




1•Duly completed Form 14 * and Appendix (VP) signed by the applicant and a local sponsor (the local sponsor must be either a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident above 21 years old) 填14表,并有申请人,本地21岁以上公民或PR的担保人签名

2•Duly completed Form V39i* signed by the local sponsor (Malaysians are not required to complete this form) 本地担保人填V39i表签名

3•Applicant’s travel document (e.g. passport) with at least 6 months validity. A copy of the travel document personal particulars page must be submitted to ICA 申请人还有6月以上有效期的旅行证件(就是护照), 照片页的复印件

4•Applicant’s Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) card with a valid Visit Pass granted on entry into Singapore 入境卡

5•The local sponsor’s Identity Card (a copy of the NRIC must be submitted to ICA) 担保人的身份证和复印件

6•Applicant’s marriage certificate, or if the applicant is divorced, the applicant’s divorce certificate and custody papers of the child (original and photocopy) 申请人结婚证,离婚的要离婚证和和抚养权证明原件和复印件

7•If applicant is the mother: Child’s birth certificate (original and photocopy), passport, Student’s Pass card and Disembarkation/Embarkation card 申请人为母亲: 孩子出生证,护照,学生准证,入境卡

8•If applicant is the grandmother: Grandchild’s and grandchild’s parent’s birth certificates (original and photocopy), grandchild’s passport, Student’s Pass card and Disembarkation/Embarkation card 申请人为祖母: 学生和学生父母的出生证原件和复印件,祖母护照,学生准证和入境卡

9•One recent passport-sized colour photograph (to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14) which meets the following requirements: ◦Image must be taken within the last 3 months

◦Photograph should be in colour, must be taken against a white background with a matt or semi-matt finish

◦Image must show the full face and without headgear (headgear worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide the facial features)



1•Applicant is required to have a valid Visit Pass during the stay in Singapore. 申请人必须有有效签证

2•A Local Sponsor (Singapore Citizen (SC) / Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) / Representative of a Singapore-registered company above 21 years old) is required to be present for the submission of all necessary documents for the application of Long-Term Visit Pass. Incomplete submission of documents will result in non-acceptance of the application at the counter. 担保人必须提供所有必须文件-担保人表上有的

3•Applicant must be in possession of a passport issued solely to the applicant. 申请人必须有唯一的护照

4•The Applicant and the Local Sponsor may be requested to turn up for an interview. 申请人和担保人可能被要求面谈

5•All original documents, submitted in support of the applications, must be presented for verification. Official translation of the documents is required if they are not in the English language. 所有原件要被ICA审核,非英文的必须有官方翻译件(公证)

6•Applicant and the Local Sponsor will have to furnish additional documents and information whenever necessary. 申请人和担保人在有必要时需提供额外文件

7•ICA may share your personal information with other Government agencies to process any applications you have made or to render you a service, so as to serve you in a most efficient and effective way, unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation. 个人信息可能会被ICA共享给其他政府部门

8•If the application is subsequently approved, local sponsor/applicant will receive an In-Principle Approval letter that is valid for 2 months from the date of the letter. 如果申请批准,担保人会收到原则的批准信

9•A medical check-up is required by the Ministry of Health (MOH) for all applications for a Visit Pass of 6 months or more. The applicant will only be informed of the need to go for a medical check-up if approval is granted. This requirement is not applicable to an applicant below 15 years old. 申请批准后,15岁以上需要体检


1.文件要求6和附加说明5, 要求的文件如护照,出生证都有中英文,但结婚证只是中文的,它说的双语公证是中国和新加坡均需要办还是只要有,不管哪边办?如果哪边均可,我倾向于在新加坡办,也建议大家到新加坡办,不想看大陆官员的臭脸。




如果只有student PASS,如何开银行账户?












3. 新加坡开银行户头

拿到学生准证后 直接去银行办理,可供付学费,母亲的可咨询银行,银行肯定会告知详细手续



1. 去ICA 延期30天

2. 事先办好马来西亚签证(一般是3月1次旅游签证,150元),去马来几天玩玩

3. 印尼巴厘岛,中国护照落地签,不错的选择,去找个旅游公司来个3晚左右的行程放松一下



下面回答楼主的问题 ,希望也给大家一个参考:

1.文件要求6和附加说明5, 要求的文件如护照,出生证都有中英文,但结婚证只是中文的,它说的双语公证是中国和新加坡均需要办还是只要有,不管哪边办?如果哪边均可,我倾向于在新加坡办,也建议大家到新加坡办,不想看大陆官员的臭脸。

中国办和新加坡办一样的, 中国去公证处办理, 新加坡的话 可以去大使馆办理公证,或者去高等法院 初级法院做翻译


都可以, 人在中国的话 当然做中国的比较方便, 安全起见 16-20万如果是中国的,应该是母亲名下的存款,有没存入日期的要求?

需要在自己的父母下, 孩子比较下 不能再他的名字下, 半年定期如果是新加坡的,要求多少?

新加坡的也 存差不多16-20万的 RMB的 等值新币就可以

如果只有student PASS,如何开银行账户?

拿到学生准证后 直接去银行办理,



这个问题问题 两个办法

1. 去马来西亚是不行的, 只能去印尼 泰国, 你是旅游签, 在新加坡办不了 马签 除非你在中国办好

2. 去ICA 延期