新加坡法院管辖裁决,据调查数据显示[2],新加坡国际仲裁中心被公认为世界上最好的仲裁机构行列,加之考虑到仲裁机构的保密性质较好,所以在一些协议中,当时双方也选择通过新加坡国际仲裁中心进行仲裁解决纠纷(be referred to and finally resolved by Singapore International Arbitration Center “SIAC” in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of Singapore International Arbitration Center “SIAC Rules” for the time being in force)。






Personal Data Protection Act 2012

4) This Act shall not apply in respect of —

(a) personal data about an individual that is contained in a record that has been in existence for at least 100 years; or

(b) personal data about a deceased individual, except that the provisions relating to the disclosure of personal data and section 24 (protection of personal data) shall apply in respect of personal data about an individual who has been dead for 10 years or fewer.

Transfer of personal data outside Singapore

26.—(1) An organization shall not transfer any personal data to a country or territory outside Singapore except in accordance with requirements prescribed under this Act to ensure that organizations provide a standard of protection to personal data so transferred that is comparable to the protection under this Act.

(2) The Commission may, on the application of any organization, by notice in writing exempt the organization from any requirement prescribed pursuant to subsection (1) in respect of any transfer of personal data by that organization.

(3) An exemption under subsection (2) —

(a) may be granted subject to such conditions as the

Commission may specify in writing; and

(b) need not be published in the Gazette and may be revoked at any time by the Commission.

(4) The Commission may at any time add to, vary or revoke any condition imposed under this section.





Singapore Supreme Court


[1]新加坡法律制度概况  张卫平

[2]See ICC, “ICC report confirms Singapore as a leading Asia arbitration hub” (6 June 2016) (online: http://www.iccwbo.org/News/Articles/2016/ICC-report-confirms-Singapore-as-a-leading-Asia-arbitration-hub/); see also White & Case LLP, “The 2010 International Arbitration Survey: Choices of International Arbitration” (2010).